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Go package for working with external data sources in a Who's On First context.

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Go package for working with external data sources in a Who's On First context.


Documentation is incomplete.


This packages uses a handful of interface definitions to hide the details of any one external data source. Each external data source provides its own implementation of these interfaces.


Iterators are used to walk (crawl, iterate) a collection of records from an external data source.

type Iterator interface {
	Iterate(context.Context, ...string) iter.Seq2[Record, error]
	Close() error


Records are the common interface for a location defined by an external data source.

type Record interface {
	Id() string
	Name() string
	Placetype() string
	Namespace() string
	Geometry() orb.Geometry
	Properties() map[string]any

If you are reading this then it means this interface stands a good chance of changing still.


Implementations of the above-mention interfaces are available for the following external data sources. Provider-specific implementations are identified by a URI which takes the form of:


Where {PROVIDER} is the unique label (scheme) for the external data source, {DATA_FORMAT} is the data format that the external data is encoded in and {OPTIONAL_PLACETYPE} is an additional per-provider placetype filter.


Implement the go-whosonfirst-external interfaces for Foursquare's Open Source POI dataset.


By default the Foursquare iterator only emits the id, name and geometry (derived from the latitude and longitude) properties. For example:

$> go run cmd/iterate/main.go -iterator-uri 'foursquare://parquet' ~/data/foursquare/parquet/*.parquet

{"properties":{"id":"4878c69f3d6c44dbc55b277e","name":"Huge Brands"},"geometry":[0,0]}
{"properties":{"id":"14f4601b631548f6bb6a9e56","name":"Advance Auto Parts"},"geometry":[0,0]}
{"properties":{"id":"4c913ad8b641236a03b97f79","name":"Richmond Tires - playaz only"},"geometry":[-122.35356862771455,37.95792449892255]}
{"properties":{"id":"9cad9bae8344473ed53e4b10","name":"Safe Harbor Project"},"geometry":[-122.79330140132753,38.56842541968038]}
{"properties":{"id":"e36f619d4357549cb86ba73c","name":"Tesco Chelmsford 2"},"geometry":[0,0]}
{"properties":{"id":"50faaecb460e4ce7e44d5b09","name":"Servicios Marinos del Golfo"},"geometry":[0,0]}
{"properties":{"id":"4b95c216f964a52034b234e3","name":"Cafe Martin"},"geometry":[-122.71260890434607,38.438739037633034]}
... and so on

To export all the properties associated with a Foursquare POI pass the ?properties=all query parameter to the iterator URI. For example:

$>  go run cmd/iterate/main.go -iterator-uri 'foursquare://parquet?properties=all' ~/data/foursquare/parquet/*.parquet | less

