A set of scripts that reads media -> detect voice from the media -> create wav for each sentences
convert all non-wav media into wav in a given folder it uses ffmpeg internally as that's performing the best (most stable, and compatible with any) ffmpeg uses default which is 16 bit PCM, 48Khz, 2ch
python folder_convert_media_to_wav.py -f <folder name>
Reads either a single wave file or all the wave files in a specific folder, and run Voice Activity Dector (with onx option enabled) to generate a folder that has each sentences as wave file it internally uses https://github.com/snakers4/silero-vad for Voice activity Detection
Usage: For a single wave file
python segment-media-vad-onx.py <wave file>
For all wave file in a folder
python segment-media-vad-onx.py -f <folder>
Read a folder that has list of wave files (assuming it's a segmented wav files by segment-media-vad-onx.py`,
- create a excel file that has the same name as the folder
- add header row of Filename (first column), Transcription (second column) to the first row
- for the first column, fill up all the rows withe the wav file names
- for the second column, fill up all the rows by running whisper to the corresponding wav file
- once done, save that to the excel file
Usage: For all wave file in a folder
python labeling-with-whipser.py -f <folder>