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Leap of confidence

Kevin Yang edited this page Nov 13, 2021 · 3 revisions

Leap of confidence is designed to capture the hidden relations (among 2 concepts), and furthermore, migrate them against a new concept.

This is a discovery service that requires a bit more explanation. Follow me at Aletheia site, click on "Leap of Confidence" and the "Prozac - MDD to heloperidol" example.


The original pair (concept A and concept B) are marked in orange, with the discovered path ISA-TREATS. Other potential path doesn't have enough evidence support and thus be ignored by the system.

We tried to apply this discovered path to a new concept ("heloperidol" here) and see what we can discover:

  • heloperidol ISA antipsychotic agent, and TREATS patients (well, we all know), and schizophrenia;
  • heloperidol ISA dopamine antagonist, and TREATS rats (well, we know that as well).

This case is a bit like a toy example, and I'm still yet to find a more convincing example...

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