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A lowcode framework for CRUD applications. You simply create configuration files in JSON format to build your application.

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A lowcode framework for CRUD applications. You simply create configuration files in JSON format to build your application.


  • mainframe: A front-end main component of the framework, It contains the common UI functions of a application, login page、application menus etc. It uses iframe to load other front-end components or custom pages. It provides a group of abstraction operation API for other front-end pages to interact with back-end services and other front-end pages.

  • listview: A front-end component of the framework used to retrieve data and show the data in table.

  • formview: A front-end component of the framework used to create or update data. It can also be used to view the detail of the data.

  • report: A front-end component of the framework used to show data with charts.It uses echarts to create the data charts.

  • service: Back-end service of the fromework write with golang. It provides APIs to manipulation data in database. Currently, only MySQL is supported.


Before install and run crvframe,you must install and run these softwares:

  • Mysql
  • Redis


Before run the docker instance,create the directories for configuration files.

#create root directory of crvframe configurations, you can use any other dirctory as the root directory.
mkdir  /root/crvframe
#create a sub directory to store attaches or temp files.
mkdir  /root/crvframe/appfile
#create a sub directory to store application conifiguration files.
mkdir  /root/crvframe/apps 
#create a sub directory to store the configuration file of the crvframe itself.
mkdir  /root/crvframe/conf 

the configuration file of the crvframe itself is named conf.json. Its content is:


The meaning of the configuration items:


  • server:The redis server address with format of IP:PORT.
  • password:The redis server auth password. This item is optional.
  • tokenExpired:How long to keep the user token after the last user operation.
  • oauthTokenExpired:The crvframe provides a simple oauth server. This configuration item is used for oauth token.
  • tokenDB:Which DB of the redis is used to store login token.
  • oauthTokenDB:Which DB of the redis is used to store oauth login token.
  • appCacheDB:Which DB of the redis is used to store application ID.
  • flowInstanceDB:deprecate soon later.
  • flowInstanceExpired:deprecate soon later.


  • server:The MYSQL server address with format of IP:PORT.

  • user:The MYSQL server auth user.

  • password:The MYSQL server auth password.

  • dbName:The default MYSQL database for connection. This database must be exist before the crvframe can be run.

    The flowing items are parameters of Go database/sql package.

  • connMaxLifetime:The maximum amount of time a connection may be reused.

  • maxOpenConns:The maximum number of open connections to the database.

  • maxIdleConns:The maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool.


  • port:The crvframe service address with format of IP:PORT.


  • root:The root directory for crvframe service to store files.

create and put the conf.json file to the directory /root/crvframe/conf.


We recomend run crvframe with docker.

run docker instance using:

#Replace the volume directory with the configuration directory you created earlier.
docker run -d --name crvframe -p80:80 -v /root/crvframe/appfile:/services/crvframe/appfile -v /root/crvframe/apps:/services/crvframe/apps -v /root/crvframe/conf:/services/crvframe/conf wangzhsh/crvframe:0.1.0

Create your first app

The crvframe support multi apps in same running instance.Each app has its own database and configuration files.

Each app has a unique APPID. To access to a app, user must use the app access URL which contain the APPID.The form of the app access URL is:


Let's create a app named demoapp,we will use the name as APPID,so the APPID is demoapp.

Create app database in MySQL

Choose a meaningful name for the database of the app.Here we create a database with name demodb.

Init app database

From this code repository,find the file /initapp/init_app_database.sql, this is the init script for crvframe app database. Use MySQL client to connect to the MySQL server, use the database demodb created last step. Run this init script in demodb database.

Create app configuration

In the directory of application conifiguration files,create a sub directory for the app.

The directory name must be the same as the app database name.

For this guid, we create a sub directory named demodb in /root/crvframe/apps:

mkdir  /root/crvframe/apps/demodb

From this code repository,find the folder /initapp/init_app_conf, copy all of the files and sub folders in the folder to the app configuration directory /root/crvframe/apps/demodb.

Register your app in redis app cache DB

Use redis client tool to connect to the redis server. Choose the app cache DB which setted with conf.json.Add following key values to the DB.





note:The key is prefixed with the fixed string appid,followed by a colon,then followed by the app id. The value is the database name of the app.

Sign in

Use following url to open login page of your app:


note:Replace the hostname with your real hostname or ip address.

The defalut account of the app is admin,the password is the same as the account.

