Releases: ytsaurus/ytsaurus-ui
Releases · ytsaurus/ytsaurus-ui
ui: v1.82.1
ui: v1.82.0
1.82.0 (2025-02-14)
- CHYT/Tabs: add tab for logs link [YTFRONT-4675] (fc2f4b9)
- Navigation/NavigationError: add copy button and impove error details [YTFRONT-4049] (fb70cba)
- Operations: preempted jobs [YTFRONT-4641] (472d41e)
- Settings: change suggestions settings item [YTFRONT-4703] (4c1776c)
- CopyObjectModal: add recursive folders creating while copying [YTFRONT-3041] (670c084)
- ManageTokens: optional password for token issuing (e696da8)
- Navigation: add pages for 500 and 901 errors [YTFRONT-4049] (8b20786)
- System/Masters: allow to 'Switch leader' for 'Secondary masters' and 'Timestamp provider' [YTFRONT-4214] (20762b3)
- Navigation/Document: allow
YQL query
button if _yql_type == "view" [YTFRONT-4463] (0421120) - Job/Statistics: use operation_statistics_descriptions from supported_features [YTFRONT-3522] (abf49e5)
- Node: display node version [YTFRONT-4555] (0e460d2)
- DownloadManager: add setting for filename [YTFRONT-3564] (285d075)
- Queries: new progress graph [YTFRONT-4112] (24c142e)
- Navigation/CreateTableModal: add queue creation option [YTFRONT-4658] (df445ed)
- now UIFactory.getNavigationExtraTabs allows to request additional attributes for navigation node (36a2d12)
- Queries: inline suggestions [YTFRONT-4612] (11d4b59)
- Navigation/ContentViewer: add ability to view chaos_cells [YTFRONT-3653] (299de09)
- Queries: chart kit [YTFRONT-4506] (5ad677d)
Bug Fixes
- Navigation: xlsx types checkbox off by default [YTFRONT-4699] (233e945)
- prevent page hotkeys firing with opened YTDialog [#768] (1e6d097)
- ExperimentalPages: wait for allowedExperimentalPages before startPage redirect (527ad72)
- CellPreview: show preview button when yql v3 types disabled [#928] (0e6fd69)
- CopyObjectModal: change checkbox text [YTFRONT-3041] (ce6a02f)
- Users/Groups: simpilfy CommaSeparatedListWithRestCounter component, now user always will be able to see all group members and all groups of specific user [#704] (453d8d7)
- ACL: minor fixes for SubjectsControl [YTFRONT-4465] (92f521b)
- ACL: ui should display an error when user has no permission to set acl [#938] (93722c7)
- ManageTokens: manage tokens does not work for http [#953] (03fdc67)
- Navigation: check file existence by name [YTFRONT-4638] (2edc61b)
- now the attributes editor always using ordered merge, that prevents table rows from shuffle (8097144)
- Queries: graph nodes clickable again [YTFRONT-4682] (ddb125c)
- Components/Node/MemoryPopup: do not display lines with '0B' [YTFRONT-4625] (00268e3)
- Components/Node/SloutResources: fix calculation of 'Slot Resources' [YTFRONT-4631] (4c898c0)
- Jobs: fixed filter by job state, now it's correctrly applying from URL [#775] (e4f96b7)
- MultipleActions: filter empty sections [YTFRONT-4627] (8986360)
- Navigation/PathEditor: use last fragment for suggestion [YTFRONT-4032] (f451603)
- Navigation/Tabs: optimize attributes requests [YTFRONT-3182] (ef9100c)
- Operaion/Jobs: get rid of unnecessary filter 'DataSource' [YTFRONT-4629] (77c2ace)
- Operation/Events: minor style-fix for progress [YTFRONT-4631] (c3b1225)
- OperationDetail/Tasks: minor fix for Aborted column [YTFRONT-4632] (73f32c9)
- Scheduling: replace deprecated attribute [YTFRONT-4652] (71d0534)
- System: minor css-fix for '[nonvoting]' [YTFRONT-4477] (ec76ecc)
- DeleteObjectModal: show different texts in case when user trying to remove objects permanently [#937] (e067dba)
- Navigation: add missing attribute for flow tab [YTFRONT-4665] (cb2d40b)
- ClusterMenu: fix for Settings/Queries (2de6bd7)
