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Arch Linux Live/Rescue CD with ZFS support

Build ArchISO

List of patches & descriptions

  1. 0001-cachyOS-kernel.patch - Default to a more performant kernel from CachyOS
  2. 0002-zstd-compression.patch - Use zstd compression wherever applicable to speedup ISO building times
  3. 0003-increase-cowspace.patch - Increase cowspace size to remove the LiveISO freespace headroom
  4. 0004-ssh-public-key.patch - Personalized ssh public key for x0rzavi
  5. 0005-wifi-PSK.patch - Personalized wifi PSK for x0rzavi
  6. 0006-ZFS-support.patch - Add ZFS support for improved filesystem capabilites
  7. 0007-disable-reflector.patch - Disable reflector systemd service and pre-add objectively better mirrors as a preset
  8. 0008-tty-bigger-font.patch - Increase the default tty font size to reduce stress on the eyes
  9. 0009-performance-kernel-cmdline.patch - Remove kernel securtiy mitigations and watchdogs support to improve performance
  10. 0010-local-user-x0rzavi.patch - Personalized local user for x0rzavi with preset password - 1229
  11. 0011-trust-custom-repo.patch - Add custom repo GPG keys
  12. 0012-post-setup-mechanism.patch - Add script and mechanism to post setup stuffs after ISO boot
  13. 0013-customize-ISO-metadata.patch - Personalized ISO metadata
  14. 0014-seatd-setup.patch - Add seatd functionality for WMs
  15. 0015-pacman-configuration.patch - Improve upon the default pacman configuration
  16. 0016-nbfc-linux-zenmonitor-setup.patch - Add required configurations for nbfc-linux and zenmonitor support
  17. 0017-required-packages.patch - Add list of essential packages
  18. 0018-local-repo.patch - Implement local repo in pacman config
  19. 0019-Hyprland-config.patch - Add default Hyprland config to speedup workflow
  20. 0020-Ryzenadj-script.patch - Add Ryzenadj helper script for faster performance boosts