Go to any Garmin Connect activity, select the Laps tab and simply select the laps you're interested. A new table footer will appear with the average time per lap, along with total time and distance, average pace, and average power (if available) for selected laps.
- 1.0.0 - Upgraded dependencies, switched to Typescript, adjusted selectors according to latest changes in Garmin classes.
- 0.6.0 - Added Stryd lap power metric to the summary, if available.
- 0.5.0 - Again - adjustments required due to changes in Garmin "steps" workout. Upgraded all dependencies, migrated to manifest v3.
- 0.4.0 - Adjustments required due to changes in Garmin "steps" workout.
- 0.3.17 - Handle custom workouts correctly. Extension now works correctly after navigation between activities using the < and > buttons
- 0.2.0 - Laps with duration of over 60 minutes are now supported correctly.
- 0.1.2 - Initial version.