Wix Restaurants userscript for easy development
Chrome, Safari: Use Tampermonkey
Firefox: Use Greasemonkey
- To install UserScripts, you'll need to download AdGuard from http://adguard.com/en/welcome.html
- Once installed, open it up (Start -> Adguard)
- Click "Settings" in the bottom left corner, then go to Extensions
- Click "Add extension..." in the bottom left of the pane
- Enter the UserScript's URL
- Now go to the page(s) it applies to and you'll see your script in action
Edge: I wasn't able to install it, but apparently Tampermonkey added suuport for Edge.
To test a site served via https you have two options:
Option 1: Open the website while the userscript is running, inside the site's local-storage find an entry whose key is "__restaurants_userscript.host" and change the protocol in its value to "https" (also don't forget to run the local dev server in https mode)
Option 2: Open the website then enable loading of unsafe scripts: