Python Facebook
A Python wrapper around for Facebook Common API.
Inspired by Python-Twitter.
Library provides a service to easy use Facebook Graph API.
It currently includes the use of Facebook
and Instagram Business
, Instagram Basic Display
product data.
You can install this library from pypi
$pip install --upgrade python-facebook-api ✨🍰✨
You can view the latest python-facebook
documentation at:
Also view the full Facebook Graph API
docs at:
And full Instagram Graph API
docs at:
And full Instagram Basic Display API
docs at:
The API is exposed via the pyfacebook.Api
To get data, you need have a facebook app first. You can get more information about create, apply permissions for app at App docs.
Also, you can get some examples for this library at Example folder.
Facebook has different type access tokens. You can use different access token to get different data.
- User Access Token
- App Access Token
- Page Access Token
- Client Token (library not support)
You can see the docs access-token to get more information.
If you want to get user access token by authorize. You can follows the docs authorization-manually to initial the api.
If you just want to use app access token to get some public data. You can initial an api as follows:
In [2]: api = Api(app_id="your app id", app_secret="your app secret", application_only_auth=True) In [3]: api.get_token_info() Out[3]: AccessToken(app_id='id', application='app name', user_id=None)
If you have a short-lived token you can initial an api as follows:
In [4]: api = Api(app_id="your app id", app_secret="your app secret", short_token="short-lived token") In [5]: api.get_token_info() Out[5]: AccessToken(app_id='id', application='app name', user_id='token user id')
If you have a long term token you can initial an api as follows(Just provide only long_term_token
parameter enough. but for security need provide with app credentials):
In [6]: api = Api(app_id="your app id", app_secret="your app secret", long_term_token="long-term token") In [7]: api.get_token_info() Out[7]: AccessToken(app_id='id', application='app name', user_id='token user id') # this need token have additional manage_pages permission. In [8]: api = Api(long_term_token="long-term token")
the different initial with parameter short_token
or long_term_token
is short token will auto exchange a long term token inside.
Facebook rate limit is very vague, it related to the number of users of your app. So library provide the custom sleep times in requests.
You can only set parameter sleep_on_rate_limit
with True
to let api sleep two seconds between two requests.
Or you can set parameter sleep_seconds_mapping
with a dict contains your custom data. ex:
In [9]: mapping = {10: 2, 20: 5, 50: 20, 70: 30} # key is api limit reached percent and value is seconds to sleep. In [10]: api = Api( ...: app_id="your app id", app_secret="your app secret", long_term_token="long-term token", ...: sleep_on_rate_limit=True, sleep_seconds_mapping=mapping ...:)
You can get a facebook page information by follows methods.
To fetch one facebook page's public data:
In [3]: api.get_page_info(username='facebookapp') Out[3]: Page(id='20531316728', name='Facebook', username='facebookapp')
To fetch multi page by one request, you can pass the page username list or page id list with the ids
parameter as follows:
In [4]: api.get_pages_info(ids=["20531316728", "nba"]) Out[4]: {'20531316728': Page(id='20531316728', name='Facebook', username='facebookapp'), 'nba': Page(id='8245623462', name='NBA', username='nba')}
There have multi methods to retrieve one page's posts data.
>>> api.get_page_feeds()
>>> api.get_page_posts()
>>> api.get_page_published_posts()
>>> api.get_page_tagged_posts()
Page feeds can get feed of posts (including status updates) and links published by this page, or by others on this page. You can call with follows:
In [5]: api.get_page_feeds(page_id="20531316728",count=2) Out[5]: [Post(id='20531316728_587455038708591', permalink_url=''), Post(id='20531316728_10159023836696729', permalink_url='')]
Page posts can only get the posts that were published by this page:
In [6]: api.get_page_posts(page_id="20531316728",count=2) Out[6]: [Post(id='20531316728_587455038708591', permalink_url=''), Post(id='20531316728_10159023836696729', permalink_url='')]
Because facebook graph api limit Page Feed. Use public token only can get approximately 600 ranked, published posts per year.
So if you want to get page's all posts or posts which tagged the page. you need use method get_page_published_posts
, and this need a page access token with permission manage_pages
You can use authorization to get that page access token. Just follows docs authorization-manually. Then can get all published posts:
In [7]: api.get_published_posts(username='facebookapp', access_token='page access token') Out[7]: [Post...]
You can get tagged posts:
In [8]: api.get_tagged_posts(username='facebookapp', access_token='page access token') Out[8]: [Post...]
If you also have the post id, you can get post detail info by follows methods.
To fetch a post info:
In [9]: api.get_post_info(post_id="20531316728_587455038708591") Out[9]: Post(id='20531316728_587455038708591', permalink_url='')
To fetch multi posts by one requests:
In [10]: api.get_posts_info(ids=["20531316728_587455038708591", "20531316728_10159023836696729"]) Out[10]: {'20531316728_587455038708591': Post(id='20531316728_587455038708591', permalink_url=''), '20531316728_10159023836696729': Post(id='20531316728_10159023836696729', permalink_url='')}
You can get comments data by the object(post,page and so on) id:
In [11]: api.get_comments_by_object(object_id="20531316728_587455038708591", count=2) Out[11]: ([Comment(id='587455038708591_587460942041334', can_like=True, can_comment=True, comment_count=2, like_count=1), Comment(id='587455038708591_587464298707665', can_like=True, can_comment=True, comment_count=2, like_count=14)], CommentSummary(total_count=392, can_comment=True))
If you already have the comment id, you can get comment details info with follows methods.
To fetch one comment info:
In [12]: api.get_comment_info(comment_id="587455038708591_587460942041334") Out[12]: Comment(id='587455038708591_587460942041334', comment_count=2, like_count=1)
To fetch multi comment info by one request:
In [13]: api.get_comments_info(ids=["587455038708591_587460942041334", "587455038708591_587464298707665"]) Out[13]: {'587455038708591_587460942041334': Comment(id='587455038708591_587460942041334', comment_count=2, like_count=1), '587455038708591_587464298707665': Comment(id='587455038708591_587464298707665', comment_count=2, like_count=14)}
You can get the page's profile picture by follow methods.
To fetch one page picture:
In [14]: api.get_picture(page_id="20531316728") Out[14]: ProfilePictureSource(url='', height=100, width=100)
To fetch multi page picture:
In [15]: api.get_pictures(ids=["20531316728", "nba"]) Out[15]: {'20531316728': ProfilePictureSource(url='', height=100, width=100), 'nba': ProfilePictureSource(url='', height=100, width=100)}
Instagram Graph API allows to get instagram Professional accounts data.
As similar to facebook graph api. This api can initial by multi methods. But only can use user access token, and need your instagram business id.
If you want to get user access token by authorize. You can follows the docs authorization-manually to initial the api.
If you have a short-lived token you can initial an api as follows:
In [2]: api = IgProApi(app_id="your app id", app_secret="your app secret", short_token="short-lived token", instagram_business_id="17841406338772941") In [3]: api.get_token_info() Out[3]: AccessToken(app_id='id', application='app name', user_id="token user id")
If you have a long term token you can initial an api as follows(Just provide only long_term_token
parameter enough. but for security need provide with app credentials):
In [4]: api = IgProApi(app_id="your app id", app_secret="your app secret", long_term_token="long-lived token") In [5]: api.get_token_info() Out[5]: AccessToken(app_id='id', application='app name', user_id='token user id')
If you want to search other's business account basic info and medias. You can use methods as follows:
- discovery_user: retrieve user basic data - discovery_user_medias: retrieve user medias data
Use discovery only support search by instagram user name.
Retrieve other user info by username:
In [6]: api.discovery_user(username="facebook") Out[6]: IgProUser(id='17841400455970028', name='Facebook', username='facebook')
Retrieve other user medias by username:
In [7]: api.discovery_user_medias(username="facebook", count=2) Out[7]: [IgProMedia(comments=None, id='17859633232647524', permalink=''), IgProMedia(comments=None, id='18076151185161297', permalink='')]
Get your account info:
In [10]: api.get_user_info(user_id="your instagram business id") Out[10]: IgProUser(id='17841406338772941', name='LiuKun', username='ikroskun')
Get your medias:
In [11]: api.get_user_medias(user_id=api.instagram_business_id, count=2) Out[11]: [IgProMedia(comments=None, id='18075344632131157', permalink=''), IgProMedia(comments=None, id='18027939643230671', permalink='')]
If you already have some medias id, you can get media info as follows methods.
