Web app for Rhino Real Estate Advisors. Using React, firebase, Tradier API, and Highcharts. This app will allow users to log on and stay up to date with the REIT market. Premium users will have the ability to view articles the day they are published by writers at Rhino R.E.A. This app will have "Live" Market data with a blog type interface to allow users to comment on articles, while administrators have full control over the article managment system. Data Visualization will be provided by Highcharts.
Node/ npm
Firebase CLI
Yarn install - to correctly install all the dependency
Yarn start - to correctly serve development
Yarn run build - to correctly build the app
firebase deploy - to correctly deploy to firebase
Firebase Authentication not set up with the login page and system in place from the UI template. (Would like to add the ability to log in with your google credentials as well)
- Need to allow New users to add their information into the application and through the google authentication (Includes a new user form, which comes in the templatefrom CleanUI)
Profile icon in the top left doesnt link to the user's profile and needs to link to the profile page
Profiles need to display and allow for editing of personal information (Including profile picture)
Highcharts Implimentation Using: https://github.com/whawker/react-jsx-highcharts
Market Data with node wrapper: https://github.com/vporta/tradier-client
Market data from Tradier's historical data endpoint deployed inHighcharts for UI
Blog interface- using Firebase and the realtime database, that seperates free articles from subscriber articles in seperate collections. (RSS FEED adds articles from IREIT site.)
Add Mobile List for listed REITs in the Portfolios and in the Sectors
Valuation Tool OverView Page
Rhino Portolios and Rhino Sector Comparisons (Put the chart and asector table below it )
Notification System For the MVP/ BEta?
Article Library Page
- Order of menu items for the media library
Search Option Working
Charts labled in position throughout the application
use the react link funtion through the react router to get the pages to link to eachother
Creative Tim Templates That include footer examples and plugins throughout the site need to be added. (All written in bootstrap)
Get content added into the static home page and about page
Continue the creation of the Free page
- Free Page will include the RSS feed from the articles being posted (GraphQL and Axios calls from static page)