GPU accelerated Comanche style voxel engine using a GLSL shader
Voxel renderers are really cool, and I liked VoxelSpace. But, at least on the web demo, performance was not great. I was getting around 20 FPS. With nearly the same algorithm on my GPU, I get around 500 FPS.
Install LÖVE 11.1
git clone
and cd
into this repo, then run love .
// This function is applied to every pixel on the screen in parallel using your GPU
vec4 effect(vec4 loveColor, Image texture, vec2 texture_coords, vec2 screen_coords) {
// Start at a point close to the camera, move forward checking until you hit something
for (float z = 1; z < drawDistance; z += 0.2) {
// Find the furthest left and right points at the current depth that the camera is able to see
vec2 leftPoint = vec2(-cosPhi * z - sinPhi * z + player.x,
sin(phi) * z - cosPhi * z + player.y);
vec2 rightPoint = vec2(cosPhi * z - sinPhi * z + player.x,
-sin(phi) * z - cosPhi * z + player.y);
// Determine the distance between the left point and the current screen pixel
vec2 delta = (rightPoint - leftPoint) / love_ScreenSize.x * screen_coords.x;
// Get the position in terms of color/height map
vec2 pos = leftPoint + delta;
// Calculate how high this point would be on the screen
float drawHeight = (player.z - Texel(heightMap, pos).r) / z * heightScale + horizon;
// Typically, you would draw a line from drawHeight to the bottom of the screen,
// but we can assume that the pixels below have already been drawn
if (drawHeight < screen_coords.y) {
// Get the color of the current pixel from the colormap
return Texel(colorMap, pos);
return skyColor;
This project is based off of VoxelSpace