This project will allow you to convert your OpenAPI endpoints to Frank!Adapter configurations. These adapters can be implemented in your Frank!Framework to gain insight and test your specific endpoints.
You can use this generator by uploading a file or entering a url of an OpenAPI specification in either JSON or YAML and pressing on the button of the desired type of adapter.
To clone the OpenAPI2Frank Adapter, make sure you are in your preferred directory and run the following command:
git clone
To start the application, you can simply run the Spring Boot file
The application has finished starting up when you see this message:
Started OpenapiFrankadapterApplication in X seconds (process running for Y)
You can also run the OpenAPI Adapter in a Docker container. To build the Docker image, run the following command in the root of the project:
docker build -t openapi-frank-generator .
To run the container, run the following command:
docker run -p 8080:8080 openapi-frank-generator
For both instances, you can access the application at:
An online instance of this project can be found at:
The online instance of this project can also be accessed through an API.
To use this API, you can send a POST request to the following endpoint:{option}-{file/url}
participant App/Site
participant OpenapiFrankadapterApplication
participant XMLGenerator
participant AdapterRefs
participant XSDGenerator
participant AdapterExits
participant Handlebars
participant Templates
participant PrettyPrinter
App/Site->>OpenapiFrankadapterApplication: OpenAPI file & option (Receiver/Sender)
Note right of App/Site: User uploads OpenAPI spec and selects adapter type
OpenapiFrankadapterApplication->>XMLGenerator: File containing OpenAPI spec
Note right of OpenapiFrankadapterApplication: Passes the OpenAPI spec to the XML generator
XMLGenerator->>AdapterRefs: OpenAPI spec & Operation
Note right of XMLGenerator: Extracts references from the OpenAPI spec
AdapterRefs->>XSDGenerator: API References
Note right of AdapterRefs: Sends references to XSD generator
destroy XSDGenerator
XSDGenerator->>AdapterRefs: XSD
Note right of XSDGenerator: Returns generated XSD
destroy AdapterRefs
AdapterRefs->>XMLGenerator: XSD
Note right of AdapterRefs: Passes XSD back to XML generator
XMLGenerator->>AdapterExits: Operations (GET, POST etc.)
Note right of XMLGenerator: Extracts operation details
destroy AdapterExits
AdapterExits->>XMLGenerator: List of Response objects
Note right of AdapterExits: Returns list of response objects
XMLGenerator->>Handlebars: Template as String
Note right of XMLGenerator: Loads the appropriate template
destroy Handlebars
Handlebars->>Templates: Compile<br/> Template
Note right of Handlebars: Compiles the template with Handlebars
destroy Templates
Templates->>XMLGenerator: Compiled Template
Note right of Templates: Returns the compiled template
XMLGenerator->>PrettyPrinter: XML String
Note right of XMLGenerator: Sends the XML string for pretty printing
destroy PrettyPrinter
PrettyPrinter->>XMLGenerator: Pretty XML String
Note right of PrettyPrinter: Returns the formatted XML string
destroy XMLGenerator
XMLGenerator->>OpenapiFrankadapterApplication: XML
Note right of XMLGenerator: Returns the final XML
OpenapiFrankadapterApplication->>App/Site: Zip file
Note right of OpenapiFrankadapterApplication: Sends the generated files as a zip