This tool allows you to spam on service. It's very fast and effective due to the use of multithreading.
Idk if it works on Windows.
Clone repository
git clone
After cloning, cd into it's directory and install it using:
sudo make install
This will compile the program and add it to the /usr/local/bin path.
Check if it's working properly:
ngl --help
--help - Shows help message
--create - Create a sample .json config file.
--load - Run using config file
--ask - Ask user a single question
--fuck - Send 50 messages really fast!
You can create config.json by running --create
"method": "thread",
"question": ["hey!", "what's up!"],
"target": ["target1", "target2"],
"times": 50,
"useragents": "useragents.txt"
(it's also stored in config/ directory in the repo)
curl > useragents.txt
method - thread (fastest), normal (it's just normal).
question - array of questions, you can specify multiple or one, but it must be in an array.
target - array of targets, multiple or one, must be in the array.
times - how many messages should be sent per user.
useragents - path to user agents file.