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[mirror] Obscene distribution of Ansible & Docker targetting Arch, Alpine and Ubuntu hosts

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Playlabs: the obscene ansible distribution

DISCLAMER: maybe it even works for you, but that's far from garanteed so far.

I love ansible most of the time, the rest of the time it makes me feel like it deserves better UX. Playlabs unfrustrates me:

  • provides a CLI to generate ansible-playbook commands,
  • works without inventory with options passed on the CLI,
  • also works with an inventory, that it standardizes,
  • able to combine both of the above,
  • provides a generic "project" role for my custom projects CD, that provides with nginx-proxy, letsencrypt-companion, netdata monitoring, sentry, etc
  • 1-click galaxy role install, role sub-task execution, chaining, etc, using generic playbooks
  • provides a command to setup ansible host dependencies (enforcing python3), my user with my key and passwordless sudo and disable root and password ssh access (my way or the highway !)
  • also supports k8s, but I won't prescribe it until you need HA

A more extensive and user-friendly documentation is in the docs sub-directory of playlabs and online @ thanks to RTFD :)

Install playlabs

This would install in the ~/src/playlabs directory:

pip3 install --user --editable git+

Run the ansible-playbook wrapper command without argument to see the quick getting started commands:

# or:
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin"' >> ~/.bashrc

Then, install your user with your public key, passwordless sudo, and secure SSH for the playlabs install command to work. Playlabs provide two ways.


You can work in a VM if you have vagrant:

cd ~/src/playlabs
vagrant destroy -f
vagrant up
vagrant ssh-config > ssh
playlabs deploy image=yourlabs/crudlfap --ssh-common-args="-F ssh" @default

Bare host

The playlabs init command can setup your user for you:

# example with root acces
playlabs init root:[email protected]

# all options are ansible options are proxied
playlabs init @ --ask-become-pass

# example with a typical openstack vm
playlabs init [email protected] --ask-become-pass

Now you should be able to install roles.

Deploy a project

Without inventory

You can now deploy a container for a custom image, it will create a project-staging container by default:

playlabs @ deploy image=betagouv/mrs:master

This time with more variables and in ybs-hack instead of project-staging:

playlabs @ deploy
    [email protected]

With inventory

To generate a starter inventory where you can store variables such as users, keys, passwords with ansible-vault, etc:

playlabs scaffold ./your-inventory

Then from CI of a project, you can auto-deploy the ybs-hack instance from above as such (it will pickup the ybs_hack_* variables from the inventory):

playlabs @ deploy

Installing roles

You will probably want to monitor your server:

playlabs install netdata @

You could also install galaxy roles that contain a dot, in which case playlabs will automatically download it if necessary:

playlabs install ferrarimarco.virtualbox @

You could also execute a specific role task file instead of main.yml, if your role name contains a slash:

# run k8s/tasks/users.yml instead of k8s/tasks/main.yml
# in the CI of your inventory for example to react to changes ?
playlabs install k8s/users @

Note that the dot and slash notations should be compatible.

You can also execute multiple roles at once if you separate them by comma:

playlabs install netdata,ferrarimarco.virtualbox,k8s/users @

You can set ansible variables directly on the command line. If you use dot in variable name, it will build a dict, ie.:

playlabs install netdata @ example=lol
# will generate the extra ansible-playbook options:
ansible-playbook ... -e example=lol -e '{"foo": {"bar": "test"}}'


We also have k8s support, but beware that it's not compatible with the deploy command, that relies on nginx-proxy and its letsencrypt companion, it's currently in-development and not tested in production, but still pretty cool:

playlabs install k8s @

# run k8s/tasks/init.yml instead of k8s/tasks/main.yml to reset a cluster
playlabs install k8s/init @

Command explanation

playlabs init

Initializing means going from a naked system to a system with your own user, ssh key, dotfiles, sudo access, secure sshd, and all necessary dependencies to execute ansible, such as python3. It will also install your friend account if you have an ansible inventory repository where you store your friend list in yml.

You might need to pass extra options to ansible in some cases, for example if your install provides a passworded sudo, add --ask-sudo-pass or put the password in the CLI, since initializing will remove

playlabs init @
playlabs init user:[email protected]
playlabs init [email protected] --ask-sudo-pass
playlabs init [email protected]

playlabs install

If you want to deploy your project, then you need to install the paas which consists of three roles: docker, firewall, and nginx. The nginx role sets up two containers, nginx-proxy that watches the docker socket and introspects docker container environment variables, such as VIRTUAL_HOST, to reconfigure itself, it even supports uWSGI. The other container is nginx-letsencrypt, that shares a cert volume with the nginx-proxy container, and watches the docker socket for containers and introspect variables such as LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL, to configure the certificates.

Remember the architecture:

  • nginx-proxy container recieves requests,
  • nginx-letsencrypt container generates certificates,
  • other docker containers have environment variables necessary for the above

The CLI itself is pretty straightforward:

playlabs install docker,firewall,nginx @ # the paas for the project role
playbabs install sendmail,netdata,mailcatcher,gitlab @staging
playbabs install sendmail,netdata,sentry user@production

The difference between traditionnal roles and playlabs roles, is that in playlabs they strive to have stuff running inside docker to leverage the architecture of the nginx proxy.

Playlabs can configure sendmail of course, but also has roles providing full-featured docker based mailservers or mailcatcher instances for your dev, training or staging environments for example.

This approach comes from migrating away from "building in production" to "building immutable tested chroots", away from "pet" to "cattle".

But if you're already an ansible hacker you're better off with ansible to do a lot more than than what docker-compose has to offer, such as managing k and roles, on your SDN as in your apps.

In fact, you will see role that consist of a single docker ansible module call, but the thing is that you can spawn it in one command and have it integrated with the rest of your server, and even rely on ansible to provision fine-grained RBAC in your own apps.