{"properties":{"address":"4910 W Amelia Earhart Dr","admin_region":"","category_ids":["52f2ab2ebcbc57f1066b8b28"],"category_labels":["Retail \u003e Print Store"],"country":"US","date_closed":"","date_created":"2020-02-03","date_refreshed":"2023-12-02","facebook_id":0,"id":"4878c69f3d6c44dbc55b277e","instagram":"","locality":"Salt Lake City","name":"Huge Brands","po_box":"","post_town":"","postcode":"84116","region":"UT","tel":"(801) 355-0331","twitter":"","website":""},"geometry":[0,0]}
{"properties":{"address":"Фрунзе Ул., д. 5","admin_region":"","category_ids":["63be6904847c3692a84b9b98"],"category_labels":["Business and Professional Services \u003e Wholesaler"],"country":"RU","date_closed":"","date_created":"2013-10-30","date_refreshed":"2023-12-06","facebook_id":0,"id":"aef27cd85bb544efb68fa03a","instagram":"","locality":"Новосибирск","name":"Альфа","po_box":"","post_town":"","postcode":"630091","region":"Новосибирская область","tel":"","twitter":"","website":""},"geometry":[0,0]}
{"properties":{"address":"Ленинский Пр., 18","admin_region":"","category_ids":[],"category_labels":[],"country":"RU","date_closed":"","date_created":"2023-12-06","date_refreshed":"2023-12-06","facebook_id":0,"id":"16c1ee7ff3e046d162b771fc","instagram":"","locality":"Москва","name":"СТИПЛ","po_box":"","post_town":"","postcode":"119071","region":"Москва","tel":"","twitter":"","website":""},"geometry":[0,0]}
{"properties":{"address":"485 US Highway 1","admin_region":"","category_ids":["63be6904847c3692a84b9be6"],"category_labels":["Retail \u003e Automotive Retail \u003e Car Parts and Accessories"],"country":"US","date_closed":"","date_created":"2021-12-02","date_refreshed":"2023-11-29","facebook_id":0,"id":"14f4601b631548f6bb6a9e56","instagram":"","locality":"Edison","name":"Advance Auto Parts","po_box":"","post_town":"","postcode":"08817","region":"NJ","tel":"(732) 985-3308","twitter":"","website":""},"geometry":[0,0]}
{"properties":{"address":"Aroniju Iela 279","admin_region":"","category_ids":[],"category_labels":[],"country":"","date_closed":"","date_created":"2017-12-05","date_refreshed":"2020-11-22","facebook_id":0,"id":"5a26cf2c9de23b0468340907","instagram":"","locality":"Aizkraukle","name":"Ziemasprieki","po_box":"","post_town":"","postcode":"5101","region":"Aizkraukles novads","tel":"","twitter":"","website":""},"geometry":[0,0]}
{"properties":{"address":"1608 Market Ave","admin_region":"","category_ids":["52f2ab2ebcbc57f1066b8b44"],"category_labels":["Business and Professional Services \u003e Automotive Service \u003e Automotive Repair Shop"],"country":"US","date_closed":"","date_created":"2010-09-15","date_refreshed":"2024-10-15","facebook_id":169088089774148,"id":"4c913ad8b641236a03b97f79","instagram":"","locality":"San Pablo","name":"Richmond Tires - playaz only","po_box":"","post_town":"","postcode":"94806","region":"CA","tel":"(510) 237-2712","twitter":"","website":""},"geometry":[-122.35356862771455,37.95792449892255]}
... and so on


Implement the go-whosonfirst-external interfaces for Overture Data's Places dataset.


By default, the Overture iterator only emits the id, name and geometry Overture Data properties. For example:

$> go run cmd/iterate/main.go -iterator-uri overture://parquet/places ~/data/overture/parquet/*.parquet 
{"properties":{"id":"08ff39bac830c5900361ff7fe23acab8","name":"KK Beauty Shop 2"},"geometry":[-179.13203,-84.5792175]}
{"properties":{"id":"08ff39baeda4a2580336eaa84afac259","name":"Бряг Дуфек"},"geometry":[-179,-84.5]}
{"properties":{"id":"08ff39b25c2a605003370aee0592a959","name":"Capta Art Deals"},"geometry":[-178.3849454,-84.8698703]}
{"properties":{"id":"08ff2a6c6c5008e003dd18787bcac2d1","name":"La Fuente del Negocio"},"geometry":[-174.5272207,-84.5147528]}
{"properties":{"id":"08ff2a6c6c762411031de95c443cb06e","name":"Cape Surprise"},"geometry":[-174.417,-84.5167]}
{"properties":{"id":"08ff2a654811b714035ca8aff0f891d2","name":"Mount Wade"},"geometry":[-174.31667,-84.85]}
{"properties":{"id":"08ff2a672522b46503151e1a75c8a756","name":"Krout Glacier"},"geometry":[-172.2,-84.8833]}
{"properties":{"id":"08ff2a61551312cd03aaa36ce434fae1","name":"Real Reels Motion Pictures"},"geometry":[-171.8789095,-84.5735595]}
{"properties":{"id":"08ff2a674586b8a40349a8ef35a45a92","name":"Mount Hall"},"geometry":[-170.367,-84.9167]}
... and so on

To export all the properties associated with a Overture "place" record pass the ?properties=all query parameter to the iterator URI. For example:

