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Fault Tolerance

Elixir and Open Telecom Platform (OTP) are fantastic for building highly concurrent and fault-tolerant systems which can handle runtime errors.

Errors happen. We often implement specific error handling for the errors we expect. However, it's impossible to anticipate every possible error. For unexpected errors, Elixir follows a let it crash philosophy.

To achieve a fault-tolerant system in Elixir, we leverage concurrency and isolate our system into different processes. These processes share no memory, and a crash in one process cannot crash another.

Therefore, we can let a process crash, and it will not affect the rest of our system.

it’s somewhat surprising that the core tool for error handling is concurrency. In the BEAM world, two concurrent processes are completely separated; they share no memory, and a crash in one process can’t by default compromise the execution flow of another. Process isolation allows you to confine the negative effects of an error to a single process or a small group of related processes, which keeps most of the system functioning normally.

For example, We can spawn a process and raise an error. Unless we explicitly link the process with spawn_link/1 The process will die and leave the parent process unaffected.

pid =
  spawn(fn ->
    raise "error"

# allow the process time to crash

"I still run."


We've seen that unlinked processes can crash and die without affecting the parent process.

Instead of crashing the process and leaving it dead, we can use Supervisors to monitor processes and attempt to restart them.

The term restart is a bit misleading. To be clear, we cannot restart a process. Restart in this case means that we kill the process and start a new one in its place. However, it's conceptually easier to think of it as restarting.

Why would we want to restart the process? Well, most technical issues are the result of state. Our system gets into a bad state and cannot recover. Turning a system on and off again clears the state and often resolves the issue. Using a Supervisor is like adding an automatic on/off switch to your application.

A Supervisor monitors one or more child processes. We generally refer to these processes as workers. The Supervisor can use different strategies for restarting its child workers. The :one_for_one strategy individually restarts any worker that dies.


S --> W1
S --> W2
S --> W3

We'll create a Bomb process that crashes after two seconds to demonstrate how to supervise a process.

defmodule Bomb do
  use GenServer

  def start_link(state) do
    GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, state, name: __MODULE__)

  def init(state) do
    Process.send_after(self(), :explode, 2000)
    {:ok, state}

  def handle_info(:explode, _state) do
    raise "Bomb Exploded!"

The Supervisor.start_link/2 function accepts a list of child processes. Each child must define a start_link/1 function, which Bomb already does.

By default, a Supervisor limits the number of times a child worker can crash to three times in five seconds. So we kill the supervisor process after five seconds to avoid crashing this livebook.

children = [
  {Bomb, []}

{:ok, supervisor_pid} = Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one)

Process.exit(supervisor_pid, :normal)

Restart Strategies

Supervisors have different strategies for when one of their workers crashes.


Restart only the worker that crashed.

flowchart TD 
    Supervisor --> P1
    Supervisor --> P2
    Supervisor --> P3
    Supervisor --> ..
    Supervisor --> Pn

    classDef crashed fill:#fe8888;
    classDef restarted stroke:#0cac08,stroke-width:4px

    class P2 crashed
    class P2 restarted


In the diagram above, only P2 crashed, so only P2 will be restarted by the supervisor.

One For All

Restart all of the child workers.

flowchart TD 
    Supervisor --> P1
    Supervisor --> P2
    Supervisor --> P3
    Supervisor --> ..
    Supervisor --> Pn

    classDef crashed fill:#fe8888;
    classDef terminated fill:#fbab04;
    classDef restarted stroke:#0cac08,stroke-width:4px

    class P2 crashed
    class P1,P3,..,Pn terminated
    class P1,P2,P3,..,Pn restarted

P2 crashed, which led to all the other child processes to be terminated, then all the child processes are restarted.

Rest For One

Restart child workers orderer after the crashed process.

flowchart TD 
    Supervisor --> P1
    Supervisor --> P2
    Supervisor --> P3
    Supervisor --> ..
    Supervisor --> Pn

    classDef crashed fill:#fe8888;
    classDef terminated fill:#fbab04;
    classDef restarted stroke:#0cac08,stroke-width:4px

    class P2 crashed
    class P3,..,Pn terminated
    class P2,P3,..,Pn restarted

P2 crashed, the child processes after it in the start order are terminated, then P2 and the other terminated child processes are are restarted.

To better understand how we can use a supervisor with different restart strategies, we're going to supervise multiple bomb processes.

