Human and artificial intelligence have fascinated me for as long as I can remember, leading me to switch my career from being a Neuroscience major on track for Med School to Computer Science!
In my spare time, I love reading, writing, adding things to my endless Pinterest boards, taking long walks, and cleaning things that were already clean.
Currently Learning: Developed a Pinterest clone using the MERN stack, currently adding a new feature involving pins recommended using Sanzo Wada color palettes
Currently Reading: 'Darwin's Backyard' by James T. Costa and 'The Worlds I See' by Dr. Fei-Fei Li
My all-time favorite book recommendation is 'Prisoners of Geography' by Tim Marshall.
President, for the second year in a row. I have founded and led 2 Special Interest Groups in Algorithms and AI, respectively. Through my weekly project-based and lecture-based meetings, I am trying to bridge the gap in resources in Technical Interview Prep and AI at my university.
I am interested in Full-Stack Development and AI/ML roles. ACM at UIC is my current full-time hobby. The best way to reach me is through email!
Programming Languages: JavaScript, Java, Python, SQL, C/C++, HTML, CSS
Platforms & Developer Tools: Material UI, Linux, Windows, Git, Postman, MongoDB, Pytorch, Firebase, Firestore
Libraries & Frameworks: Node.js, React.js, Express.js, Sckit-learn, REST, MySQL, Vision API, OpenAI API, Agora