- Ubuntu (16.04 or later)
- ROS (kinetic or later)
- ROS package: nmea_navsat_driver
- GeographicLib 1.50.1 (cmake 3.18.0 tested)
- c++14 (for using
mkdir -p ws_msf/src
cd ws_msf/src
git clone xxx
cd ..
catkin_make -j5 # error happened when using the default cmake 3.5.1, upgrade it
test data: utbm_robocar_dataset_20180719_noimage.bag
- /imu/data: 100 hz
- /nmea_sentence: 15 hz
- /fix: 5 hz
- /nav_path: 63 hz
roslaunch imu_gnss_fusion imu_gnss_fusion.launch
rosbag play -s 25 utbm_robocar_dataset_20180719_noimage.bag
ROS graph and path on rviz:
plot the result path(fusion_gps.csv & fusion_state.csv) on google map: