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Pokemon Server

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You're going to create a pokemon battle game with persistence.

Each Pokemon will be a GenServer process storing the pokemon's stats in state.

 class Pokemon {
  health: 20
  attack: 5
  type: :fire
  name: "charmander"

Pokemon can attack each other. An attack should update the Pokemon's health in the GenServer's state.

Create Pokemon Server

Create a Pokemon module which will be a GenServer and a struct definition. It should store the following in values in state.

  • :name will be a string.
  • :type will be an atom of either :grass, :water, or :fire
  • :health will be an integer with a default value of 20
  • :attack will be an integer with a default value of 5

You should be able to create a Pokemon struct.

%Pokemon{name: "Charmander", type: :fire, health: 20, attack: 5}

Pokemon GenServers should be able to attack one another. This should subtract one pokemon's :attack from the other pokemon's :health, and update the value in the state of the GenServer. A pokemon's health should not be able to fall below 0.

attacker = Pokemon.start_link(pokemon: %Pokemon{name: "Bulbasaur1", type: :grass})
defender = Pokemon.start_link(pokemon: %Pokemon{name: "Bulbasaur2", type: :grass})

Pokemon.attack(attacker, defender)

%Pokemon{name: "Bulbasaur1", type: :grass, health: 15, attack: 20} = :sys.get_state(defender)
Example Solution
defmodule Pokemon do
  use GenServer
  @enforce_keys [:name, :type]
  defstruct @enforce_keys ++ [health: 20, attack: 5]

  def start_link(opts \\ []) do
    {pokemon, opts} = Keyword.pop!(opts, :pokemon)
    GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, pokemon, opts)

  @impl true
  def init(state) do
    {:ok, state}

  def attack(attacker, defender) do
    attacker_type = Pokemon.get(attacker, :type)
    defender_type = Pokemon.get(defender, :type)
    damage_amount = Pokemon.get(attacker, :attack) * multiplier(attacker_type, defender_type), {:apply_damage, damage_amount})

  def multiplier(attacker_type, defender_type) do
    case {attacker_type, defender_type} do
      {:fire, :grass} -> 2
      {:grass, :water} -> 2
      {:water, :fire} -> 2
      {:fire, :water} -> 0.5
      {:grass, :fire} -> 0.5
      {:water, :grass} -> 0.5
      _ -> 1

  def get(pokemon, key) do, {:get, key})

  def handle_call({:get, key}, _from, pokemon) do
    {:reply, Map.get(pokemon, key), pokemon}

  @impl true
  def handle_call({:apply_damage, amount}, _from, pokemon) do
    updated_pokemon = Map.update!(pokemon, :health, fn health -> max(health - amount, 0) end)
    {:reply, updated_pokemon, updated_pokemon}

Enter your solution below.

defmodule Pokemon do
  @moduledoc """
  Pokemon Server

  Defines a Pokemon GenServer and struct.

  ## Examples

    iex> %Pokemon{name: "Charmander", type: :fire}
    %Pokemon{name: "Charmander", type: :fire, health: 20, attack: 5}
  use GenServer

  @doc """
  Start the Pokemon GenServer.

  ## Examples
      iex> {:ok, pokemon} = Pokemon.start_link([pokemon: %Pokemon{name: "Charmander", type: :fire}])
  def start_link(opts \\ []) do

  @impl true
  def init(state) do
    {:ok, state}

  @doc """
  Apply the attacker's attack damage to the defender's health.

  ## Examples

    With default values.
    iex> {:ok, attacker} = Pokemon.start_link(pokemon: %Pokemon{name: "Bulbasaur1", type: :grass})
    iex> {:ok, defender} = Pokemon.start_link(pokemon: %Pokemon{name: "Bulbasaur2", type: :grass})
    iex> Pokemon.attack(attacker, defender)
    %Pokemon{name: "Bulbasaur2", type: :grass, health: 15, attack: 5}
    iex> Pokemon.attack(attacker, defender)
    %Pokemon{name: "Bulbasaur2", type: :grass, health: 10, attack: 5}
    iex> Pokemon.attack(attacker, defender)
    %Pokemon{name: "Bulbasaur2", type: :grass, health: 5, attack: 5}
    iex> Pokemon.attack(attacker, defender)
    %Pokemon{name: "Bulbasaur2", type: :grass, health: 0, attack: 5}
    iex> Pokemon.attack(attacker, defender)
    %Pokemon{name: "Bulbasaur2", type: :grass, health: 0, attack: 5}

    Ensure you use the attacking pokemon's attack number to apply damage to the defending pokemon's health.

    iex> {:ok, attacker} = Pokemon.start_link(pokemon: %Pokemon{name: "Bulbasaur1", type: :grass, attack: 20})
    iex> {:ok, defender} = Pokemon.start_link(pokemon: %Pokemon{name: "Bulbasaur2", type: :grass, health: 45})
    iex> Pokemon.attack(attacker, defender)
    %Pokemon{name: "Bulbasaur2", type: :grass, health: 25, attack: 5}
  def attack(attacker, defender) do

Bonus: Type Advantages and Weaknesses

Multiply the damage dealt by an attack by 2 if the attacker has a type advantage. Multiply the damage applied by 0.5 if the attacker has a type weakness.

Type Advantages are:

  • fire -> grass
  • grass -> water
  • water -> fire

Type weaknesses are:

  • fire -> water
  • grass -> fire
  • water -> grass

Modify your solution above to complete this bonus section.

Commit Your Progress

Run the following in your command line from the beta_curriculum folder to track and save your progress in a Git commit.

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "finish pokemon server exercise"

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