Config Your APP

Config Menu Items

In the root directory of the crvframe configuration created at deployment time, locate the subdirectory apps/your_app_id/menus. There should be a JSON file menus.json. You can use this file to configure the app's menu. The example of the contents of this file are shown below:


The content of menus.json is a JSON array, each item of the array is a menu item.

The meaning of each item:

  • id The ID of the menu item in the menu array, which must be unique.

  • name The name of the menu, which appears on the menu bar on the main page of the app.

  • description This item is used to describe the function of the menu item.

  • icon The menu icon, which appears to the left of the menu name.The crvframe uses the antd component, and the icon name can be found on the antd web page below:

  • children The parent menu has a child list, the list is a json array, and each item of the array is a menu item, submenu items can also have submenu items. the parent menu item can not have operation and roles.

  • operation The action of the menu item. For more information on how to configure operations, see the Operations paragraph in this readme.

  • roles It indicates which roles can see the menu item. The roles can be a array of string, each item is a role ID. The roles can also be a string that indicates only one role can see the menu item. If the value of roles is "*",all roles of the app can see the menu item.

Config Models

A model is a entity of the app, it typically has a corresponding table in the app's database. An app often has multiple models. The models of the app has multiple relationships to each other. The crvframe use model configuration files to configure the application's models, through which the crvframe service knows how to manipulate the data in the database.

In the root directory of the crvframe configuration created at deployment time, locate the subdirectory apps/your_app_id/models folder. There should already have some sub folders. Each folder is a model, the folder name is the model name. Attention the folders with the name start with core_, these folders are initial models of the app used by the crvframe itsself, and you must be carefully when modifying these model configuration files.


Each model folder contains a file named model.json, which contains configuration about the model. An example of model.json is shown below:

  "modelID": "core_user",
  "fields": [
    {"field": "id", "name": "ID", "dataType": "varchar"}, 
    {"field": "user_name_en", "name": "英文名称", "dataType": "varchar","quickSearch":true}, 
    {"field": "user_name_zh", "name": "中文名称", "dataType": "varchar","quickSearch":true}, 
    {"field": "password", "name": "密码", "dataType": "password"}, 
    {"field": "create_time", "name": "创建时间", "dataType": "datetime"}, 
    {"field": "create_user", "name": "创建人", "dataType": "varchar"}, 
    {"field": "update_time", "name": "更新时间", "dataType": "datetime"}, 
    {"field": "update_user", "name": "更新人", "dataType": "varchar"}, 
    {"field": "remark", "name": "备注", "dataType": "varchar","quickSearch":true}, 
    {"field": "version", "name": "数据版本", "dataType": "int"},
    {"field": "user_role","name": "用户角色","fieldType":"many2many","relatedModelID":"core_role"}

This example is the configuration of the core_user model, and there should be a corresponding table named core_user in the app's database.

The meaning of each item:

  • modelID The idendtification of the model, which is also the table name of the model.

  • fields The array of model fields. Eache field has following attributes:

    • field The name of the field.

    • name The label of the field when displayed on web page.

    • dataType The value type of the field, currently, the types crvframe supported are varchar、int、datetime、decimal.

    • fieldType Applies only to relationship fields and represents the relationship type. If the field is referenced to another model or by annother model, the field is the relationship field.crvframe support three relationship types: one2many、many2one、many2many.

    • relatedModelID Applies only to relationship fields to indicate the referenced model.

    • relatedField Applies only to one2many fields to indicate the related many2one field. Each one2many filed should has a corresponding many2one field in the related model. The one2many field is dummy and there is no actual field in the database table, which is only used by crvframe to identify relationships of models.

    • AssociationModelID Applies only to many2many fields to indicate the association model. If this attribute is not set, crvframe uses literal ascending sort to connect modelID and relatedModelID the AssociationModelID, and there is a _ as separator between modleID and relatedModelID.

    • quickSearch This attribete indicates whether the field is used as a quick search field. When a user performs a quick search on a list view, all quick search fields are searched.

Config Model Operations

Each model folder contains a subfolder called operations that contains JSON files, each of which is an operation configuration file with a file name that is the operation ID.Let's see the operation configuration file /core_user/operations/create.json, It's content is shown below:

  "id": "create", 
  "name": "创建",

The meaning of each item:

  • id Operation ID,which must be the same as the configuration file name.

  • name The default label of the opeation button on the web.

  • type The operation type. All types supported by crvframe will deacribed in the next paragraph.

