Xiaojiang Li, Ph.D, Department of Geography and Urban Studies, Temple University, http://www.urbanspatial.info/
1.1 Install Anaconda and configure Python module (link)
1.2. Be familar to Jupyter Notebook (link)
1.3. Python basics (link)
2.1 Python spatial module ecosystem
2.2 Using Geopandas to read shapefiles and do spatial join
2.3 Read shapefile and geo-referenced raster data using Python
3. Spatial Data Manipulation(link)
3.1 Read Shapefile using Fiona
3.2 Using Fiona and Shapely to overlay shapefiles
4.1. Download NAIP images automatically (link)
4.2. Using Rasterio to manipulate geo-reference raster data, (mosaic, mask, ndvi...) (link)
4.3. Raster data manipulate and zonal statistics (link)
5.1 Install Postgres/Postgis
5.2. Basics of SQL
5.3. Spatial Analyses through SQL queries
6. Access Spatial Database using Python (link)
6.1 Access Postgres/PostGIS database using Python
6.2 Read shapefile and save features into database tables using Python
6.3 Save query results into shapefiles using Python
9. Big data visualization (link)
9.1 Convert shapefile to geojson and mbtile
9.2 Using Mapbox studio to visualize building blocks
9.3 Using GitHub to host your web map