Convert MDX to Markdown with enhanced image support.
This library is most useful for generating files like the one you're reading.
You can import and use React components in your MDX files in two ways:
- Using relative path:
import {MyComponent} from '../src/components/MyComponent'
- Using alias path (components will be resolved from src/components):
import {MyComponent} from 'components/MyComponent'
yarn add mdx-to-md-x
npm install mdx-to-md-x
mdx-to-md [sourcePath] [outPath]
In the simplest use case, you can run the CLI and it will output the converted Markdown relative to the current working directory the script was run in:
yarn mdx-to-md README.mdx
Start with MDX:
import { name, description } from "./package.json"
# {name}
# Install
<code className="language-bash">yarn add {name}</code>
And convert it to Markdown:
import { writeFile } from "fs/promises"
import { mdxToMd } from "mdx-to-md"
const markdown = await mdxToMd("README.mdx")
const banner = `This README was auto-generated using "yarn build:readme"`
const readme = `<!--- ${banner} --> \n\n ${markdown}`
await writeFile("", readme)
console.log("📝 Converted README.mdx ->")
Which outputs:
# mdx-to-md
Convert MDX to Markdown.
# Install
yarn add mdx-to-md