Each Bomb will exist for a specified time and then crash (explode).

  • Bomb1 will explode after 2 seconds.
  • Bomb2 will explode after 3 seconds.
  • Bomb3 will explode after 5 seconds.
defmodule Bomb1 do
  use GenServer

  def start_link(state) do
    GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, state)

  def init(state) do
    Process.send_after(self(), :explode, 2000)
    {:ok, state}

  def handle_info(:explode, _state) do
    raise "Bomb 1 Exploded!"

defmodule Bomb2 do
  use GenServer

  def start_link(state) do
    GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, state)

  def init(state) do
    Process.send_after(self(), :explode, 3000)
    {:ok, state}

  def handle_info(:explode, _state) do
    raise "Bomb 2 Exploded!"

defmodule Bomb3 do
  use GenServer

  def start_link(state) do
    GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, state)

  def init(state) do
    Process.send_after(self(), :explode, 5000)
    {:ok, state}

  def handle_info(:explode, _state) do
    raise "Bomb 3 Exploded!"

One For One

We'll start the three bombs using the :one_for_one strategy.

Each bomb restarts individually without affecting the others, so the timeline of crashes should be:

  • 2 seconds: Bomb1 crashes.
  • 3 seconds: Bomb2 crashes.
  • 4 seconds: Bomb1 crashes.
  • 5 seconds: Bomb3 crashes.

We've increased :max_restarts to increase the limit of three crashes per five seconds to five crashes per five seconds.

You can go to Supervisor Options on HexDocs for a full list of configuration options.

children = [
  {Bomb1, []},
  {Bomb2, []},
  {Bomb3, []}

{:ok, supervisor} = Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one, max_restarts: 5)

# allow time for crashes and kill the supervisor to clean up the process.
Process.exit(supervisor, :normal)

One For All

If we change the restart strategy to :one_for_all, then all processes will be terminated and restarted when a single process crashes.

So the timeline of crashes will be:

  • 2 seconds: Bomb1 crashes (Bomb2 and Bomb3 restarted)
  • 4 seconds: Bomb1 crashes (Bomb2 and Bomb3 restarted)
  • 6 seconds: Bomb1 crashes (Bomb2 and Bomb3 restarted)

Notice that Bomb2 and Bomb3 will never explode because their timers restart.

children = [
  {Bomb1, []},
  {Bomb2, []},
  {Bomb3, []}

{:ok, supervisor} = Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_all)

# allow time for crashes and kill the supervisor to clean up the process.
Process.exit(supervisor, :normal)

Rest For One

If we change the restart strategy to :rest_for_one, the processes will restart any processes ordered after them in the supervisor.

At first, we won't notice any change from the :one_for_all strategy. The timeline will still be:

  • 2 seconds: Bomb1 crashes (Bomb2 and Bomb3 restarted)
  • 4 seconds: Bomb1 crashes (Bomb2 and Bomb3 restarted)
  • 6 seconds: Bomb1 crashes (Bomb2 and Bomb3 restarted)
children = [
  {Bomb1, []},
  {Bomb2, []},
  {Bomb3, []}

{:ok, supervisor} = Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :rest_for_one)

# allow time for crashes and kill the supervisor to clean up the process.
Process.exit(supervisor, :normal)

However, if we change the order of children in the supervisor, only children after the crashed process (Bomb1) will restart.

So the timeline of crashes would be:

  • 2 seconds: Bomb1 crashes (Bomb2 restarted)
  • 4 seconds: Bomb1 crashes (Bomb2 restarted)
  • 5 seconds: Bomb3 crashes (Bomb1 and Bomb2 restarted)
  • 7 seconds: Bomb1 crashes (Bomb2 restarted)

We've increased max_restarts because there would normally be three crashes in five seconds.

children = [
  {Bomb3, []},
  {Bomb1, []},
  {Bomb2, []}

{:ok, supervisor} = Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :rest_for_one, max_restarts: 5)

# allow time for crashes and kill the supervisor to cleanup the process.
Process.exit(supervisor, :normal)

Your Turn

Start Bomb1, Bomb2, and Bomb3 under a new supervisor.

Change the order to:

  • first: Bomb2
  • second: Bomb3
  • third: Bomb1

Predict the crash timeline, Then evaluate your code. Did the result match your prediction?

Further Reading

Commit Your Progress

Run the following in your command line from the beta_curriculum folder to track and save your progress in a Git commit.

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "finish supervisors section"

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