makes you write tests easily
Easytest is a tiny testing framework for Ruby with a familiar DSL.
Add this line to your Gemfile
for Bundler:
gem "easytest"
Or install it via gem
gem install easytest
You can read more about Easytest on the official website.
Here is a very easy example.
First, put test/addition_test.rb
as below:
require "easytest"
using Easytest::DSL
test "addition" do
expect(1 + 2).to_eq 2
Then, run easytest
$ easytest
FAIL test/addition_test.rb
✕ addition (should equal)
Expected: 2
Received: 3
# test/addition_test.rb:6:in `block in <top (required)>'
Tests: 1 failed, 0 passed, 1 total (1 files)
Time: 0.00087 seconds
Oops. Let's fix the failure:
- expect(1 + 2).to_eq 2
+ expect(1 + 2).to_eq 3
Then, run it again:
$ easytest
PASS test/addition_test.rb
Tests: 1 passed, 1 total (1 files)
Time: 0.00077 seconds
The test now passes! 🎉
If you want to skip any cases, you can change test
to skip
- test "addition" do
+ skip "addition" do
Skipped cases will be reported as "skipped".
If you want to run only any cases, you can use test
to only
- test "addition" do
+ only "addition" do
Only cases with only
will be run, and other cases will be skipped.
If you want to write to-do cases, you can use test
without a block:
test "addition"
To-do cases will be reported as "todo".