- Navigation/MapNode: filter parameter doesn't work from url [YTFRONT-4481] (b4d9ab2)
- Operation/JobsMonitor: better condition of visibility [YTFRONT-4600] (12184fb)
- System/Nodes: do not use banned=disabled for Rack link [YTFRONT-4603] (565684b)
ui: v1.75.1
1.75.1 (2024-12-18)
- Attributes: add download button [YTFRONT-4310] (6710c0b)
- CellPreviewModal: add support image preview [#773] (7b266dc)
- Navigation/Table: add support truncated image preview [#773] (34daef1)
- QueryTracker/Table: add support truncated image preview [#773] (39684bc)
- VCS: new list sort order [YTFRONT-4520] (cb6b000)
Bug Fixes
- Accounts: medium filter value in url [YTFRONT-4567] (d61ff09)
- Accounts/Create: use 'inherit_acl=false' only if parent is 'root' [YTFRONT-4561] (0a59da8)
- ACL: use 'keep-missing-fields' mode for 'Manage Responsibles'/'Manage Inheritance' [YTFRONT-4560] (1e00b7a)
- ManageTokensModal: correct time format [#914] (565b205)* OAuth: fix redirect to previous page instead of / (77e3471)
- Scheduling/Overview: add bottom padding [YTFRONT-4530] (43837e8)
- Toaster: line break in toaster content [YTFRONT-4543] (eb8faba)
ui: v1.74.0
1.74.0 (2024-12-09)
- Navigation/CellPreview: add dynamic table cell preview [#776] (4fbbb06)
- Queries: alias and column autocomplete [YTFRONT-4486] (b47d3fb)
- Queries: change engine order [YTFRONT-4498] (9a8dce8)
- Queries: change query result tabs order [YTFRONT-4381] (d851ddf)
- Groups: now we can create new group via UI [#634] (99766cf)
- ACL: separate dialog for 'Edit inheritance' [YTFRONT-3836] (83d5965)
- Bundles/Bundle: add 'TabletErrors' tab for bundle page [YTFRONT-4119] (7ec446a)
- Navigation/DynTable: fetch tablet errors from tabletErrosApi [YTFRONT-4119] (b082a3d)
- Scheduling: hide all alerts [YTFRONT-4322] (63d60fa)
- logout: make oauth logout optional [#488] (1b5591a)
- Queries: monaco line number in url [YTFRONT-4505] (2433ed6)
Bug Fixes
- Navigation: additional to a62d64a [YTFRONT-4511] (b17545f)
- Navigation: keyboard navigation [YTFRONT-4493] (3b9fb24)
- Operations: job tooltip value format [YTFRONT-4211] (de238b1)
- System: timestamp providers maintenance [YTFRONT-4452] (fa837cd)
- UI: celebration theme fix (67db4f4)
- Components: use search of substring for 'Filter hosts' (ac2c477)
- Docs: fix incorrect documentation urls (9c4a8db)
- System: fixed typo, now we check correct "maintenance" attribute (c97f9be)
- ACL: better names for buttons [YTFRONT-3836] (a45be15)
- ACL: inheritAcl/inheritResponsible should be properly checked [YTFRONT-4492] (dca379f)
- Navigation/ReplicatedTable: attribute /@tablet_error_count should affect tablet errors count [YTFRONT-4447] (5860748)
- Navigation: allow 'Tablet errors' for nodes with
/@tablet_error_count >= 0
[YTFRONT-3951] (637def7) - Groups: expand group tree on non-empty group filter [#853] (1255e14)
- Navigation: bring back 'Request permissions' button [YTFRONT-4511] (a62d64a)
- Operations/Details/Specifiction: do not display empty command [YTFRONT-4507] (cadc5fc)
- Queries: share button in safari [YTFRONT-4503] (38842f4)
- Scheduling/ACL: error when switch to another pool from ACL tab [YTFRONT-4487] (06809d8)
- Settigns: export DiscribedSettings type [YTFRONT-4499] (5ab93eb)
ui: v1.68.1
1.68.1 (2024-11-18)
- PoolTreeSuggestControl: now we could select multiply pool trees on clique creation/edit [#841] (89c79a8)
- Queries: change path auto suggest weight [YTFRONT-4479] (9504939)
- Queries: allow users to copy query id (f6acc89)
- Queries: info nodes in query error [YTFRONT-4342] (c2f4f3f)
- System: headers of sections should be sticky [YTFRONT-4420] (7e04dae)
Bug Fixes