  • params Parameters of the operation, each type of operation has different parameters, the parameters of each operation will be described in the next paragraph.

  • input The optional input data of the operation,normally you need not to set this attribute,in a series of operations,crvframe use the result of the previous oepration as the input data of the next one.

  • description The description of the operation,which will be dispalyed in the operation dialog.

  • successOperation If the operation succeeds, the successOperation will be executed. The successOperation is a operation itself and has also the successOperation attribute. With this attribute, you can configue a sequeence of operations.

  • errorOperation If the operation fails, the errorOperation is executed. The errorOperation is a operation itself. Normally you need not to set this attribute, if the operation fails, crvframe will prompt the user with the error message by default.

Operation Types:

  • open

    • description: open a web page.
    • parameters:
          "filter":"init filter",
      • url URL of the page to open. crvframe supplies three basic pages that can be used to present or edit data.
        • listview The listview present data in a table and are used to explore or search for data in the model. The URL of a listview page begins with /listview/#/ followed by the id of the model. The example above opens a listview of the model with id core_user.
        • formview The formview used to create、edit or view a single record of a model. The URL of a formview page begins with /formview/#/ followed by the id of the model and the id of the form and the type of the form。
          //this url is used to open a formview of the model core_user. the id of the form is form1 and the type of the form is create. 
          crvframe support three form types:
          • create Used to input new record of a model.
          • edit Used to edit the existed record of a model.
          • detail Used to view the detail of a record of a model.You can not edit any data in this type of forms.
        • report The report used to view statistical charts.The URL of a report page begins with /report/#/ followd by the id the the report.
          //this url is used to open a report page. the id of the report is dashboard. 
      • location Where to open the page. crvframe support two locations to show the page:
        • tab Open the page in the tab content area below the header bar of the main window.
        • modal Open a modal window to show the page.
      • title The tile of the page.
      • key The key of the page, which other operations can use to refer to the page.
      • view Each model in a crvframe can have multiple views, and when you use a listview to display the model's data, the first view is displayed by default.You can use this parameter to set the default view that is displayed.The value of this parameter is the id of the view. This parameter is optional and valid only for listview.
      • filter Used to set the initial filter of the listview.This parameter is optional and valid only for listview.
    • input When the operation is invoked through a button on a crvframe page, the input is populated by the page.In some cases,you can set the input in operation configuations.
      • When open a formview with the type of create to create a record of the model, you can set the input value as the initial value of the new record.
        note The input value must be placed in an array called list.The input value is an object, each key is a field of the model, and the value is the value to update.The example above set the default value of the gender field to female.
  • close

    • description: close a web page.
    • parameters:
      • location Now,crvframe can only close the top most modal window,so the location must be modal.
  • request

    • description: send a http request.
    • parameters:
      • url The destination url of the the http request.crvframe supplies following interfaces for operation on the model's data.
        • /data/query Query data from the database.crvframe's listview use this interface to retrieve data.This interface use post method.
        • /data/save Save the model's data into the database.This interface use post method.
        • /data/delete Delete the records of models from the database by conditions.This interface use post method.
        • /data/update Update values of records of models to the database by conditions.This interface use post method.
        • /redirect To invoke the external api,you can use redirect interface.
      • method The method of the http request.
    • input When the operation is invoked through a button on a crvframe page, the input is populated by the page.In some cases,you can set the input in operation configuations.
      • When you want to use /data/update interface to update the values of some records to fixed values,you can set input in configuration to the fixed values. The belowing example updates the value of the gender field to female.


        note The input value must be placed in an array called list.The input value is an object, each key is a field of the model, and the value is the value to update.

      • When you use redirect interface to invoke the external api,you can supply the id of the external api in input with the key of to.


        note You can set other keys and values in input, before sending the http request crvframe will merge the value of input and the value of the page,so these values will send to the api.If the key of the input value is the same as the key of the page value,thie value of input will be overwritten by the value of the page.

  • reloadFrameData

    • description: notifies the page to reload its data.
    • parameters:
      • location: the location of the page when it was opened.
      • key: the key of the page, which identifies the page to be notified.
  • logout

    • description: logout.
    • parameters:none.
  • message

    • description: display a message to the user.
    • parameters:
      • type the message type, its value can be success、error or warning.
      • content the content of the message.
      • duration how many seconds before the message disappears.


A lowcode framework for CRUD applications. You simply create configuration files in JSON format to build your application.






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