exceptions-stacktrace is a c++17 library which its purpose is to add a stacktrace to exception, even if it was thrown from some external lib you use like stl/boost/any other third party lib, with no code changes to your original code.
A use case for example:
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int f()
std::vector<int> d;
return 0;
int main()
catch(const std::exception& e)
std::cerr << std::string(e.what());
In order to get some stacktrace for this code, until now you needed to do something like this:
#include <stdexcept>
class MyException : public std::runtime_error
std::runtime_error(collect_stacktrace()) {}
int f()
std::vector<int> d;
throw MyException();
return 0;
or something like that, you may even wrapped the external code usage with a small wrapper (in this example the external code is std::vector), just to get a stacktrace, or a meaningful error message.
but you don't need it anymore!!!
You can just use this library.
#include <vector>
#include "AutoSymInitialize.h"
#include "AutoExceptionStacktraceRegister.h"
#include "StackTracePrinter.h"
using namespace ExceptionsStacktrace;
int f()
std::vector<int> d;
return 0;
void g()
catch(const std::exception& e)
// This function is needed for clearing the collected stacktrace
// and should always be called after printing the stacktrace.
int main()
// The order is important - you first need to call AutoSymInitialize and than AutoExceptionStacktraceRegister
// in order to prevent endless recursion if something in initialization failed.
AutoSymInitialize autoSymInitialize;
AutoExceptionStacktraceRegister autoExceptionStacktraceRegister;
return 0;
result is:
stacktrace is:
#0 backward::StackTraceImpl<backward::system_tag::windows_tag>::load_here line: 914 [00007FF6E7BC2357]
#1 ExceptionsStacktrace::AutoExceptionStacktraceRegister::addStackTraceToException line: 42 [00007FF6E7BC274A]
#2 RtlIsGenericTableEmpty line: 0 [00007FF9567785B5]
#3 RtlRaiseException line: 0 [00007FF95676A055]
#4 RtlRaiseException line: 0 [00007FF956769FC2]
#5 RaiseException line: 0 [00007FF953A3A798]
#6 CxxThrowException line: 0 [00007FF9409A620F]
#7 std::_Xout_of_range line: 0 [00007FF936D49DE1]
#8 std::vector<int,std::allocator<int> >::_Xrange line: 1710 [00007FF6E7BC11F0]
#9 std::vector<int,std::allocator<int> >::at line: 1522 [00007FF6E7BC10F4]
#9 f line: 10 [00007FF6E7BC10F4]
#10 g line: 18 [00007FF6E7BC1108]
#11 main line: 30 [00007FF6E7BC1146]
#12 invoke_main line: 78 [00007FF6E7BC5E37]
#12 __scrt_common_main_seh line: 288 [00007FF6E7BC5E37
#13 BaseThreadInitThunk line: 0 [00007FF9547C7BD3]
For more examples please view Main.cpp under example dir.
- Clone the project
- Add exceptions-stacktrace\exceptions-stacktrace.vcxproj to your visual studio solution.
- Works for now only on Windows
- Needs some work to think about a way to make it work on lld-link, maybe -wrap flag or LD_PRELOAD for .so files.
- There is some weird issue with rethrow - meaning empty throw. which for not ununderstood able yet reason calls the Veh handler two times, instead of only one - so for now for rethrow we have two stacktraces, and we print them both.
- You need the pdb file of the executable to be in the same directory as the executable in order to work on a computer which the executable wasn't compiled on.
- You need to install dbgHelp.dll in the computer which the executable should run in. preferably via Debugging Tools For Windows.
- In the future you may only need to add dbghelp.dll to the executable dir.
Was done with MSVC 2019 and Clang 10
is developed on GitHub at exceptions-stacktrace. Feel free to report an issue or send a pull request, use the issues-tracker.