The following variables need to be modified to activate nudging. The example shown below switches on nudging for horizontal winds
cat <<EOF >> user_nl_cam !....................................................... ! Nudging setup !....................................................... Nudge_Model = .True. Nudge_Path = '${path_nudging_data}' Nudge_File_Template = '${casename}' Nudge_Times_Per_Day = 4 !! nudging input data frequency Model_Times_Per_Day = 48 !! should not be larger than 48 if dtime = 1800s Nudge_Uprof = 1 !! 2 if nudging tendency has a vertical profile Nudge_Ucoef = 1. Nudge_Vprof = 1 Nudge_Vcoef = 1. Nudge_Tprof = 0 Nudge_Tcoef = 0. Nudge_Qprof = 0 Nudge_Qcoef = 0. Nudge_PSprof = 0 Nudge_PScoef = 0. Nudge_Beg_Year = 0001 Nudge_Beg_Month = 1 Nudge_Beg_Day = 1 Nudge_End_Year = 9999 Nudge_End_Month = 1 Nudge_End_Day = 1 Nudge_Vwin_Lindex = 0. !! activated only when Nudge_Xprof = 2 !! X = U, V, T Nudge_Vwin_Hindex = 70. !! activated only when Nudge_Xprof = 2 Nudge_Vwin_Ldelta = 0.1. !! activated only when Nudge_Xprof = 2 Nudge_Vwin_Hdelta = 0.1. !! activated only when Nudge_Xprof = 2 Nudge_Vwin_lo = 0. !! activated only when Nudge_Xprof = 2 Nudge_Vwin_hi = 1. !! activated only when Nudge_Xprof = 2 Nudge_Method = 'Linear' !! Nudge_Tau = 6. !! relaxation time scale, unit: h Nudge_Loc_PhysOut = .True. !! nudging tendency calculated before radiation Nudge_File_Ntime = 4 !! should be the same as Nudge_Times_Per_Day or 1 (see code for details) Nudge_Allow_Missing_File = .False. EOF
This setup will nudge the model towards a baseline E3SM simulation. The nudging data were created from the baseline simulation by archiving the 6-hourly meteorological fields. Only the horizontal winds are nudged, with a relaxation time scale of 6h. The nudging is applied at every grid box. More detailed information on how to setup a nudged simulation can be found in the source code nudging.F90.
To nudge the model towards a baseline model simulation (e.g. E3SMv1), you will need to run the reference model first and output U,V,T,Q,PS 6-hourly:
cat <<EOF >> user_nl_cam nhtfrq = 0,-6 mfilt = 1,1 fincl2 = ‘PS’,’U,’V’,’T’,’Q’, avgflag_pertape(2) = 'I' EOF
Under construction ...
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- Lin, G., Wan, H., Zhang, K., Qian, Y., and Ghan, S. J. (2016), Can nudging be used to quantify model sensitivities in precipitation and cloud forcing?, J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., 8, 1073-1091,
- Kooperman, G. J., Pritchard, M. S., Ghan, S. J., Wang, M., Somerville, R. C. J., and Russell, L. M. (2012), Constraining the influence of natural variability to improve estimates of global aerosol indirect effects in a nudged version of the Community Atmosphere Model 5, J. Geophys. Res., 117, D23204,