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常见问题 FAQ

O2bmm edited this page Jan 22, 2025 · 7 revisions

无法抓到某酷 某艺 某讯视频


无法抓到youtube / Unable to detect YouTube videos

寄人篱下 没办法啊

Relying on others, there's no choice.

音频和视频分开的 / Audio and video separation

很多网站开始使用音频和视频分离的播放技术,只需要勾选一个音频和一个视频 如果符合条件 会出现 在线合并按钮 点击进行合并下载。

Many websites are starting to use audio and video separation playback technology. You just need to select one audio and one video. If they match the conditions, an online merge button will appear. Click to merge download.

使用缓存捕捉 ffmpeg合并出错 / Using Capture FFmpeg Merge Error

出现 error reading header 错误,很遗憾只能重新获取视频,捕获脚本没有捕获到视频的头部信息,导致ffmpeg无法确认视频格式等重要信息,目前没有找到解决办法。

An error reading header issue occurred. Unfortunately, the video must be re-downloaded. The capture script did not capture the header information, preventing FFmpeg from identifying the video format and other crucial details. No solution has been found so far.



下载未完成/失败的文件保存在哪里? / Where is an incomplete or failed download file saved?

没启用边下边存功能的情况下,下载的过程数据会保存在内存中,如果下载失败或未完成,刷新页面/关闭浏览器 数据就会被浏览器自动清理。

When the Stream download feature is not enabled, the data from the download process is stored in memory. If the download fails or is incomplete, refreshing the page or closing the browser will cause the data to be automatically cleared by the browser.