$> go run cmd/iterate/main.go -iterator-uri 'overture://parquet/places?properties=all' ~/data/overture/parquet/*.parquet 
{"properties":{"addresses":[{"country":"CL","freeform":"Avenida Chacabuco 417","locality":"Concepción","postcode":"4030000","region":null}],"brand":{"names":null,"wikidata":null},"categories":{"alternate":["spas"],"primary":"beauty_salon"},"confidence":0.4907482,"emails":[],"id":"08fb2d869b99d68b03680d213838a15f","name":"Centro estético integral NovaBelle","names":{"common":null,"primary":"Centro estético integral NovaBelle","rules":null},"phones":["+56413241617"],"socials":[""],"sources":[{"confidence":null,"dataset":"meta","property":"","record_id":"1015636625139417","update_time":"2024-09-10T00:00:00.000Z"}],"version":0,"websites":[""]},"geometry":[-73.051,-36.83169]}
{"properties":{"addresses":[{"country":"CL","freeform":"Avenida Chacabuco 417","locality":"Concepción","postcode":"4030000","region":null}],"brand":{"names":null,"wikidata":null},"categories":{"alternate":null,"primary":null},"confidence":0.26517966,"emails":[],"id":"08fb2d869b999915038f2ded11d425c8","name":"kine__integral","names":{"common":null,"primary":"kine__integral","rules":null},"phones":["+56982334047"],"socials":[""],"sources":[{"confidence":null,"dataset":"meta","property":"","record_id":"103186637717488","update_time":"2024-09-10T00:00:00.000Z"}],"version":0,"websites":[]},"geometry":[-73.0508543,-36.8316943]}
{"properties":{"addresses":[{"country":"CL","freeform":"Tijuana Parque Ecuador, Calle Lincoyán 14","locality":"Concepción","postcode":"4030000","region":null}],"brand":{"names":null,"wikidata":null},"categories":{"alternate":["community_services_non_profits"],"primary":"fire_department"},"confidence":0.55927837,"emails":[],"id":"08fb2d869b88c2de0383e64d4313fa71","name":"Séptima Compañía de Bomberos Concepción","names":{"common":null,"primary":"Séptima Compañía de Bomberos Concepción","rules":null},"phones":["+56412253021"],"socials":[""],"sources":[{"confidence":null,"dataset":"meta","property":"","record_id":"148149962466897","update_time":"2024-09-10T00:00:00.000Z"}],"version":0,"websites":[""]},"geometry":[-73.0495173,-36.834187]}
{"properties":{"addresses":[{"country":"CL","freeform":null,"locality":"Concepción","postcode":null,"region":null}],"brand":{"names":null,"wikidata":null},"categories":{"alternate":["community_services_non_profits"],"primary":"public_and_government_association"},"confidence":0.26517966,"emails":[],"id":"08fb2d869b8808e00309ca31ac43fd43","name":"Abuelitas Chile","names":{"common":null,"primary":"Abuelitas Chile","rules":null},"phones":["+56946643895"],"socials":[""],"sources":[{"confidence":null,"dataset":"meta","property":"","record_id":"2350453898575474","update_time":"2024-09-10T00:00:00.000Z"}],"version":0,"websites":[""]},"geometry":[-73.05053,-36.83348]}
{"properties":{"addresses":[{"country":"CL","freeform":"Calle Víctor Lamas 361","locality":"Concepción","postcode":"4030000","region":null}],"brand":{"names":null,"wikidata":null},"categories":{"alternate":["southern_restaurant","comfort_food_restaurant"],"primary":"sandwich_shop"},"confidence":0.60211265,"emails":[],"id":"08fb2d869b8808e00377f87f524f9f2d","name":"Fuente Penquista","names":{"common":null,"primary":"Fuente Penquista","rules":null},"phones":["+56954309433"],"socials":[""],"sources":[{"confidence":null,"dataset":"meta","property":"","record_id":"983736055044613","update_time":"2024-09-10T00:00:00.000Z"}],"version":0,"websites":[]},"geometry":[-73.05053,-36.83348]}
{"properties":{"addresses":[{"country":"CL","freeform":"Calle Víctor Lamas 371","locality":"Concepción","postcode":"4030000","region":"BI"}],"brand":{"names":null,"wikidata":null},"categories":{"alternate":null,"primary":"shopping"},"confidence":0.55927837,"emails":[],"id":"08fb2d869b880b3403b2f4fc95473f2e","name":"El Mesón","names":{"common":null,"primary":"El Mesón","rules":null},"phones":["+56992195014"],"socials":[""],"sources":[{"confidence":null,"dataset":"meta","property":"","record_id":"904144773050750","update_time":"2024-09-10T00:00:00.000Z"}],"version":0,"websites":[]},"geometry":[-73.05043,-36.83347]}
...and so on


$> make cli
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/iterate cmd/iterate/main.go
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/assign-ancestors cmd/assign-ancestors/main.go
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/sort-ancestors cmd/sort-ancestors/main.go
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/walk-sorted cmd/walk-sorted/main.go
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/compile-area cmd/compile-area/main.go

Building DuckDB bindings

This package uses the marcboeker/go-duckdb/v2 package for working with Parquet files. The go-duckdb package bundles a lot of the plaform-specific *.a and *.h files and these are NOT included in this package's vendor directory (because they just makes everything too big).

This introduces some obvious compile-time problems. Per the go-duckdb documentation the best way to deal with this is to install and use the goware/modvendor tool as follows:

$> go install
$> go mod vendor
$> modvendor -copy="**/*.a **/*.h" -v

The is also a handy modvendor Makefile target (in this package) to make that last step easier.


Iterate through one or more URIs for an external data source and emit each record as line-separated JSON.

$> ./bin/iterate -h
Iterate through one or more URIs for an external data source and emit each record as line-separated JSON.
	 ./bin/iterate uri(N) uri(N)
    	Emit records as GeoJSON Features.
  -iterator-uri string
    	A registered whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-external/iterator.

For example:

$> go run cmd/iterate/main.go -iterator-uri foursquare://parquet ~/data/foursquare/parquet/*.parquet > /dev/null
2024/12/24 18:07:50 INFO Time to iterate records count=104529230 time=1m40.40977525s
$> go run cmd/iterate/main.go -iterator-uri overture://parquet/places ~/data/overture/parquet/*.parquet > /dev/null
2024/12/24 18:04:48 INFO Time to iterate records count=55527168 time=2m11.528865417s


Iterate through one or more URIs for an external data source and reverse-geocode each record emitting the record ID, Who's On First parent ID and Who's On First ancestry as CSV data to STDOUT.

$> ./bin/assign-ancestors -h
Iterate through one or more URIs for an external data source and reverse-geocode each record emitting the record ID, Who's On First parent ID and Who's On First ancestry as CSV data to STDOUT.
	 ./bin/assign-ancestors uri(N) uri(N)
  -iterator-uri string
    	A registered whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-external/iterator.Iterator URI.
  -properties-reader-uri string
    	A registered whosonfirst/go-reader.Reader URI for reading properties from parent records. If '{spatial-database-uri}' the spatial database instance will be used to read those properties. (default "{spatial-database-uri}")
  -spatial-database-uri string
    	A registered whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-spatial/database/SpatialDatabase URI to use for perforning reverse geocoding tasks.
  -start-after int
    	If > 0 then delay processing for 'start_after' number of records.
    	Enable verbose (debug) logging.
  -workers int
    	The maximum number of workers to process reverse geocoding tasks. (default 5)

For example, imagine a shell script called






# PROPERTIES_READER="{spatial-database-uri}"

go run cmd/assign-ancestors/main.go \
   -workers ${WORKERS} \
   -iterator-uri ${ITERATOR} \
   -spatial-database-uri "${SPATIAL_DB}" \
   -properties-reader-uri "${PROPERTIES_READER}" \

Which would be invoked like this:

$> ~/data/foursquare/parquet/*.parquet
2025/01/03 09:11:58 INFO Status counter=9038 processed=9034 diff=0 "avg t2p"=2.701129067965464 elaspsed=10.00037225s
2025/01/03 09:12:08 INFO Status counter=20559 processed=20555 diff=11521 "avg t2p"=2.400924349306738 elaspsed=20.000024708s
2025/01/03 09:12:18 INFO Status counter=30606 processed=30602 diff=10047 "avg t2p"=2.445199660152931 elaspsed=30.000002792s
2025/01/03 09:12:19 INFO Time to prune databases total=6702 pruned=5101 time=264.497334ms
2025/01/03 09:12:28 INFO Status counter=42446 processed=42442 diff=11840 "avg t2p"=2.3315819235662785 elaspsed=40.000010458s
2025/01/03 09:12:38 INFO Status counter=55812 processed=55808 diff=13366 "avg t2p"=2.1864607224770642 elaspsed=50.000002958s
2025/01/03 09:12:48 INFO Status counter=69066 processed=69062 diff=13254 "avg t2p"=2.0958558975992587 elaspsed=1m0.000026125s
2025/01/03 09:12:49 INFO Time to prune databases total=3562 pruned=3364 time=132.416792ms
... and so on

And the output would look like this:

POINT(-122.35356862771455 37.95792449892255),4c913ad8b641236a03b97f79,4sq,US,"[{""continent_id"":102191575,""country_id"":85633793,""county_id"":102086225,""locality_id"":85922125,""region_id"":85688637}]",85922125
POINT(0 0),e36f619d4357549cb86ba73c,4sq,XY,,-1
POINT(-122.79330140132753 38.56842541968038),9cad9bae8344473ed53e4b10,4sq,US,"[{""continent_id"":102191575,""country_id"":85633793,""county_id"":102081671,""region_id"":85688637}]",102081671
POINT(0 0),304d3a4bb7464b9154a9efdb,4sq,XY,,-1
POINT(-122.71260890434607 38.438739037633034),4b95c216f964a52034b234e3,4sq,US,"[{""continent_id"":102191575,""country_id"":85633793,""county_id"":102081671,""locality_id"":85922693,""region_id"":85688637}]",85922693
... and so on


  • whosonfirst-point-in-polygon-z13-20241213 is a PMTiles database containing Who's On First data used for performing point-in-polygon operations. See the " A global point-in-polygon service using a static 8GB data file" blog post for details.
  • whosonfirst-data-admin-latest.db is a Who's On First SQLite distribution, published by
  • The use of a SQLite database for a "properties reader" is not necessary. If absent then the PMTiles database will be used.


  • More "workers" is not necessarily better. I think this has something to do with the underlying library used to query the PMTiles database throttling requests (but I am not sure).
  • When building the PMTiles database (containing Who's On First data used for performing point-in-polygon operations) make sure to use a current (fall/winter 2024) version of tippecanoe.
  • This tool produces very large files. Use the sort-ancestors tool to split the data in to nested {REGION_ID}/{COUNTY_CODE}-{REGION_ID}-{LOCALITY_ID} CSV files.


Sort CSV data containing external sources and their ancestors (produced by assign-ancestors) in to nested {REGION_ID}/{COUNTY_CODE}-{REGION_ID}-{LOCALITY_ID} CSV files.

$> ./bin/sort-ancestors -h
Sort CSV data containing external sources and their ancestors (produced by assign-ancestors) in to nested {REGION_ID}/{COUNTY_CODE}-{REGION_ID}-{LOCALITY_ID} CSV files
	 ./bin/sort-ancestors uri(N) uri(N)
  -namespace string
    	The namespace of the external source.
  -target string
    	If target is '-' then all data will be written to /dev/null (or equivalent). (default "-")
    	Enable verbose (debug) logging.


Walk one or more whosonfirst-data/whosonfirst-external-* repositories, with optional filtering, emitting CSV-encoded rows to STDOUT.

$> ./bin/walk-sorted -h
Walk one or more whosonfirst-external-* repositories, with optional filtering, emitting CSV-encoded rows to STDOUT.
	 ./bin/walk-sorted path(N) path(N) path(N)
  -ancestor-id value
    	Zero or more "wof:hierarchies" values to match.
  -geohash string
    	An optional geohash to do a prefix-first comparison against.
  -mode string
    	Indicate whether all or any filter criteria must match. Valid options are: any, all. (default "all")
  -parent-id value
    	One or more "wof:parent_id" values to match.
    	Enable verbose (debug) logging.

For example, to emit all the Foursquare venues in San Francisco and Alameda counties in the sub-directory for California in the whosonfirst-external-foursquare-venue-us repository:

$> ./bin/walk-sorted \
	-mode any \
	-ancestor-id 102087579 \
	-ancestor-id 102086959 \
	/usr/local/data/foursquare/whosonfirst/whosonfirst-external-foursquare-venue-us/data/85688637/ \
	| wc -l


Merge GeoParquet data for an external data source with one or more Who's On First ancestry sources in to a new GeoParquet file. Ancestry sources can either be individual whosonfirst-external-* bzip2-compressed CSV files or folders containing one or more bzip2-compressed CSV files.

