Making a bus stop bell using Arduino
- Playing WAV bell sounds from SD card with real button
- Select various sounds with button switch and OLED screen
- Use independently with Lithum battery pack / charging module, no power cable needed
- Bus stop bell button
- Arduino Nano or compartible board (as small as possible / better to avoid ESP8266 because of TMRpcm library compartibility issue)
- SD card module
- SD card
- Speaker and amp module (over 0.5W 8ohm. Piezo or small buzzer may not work)
- OLED screen (SSD1306 or whatever I2C you want)
- Lithum battery pack and charging module (each of two needed for over 5V power)
- Push tact button (for sound select)
- Slide switch (for power on/off)
- Perfboard (proper size for your case)
- Plastic case shell