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s2Member v150702 Release Candidate

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@jaswrks jaswrks released this 02 Jul 20:17
  • (s2Member/s2Member Pro) PayPal IPN Compat. This release addresses a problem with IPN connection failures that result in a 500 Internal Server Error on the PayPal side; occurring whenever s2Member attempts to verify IPN data. Please see: this GitHub issue if you'd like additional details.
  • (s2Member Pro) Stripe Bug Fix: This release corrects a bug in Stripe Pro-Form Checkout Options, where a Free Registration option could cause other paid Checkout Options to result in a checkout error under the right conditions. See this GitHub issue for further details.
  • (s2Member/s2Member) Google Analytics Compat. This release automatically preserves utc_ variables that are used by Google Analytics whenever a Membership Options Page redirection occurs. i.e., if a visitor comes to the site with utc_ variables and is redirected to the Membership Options Page, because the content they were trying to access is protected; the utc_ variables are preserved during this redirection, and delivered as part of the Membership Options Page redirect.
  • (s2Member Pro) Authorize.Net Endpoint Filters: This release adds two new WordPress Filters (i.e., Hooks) that can be used by developers in certain rare cases. Hook names are ws_plugin__s2member_pro_authnet_aim_endpoint_url and ws_plugin__s2member_pro_authnet_arb_endpoint_url. See this GitHub issue if you'd like additional details and a quick example of use.
  • (s2Member Pro) Authorize.Net AIM Compat.: This release addresses a compatibility issue that came to light recently, which was actually attributed to a bug in s2Member Pro that has been sliding through unnoticed until now. The format for an expiration date sent to the Authorize.Net AIM API should be MM-YYYY. The format for ARB API calls is YYYY-MM. s2Member Pro was sending YYYY-MM to both APIs. Fixed in this release. Props to @raamdev for investigating this. See also this GitHub issue if you'd like additional details.
  • (s2Member Pro) [s2Member-List /] Bug: This release corrects an issue in the [s2Member-List /] shortcode that was preventing the display_name DB column from being searchable. This release also adds the display_name to the list of default search_columns="" that are considered by the [s2Member-List /] shortcode. Props to @patdumond for researching this. See this GitHub issue for further details.
  • (s2Member/s2Member Pro) Bug Fix: This release corrects an issue where s2Member would fail to subscribe customers to configured mailing list IDs whenever an existing customer is upgrading and you have the Double Opt-In Checkbox turned off entirely. Fixed. See this GitHub issue if you would like additional details.
  • (s2Member Pro) Stripe Bug Fix: This release corrects a bug in s2Member's Stripe Pro-Forms, related to having multiple Checkout Options. The bug resulted in a missing error message whenever one of the Checkout Options was submitted incorrectly, and also resulted in the default Checkout Option being magically selected instead of the one that a customer was working with. Props to @patdumond and @bryanthankins. See: this GitHub issue if you'd like additional details.
  • (s2Member/s2Member Pro) Bug Fix: This release fixes an issue where the s2Drip shortcode was requiring PHP 5.3+; this fix allows the shortcode to work properly with PHP 5.2+.
  • (s2Member Pro) Compat. A call to WP_Widget was updated to support WordPress v4.3+. See this GitHub issue if you'd like additional details.