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- 💬 Ask me about Technical Writing, Product Documentation, Knowledge Management, UX Writing, Developer Advocacy, etc.
- 📫 How to reach me: Reach me on Twitter or LinkedIn (links above).
- ⚡ Fun facts: I sung a silly song at a webdev conference, was pretty active in the WordPress community for a long time, and am trying to re-learn the piano.
- 🤷♂️ Regular facts: I am French, was born in '77, and live near Lyon with my wife and kid.
I love writing, learning, sharing, and technology. I particularly like to write to share what I have learned about a technology - especially when it concerns the Web, its standards and its best practices.
Since the beginning of this century, I've made it my job to help developers and creatives better understand both the great programming classics and the latest framework trends, and to show them how to apply them in their daily lives to make their projects easier.
I know how to adapt to the platforms, languages and needs of the communities I'm working with. I act as a representative, liaison point, diplomat and moderator to contribute to the technical ecosystem in which I participate.
This GitHub repository is pretty empty as I don't play with open-source projects as much as I would like to.