- Breadcrumbs: breadcrumb popup links not working [YTFRONT-4121] (bad5795)
- Components/Nodes: fixes for add_maintenance/remove_maintenance [YTFRONT-4480] (85ef77d)
- Navigation/DeleteModal: make header of deleting items list and "permanently delete" checkbox is sticky [YTFRONT-4245] (3da8d44)
- Navigation/ReplicatedTable: rename column [YTFRONT-4327] (79f664b)
- Navigation: correct data format in errors [YTFRONT-4251] (ed6096e)
- Queries: run query hotkeys [YTFRONT-4462] (7d69305)
javascript-wrapper: v0.10.3
ui: v1.66.0
1.66.0 (2024-11-01)
- Users: introduce "Change password" tab in UsersPageEditor, now we can change user passwords via UI [#633] (2a06c23)
- Users: introduce "create new" button which allows to create new user [#633] (543dcf0)
- Users: introduce "Name" field in UsersPageEditor dialog, now we can rename users via UI [#633] (bcfaead)
- Users: introduce remove button which allows to remove user [#633] (461f6d9)
Bug Fixes
ui: v1.65.0
1.65.0 (2024-10-25)
- Operation/Jobs: add TaskName column in table [#828] (90c8586)
- Queries: default ACO [#436] (0eba698)
- System: new cluster colors [YTFRONT-4409] (f7cb2c0)
- System: new regexp shortname [YTFRONT-4386] (ebe523f)
- UIFactory: introduce renderCustomPreloaderError method which allows to render custom error page (b580749)
- UIFactory: extract defaultUIFactory to separate file [YTFRONT-3814] (dfc8930)
Bug Fixes
- ACL: permissions should be sorted [YTFRONT-4432] (881c08c)
- ClusterPage: align "Loading <cluster name>..." text to center of the page (f367d5b)
- ColumnHeader/SortIcon: add tooltip for sort direction (+allowUnordered) [YTFRONT-3801] (911e457)
- Components: wrong tablet memory column name [YTFRONT-4408] (21cc198)
- Navigation: correct cluster name in yql query [YTFRONT-4274] (4b9cab5)
- Navigation/MapNode: allow to select rows by click on first cell [YTFRONT-4391] (85e915c)
- Navigation/Queue: allow Queue tab for replication_table/chaos_replicated_table [YTFRONT-4144] (228db6a)
- Navigation/Table: draggable row selector should work properly [YTFRONT-4396] (d702adb)
- Navigation/TopRow/PathEditor: select text when editor is focused [YTFRONT-4387] (fd4beb6)
- Navigation/RequestPermissionsButton: minor fix of styles [YTFRONT-4379] (9eefa05)
- Odin: use the same format for DatePicker in odin (5a25c2f)
- Operations: save pool tree in url [YTFRONT-4355] (ee2fe0e)
- PathViewer: now path viewer run list command by default, because "get /" command might lead to perfomance issue [#814] (006d215)
- System/Nodes: minor fixes [YTFRONT-3297] (3d78cfe)
javascript-wrapper: v0.10.2
ui: v1.60.1
1.60.1 (2024-10-02)
- Navigation/Table/CellPreviewModal: add support string preview [#765] (e779d16)
- Navigation: open access logs in qt [YTFRONT-4345] (97a42b8)
- Navigation/MapNode: allow override node-icon through UIFactory.getNavigationMapNodeSettings (c97a4a0)
- Navigation/Queue: add alerts section [YTFRONT-4144] (8b0157c)
- System: maintenance button [YTFRONT-4217] (3c5d0d2)
Bug Fixes
- BFF fix logging of axios error in sendAndLogError function (b9239dc)
- Navigation: pool tree select popup [YTFRONT-4380] (f52eb90)
- Navigation/Consumer,Navigation/Queue: show errors [YTFRONT-4144] (914a6a0)
- Navigation/Table/CellPreview: fix opening preview for table with offset [#778] (7347349)
- Queries: chyt spyt path autocomplete [YTFRONT-4368] (df3cff1)
- Queries: do not show vcs if vcsSettings is empty (7df0b04)
- Queries: fix adhoc charts (2c441c5)
- Sort,Merge: get rid of missing node errors [YTFRONT-4392] (cf79a79)
- System: fix color of stats text in dark mode (f1c3ec3)
- YQLTable: fixed exception in truncated cells preview (a351378)