BakaClean Ver1.0
🎨 Changelog
- Add tint2,rofi,ncmpcpp
- Add screenshot border
- Add toggle switched theme with keybindings
- Add gtk theme & icon theme ( Tela )
- Shell default use fish | for better speed and typing suggests
- Telegram Theme ( optional )
- VScode Theme ( optional )
- Include font Jetbrains,Mplus for ( japanese )
- Dunst for default notification
- Neofetch Show Edited
- Set Default backlight 30%
- Use xsettingsd for gtk theme & gtk icon controller
- Picom Mode Dbus
- Use xfce polkit & xfce4-power-manager
- Pcmanfm mode daemon
- Add xscreensaver
- Many More? Soon
📑 Note
- Absolutely i made this for myself. But I got several reasons that I have said on the front page of this repository to publish it. Even though my project is not tidy but I will try to tidy up and beautify it again from time to time. Because I also use this as my main Linux display. something is missing in these dotfiles you can file an issue. it is very helpful for me as a beginner because it will greatly increase my insight and my accuracy again. I really appreciate it. that's all I have to say. and thank you for reading it