A library to be a drop in replacement for datomic.api to work with sql instead. It isn't there, but it does work for very simple datomic.api/q calls.
Pull requests to support more of datomic.api are welcome.
Assume we have a sql database lying around with a table bookmarks
that looks like:
id | type | title |
1 | web | my-cool-title |
2 | web | my-cool-title2 |
3 | test | my-not-cool-title |
Then you could use datomic-sql to query for bookmarks of type "web".
(require '[datomic-sql.core :as ds])
(ds/q '[:find ?title
:in $ ?type
[_ :bookmarks/type ?type]
[_ :bookmarks/title ?title]]
{:classname "org.sqlite.JDBC"
:subprotocol "sqlite"
:subname "test.db"}
#{["my-cool-title"] ["my-cool-title2"]}
If your datomic queries meet the following conditions, you could (not recommended) use datomic-sql as a replacement for datomic.api and query sql instead.
* Entity selectors are specified with `_`. Essentially saying you care about a single entity or row in sql
* Attributes in your where clause are explicitly specified (not vars)
* Values in your where clauses are vars that are either selected (in `:find`) or bound to a value to do _equality_ selection (in `:in`)
This is to say, the library is currently a toy.
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Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.