$> ./bin/compile-area -h
Merge GeoParquet data for an external data source with one or more Who's On First ancestry sources in to a new GeoParquet file. Ancestry sources can either be individual whosonfirst-external-* bzip2-compressed CSV files or folders containing one or more bzip2-compressed CSV files.
	 ./bin/compile-area uri(N) uri(N)
  -ancestor-id value
    	Zero or more "wof:hierarchies" values to match.
  -external-id-key string
    	The name of the unique identifier key for an external data source. The output is a new GeoParquet file.xs
  -external-source string
    	The string to pass to the DuckDB 'read_parquet' command for reading an external data source.
  -geohash string
    	An optional geohash to do a prefix-first comparison against.
  -mode string
    	Indicate whether all or any filter criteria must match. Valid options are: any, all. (default "all")
  -parent-id value
    	One or more "wof:parent_id" values to match.
  -target string
    	The path where the final GeoParquet file should be written.
    	Enable verbose (debug) logging.

For example, to create a new GeoParquet file (called sfba.parquet) for all the Foursquare venues in San Francisco, Alameda and San Mateo counties, merged with their Who's On First ancestry data, in the sub-directory for California in the whosonfirst-external-foursquare-venue-us repository:

$> ./bin/compile-area \
	-external-source "/usr/local/data/foursquare/parquet/*.parquet" \
	-external-id-key fsq_place_id \
	-mode any \
	-ancestor-id 102087579 \
	-ancestor-id 102086959 \
	-ancestor-id 102085387 \
	-target sfba.parquet \

Investigate the sfba.parquet file:

$> du -h sfba.parquet 
 34M	sfba.parquet
$> duckdb
v1.1.3 19864453f7
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
Connected to a transient in-memory database.
Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database.
D DESCRIBE (SELECT * FROM read_parquet('sfba.parquet'));
│     column_name     │                        column_type                         │  null   │   key   │ default │  extra  │
│       varchar       │                          varchar                           │ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │
│ fsq_place_id        │ VARCHAR                                                    │ YES     │         │         │         │
│ name                │ VARCHAR                                                    │ YES     │         │         │         │
│ latitude            │ DOUBLE                                                     │ YES     │         │         │         │
│ longitude           │ DOUBLE                                                     │ YES     │         │         │         │
│ address             │ VARCHAR                                                    │ YES     │         │         │         │
│ locality            │ VARCHAR                                                    │ YES     │         │         │         │
│ region              │ VARCHAR                                                    │ YES     │         │         │         │
│ postcode            │ VARCHAR                                                    │ YES     │         │         │         │
│ admin_region        │ VARCHAR                                                    │ YES     │         │         │         │
│ post_town           │ VARCHAR                                                    │ YES     │         │         │         │
│ po_box              │ VARCHAR                                                    │ YES     │         │         │         │
│ country             │ VARCHAR                                                    │ YES     │         │         │         │
│ date_created        │ VARCHAR                                                    │ YES     │         │         │         │
│ date_refreshed      │ VARCHAR                                                    │ YES     │         │         │         │
│ date_closed         │ VARCHAR                                                    │ YES     │         │         │         │
│ tel                 │ VARCHAR                                                    │ YES     │         │         │         │
│ website             │ VARCHAR                                                    │ YES     │         │         │         │
│ email               │ VARCHAR                                                    │ YES     │         │         │         │
│ facebook_id         │ BIGINT                                                     │ YES     │         │         │         │
│ instagram           │ VARCHAR                                                    │ YES     │         │         │         │
│ twitter             │ VARCHAR                                                    │ YES     │         │         │         │
│ fsq_category_ids    │ VARCHAR[]                                                  │ YES     │         │         │         │
│ fsq_category_labels │ VARCHAR[]                                                  │ YES     │         │         │         │
│ geom                │ BLOB                                                       │ YES     │         │         │         │
│ bbox                │ STRUCT(xmin DOUBLE, ymin DOUBLE, xmax DOUBLE, ymax DOUBLE) │ YES     │         │         │         │
│ geohash             │ VARCHAR                                                    │ YES     │         │         │         │
│ wof:country         │ VARCHAR                                                    │ YES     │         │         │         │
│ wof:parent_id       │ BIGINT                                                     │ YES     │         │         │         │
│ wof:hierarchies     │ VARCHAR                                                    │ YES     │         │         │         │
│ 29 rows                                                                                                        6 columns │

And then query for all the restaurants in the Temescal neighbourhood:

D SELECT fsq_place_id, name, address, JSON("wof:hierarchies")[0].neighbourhood_id AS neighbourhood, latitude, longitude, date_closed FROM read_parquet('sfba.parquet') WHERE neighbourhood=85872391 AND JSON(fsq_category_labels)[0]  LIKE '%Dining and Drinking > Restaurant%';
│       fsq_place_id       │               name                │         address          │ neighbourhood │      latitude      │      longitude      │ date_closed │
│         varchar          │              varchar              │         varchar          │     json      │       double       │       double        │   varchar   │
│ 55663e24498ed3e6077e2282 │ Rosamunde Sausage Grill           │ 4659 Telegraph Ave       │ 85872391      │  37.83422562297274 │ -122.26336365164984 │ 2017-11-14  │
│ 58a90c051e1de51e677d81e9 │ EZ Taqueria                       │ 4013 Telegraph Ave       │ 85872391      │  37.82956442174899 │ -122.26453047653766 │             │
│ 5334870a498e4600b3af150b │ KOREAN WOOD CHARCOAL BBQ.         │ 4390 Telegraph Ave Ste J │ 85872391      │  37.83205171569861 │ -122.26316650636586 │             │
│ 590003af32b61d706e013649 │ Bunaburger                        │ 4901 Telegraph Ave       │ 85872391      │  37.83594921355949 │ -122.26303233878318 │ 2018-12-04  │
│ 574b5f00498e40ec765fba16 │ Azit                              │ 4390 Telegraph Ave       │ 85872391      │  37.83201381681889 │ -122.26323610358418 │             │
│ 4a1b0a82f964a520c27a1fe3 │ Koryo Ja Jang                     │ 4390 Telegraph Ave       │ 85872391      │  37.83219705852519 │ -122.26354821183742 │ 2023-11-25  │
│ 5b207871a92d980039bf5bc8 │ Hancook                           │ 4315 Telegraph Ave       │ 85872391      │  37.83181924223889 │ -122.26408627115096 │             │
│ 4acfef69f964a520f9d620e3 │ Chef Yu - Yuyu Za Zang            │ 4871 Telegraph Ave       │ 85872391      │  37.83540380302543 │ -122.26297108197923 │             │
│ 6681fe8a198ecd288f03d609 │ Small Change Oyster Bar           │ 5000 Telegraph ave       │ 85872391      │          37.836433 │         -122.262268 │             │
│ 534dcb8f11d216d6de8875bf │ Koryo Kalbi                       │ 4390 Telegraph Ave Ste J │ 85872391      │  37.83210754394531 │ -122.26309967041016 │             │
│ 93 rows (40 shown)                                                                                                                                     7 columns │


Derive Who's On First properties for an "area" parquet file (produced by by the compile-area tool).

$> ./bin/area-whosonfirst-properties -h
Derive Who's On First properties for an "area" parquet file (produced by by the `compile-area` tool).
	 ./bin/area-whosonfirst-properties [options]
  -area-parquet compile-area
    	The URI for the "area" parquet file (produced by by the compile-area tool) from which Who's On First properties will be derived.
  -reader-uri string
    	A registered whosonfirst/go-reader.Reader URI. (default "")
    	Enable verbose (debug) logging.
  -whosonfirst-parquet string
    	The URI for the parquet file where Who's On First properties will be written to.
    	Store geometry property as spatial GEOMETRY type (rather than TEXT.	

For example:

$> area-whosonfirst-properties/main.go \
	-area-parquet sfba.parquet \
	-whosonfirst-parquet whosonfirst.parquet

And then:

$> duckdb
v1.1.3 19864453f7
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
Connected to a transient in-memory database.
Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database.

D SELECT id, name, geometry FROM read_parquet('whosonfirst.parquet') LIMIT 1;
│    id    │      name       │                                                                                  geometry                                                                                   │
│  int32   │     varchar     │                                                                                   varchar                                                                                   │
│ 85872355 │ Piedmont Avenue │ {"type":"MultiPolygon","coordinates":[[[[-122.243389,37.830281],[-122.24419,37.829481],[-122.244891,37.82878],[-122.245192,37.828481],[-122.245421,37.828318],[-122.24589…  │

Note: The default behaviour is to store geoemtry information as a JSON-encoded GeoJSON geometry. If you need or want native DuckDB spatial types run the tool with the -with-spatial-geom flag.

See also


Go package for working with external data sources in a Who's On First context.






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