To fetch a post info:
In [12]: api.get_media_info(media_id="18075344632131157") Out[12]: IgProMedia(comments=None, id='18075344632131157', permalink='')
To fetch multi medias by one requests:
In [13]: api.get_medias_info(media_ids=["18075344632131157", "18027939643230671"]) Out[13]: {'18075344632131157': IgProMedia(comments=None, id='18075344632131157', permalink=''), '18027939643230671': IgProMedia(comments=None, id='18027939643230671', permalink='')}
Get comments for media:
In [16]: api.get_comments_by_media(media_id="17955956875141196", count=2) Out[16]: [IgProComment(id='17862949873623188', timestamp='2020-01-05T05:58:47+0000'), IgProComment(id='17844360649889631', timestamp='2020-01-05T05:58:42+0000')]
If you already have some comments id, you can get comment details info as follows methods.
To fetch a comment info:
In [17]: api.get_comment_info(comment_id="17862949873623188") Out[17]: IgProComment(id='17862949873623188', timestamp='2020-01-05T05:58:47+0000')
To fetch multi comments by one requests:
In [18]: api.get_comments_info(comment_ids=["17862949873623188", "17844360649889631" ...: ]) Out[18]: {'17862949873623188': IgProComment(id='17862949873623188', timestamp='2020-01-05T05:58:47+0000'), '17844360649889631': IgProComment(id='17844360649889631', timestamp='2020-01-05T05:58:42+0000')}
Get replies for a comments:
In [19]: api.get_replies_by_comment("17984127178281340", count=2) Out[19]: [IgProReply(id='18107567341036926', timestamp='2019-10-15T07:06:09+0000'), IgProReply(id='17846106427692294', timestamp='2019-10-15T07:05:17+0000')]
If you already have some replies id, you can get replies details info as follows methods.
To fetch a reply info:
In [20]: api.get_reply_info(reply_id="18107567341036926") Out[20]: IgProReply(id='18107567341036926', timestamp='2019-10-15T07:06:09+0000')
To fetch multi replies info by one requests:
In [21]: api.get_replies_info(reply_ids=["18107567341036926", "17846106427692294"]) Out[21]: {'18107567341036926': IgProReply(id='18107567341036926', timestamp='2019-10-15T07:06:09+0000'), '17846106427692294': IgProReply(id='17846106427692294', timestamp='2019-10-15T07:05:17+0000')}
Use get_user_insights
method, you can get account insights data.
If you want get your account insights, just provide user_id
with your id.
If you have other account's access token, you can provide with user_id
and access_token
In [4]: api.get_user_insights(user_id=api.instagram_business_id, period="day", metrics=["impressions", "reach"]) Out[4]: [IgProInsight(name='impressions', period='day', values=[IgProInsightValue(value=1038, end_time='2020-01-08T08:00:00+0000'), IgProInsightValue(value=136, end_time='2020-01-09T08:00:00+0000')]), IgProInsight(name='reach', period='day', values=[IgProInsightValue(value=751, end_time='2020-01-08T08:00:00+0000'), IgProInsightValue(value=54, end_time='2020-01-09T08:00:00+0000')])]
The same as get_user_insights
, you can custom provide media_id
and access_token
Get your media insights data:
In [6]: api.get_media_insights(media_id="media_id", metrics=["engagement","impressions"]) Out[6]: [IgProInsight(name='engagement', period='lifetime', values=[IgProInsightValue(value=90, end_time=None)]), IgProInsight(name='impressions', period='lifetime', values=[IgProInsightValue(value=997, end_time=None)])]
Get hashtag id:
In [3]: api.search_hashtag(q="love") Out[3]: [IgProHashtag(id='17843826142012701', name=None)]
Get hashtag info:
In [4]: api.get_hashtag_info(hashtag_id="17843826142012701") Out[4]: IgProHashtag(id='17843826142012701', name='love')
Get hashtag's top medias:
In [5]: r = api.get_hashtag_top_medias(hashtag_id="17843826142012701", count=5) In [6]: r Out[6]: [IgProMedia(comments=None, id='18086291068155608', permalink=''), IgProMedia(comments=None, id='17935250359346228', permalink=''), IgProMedia(comments=None, id='17847031435934181', permalink=''), IgProMedia(comments=None, id='18000940699302502', permalink=''), IgProMedia(comments=None, id='18025516372248793', permalink='')]
Get hashtag's recent medias:
In [7]: r1 = api.get_hashtag_recent_medias(hashtag_id="17843826142012701", count=5) In [8]: r1 Out[8]: [IgProMedia(comments=None, id='18128248021002097', permalink=''), IgProMedia(comments=None, id='18104579776105272', permalink=''), IgProMedia(comments=None, id='17898846532442427', permalink=''), IgProMedia(comments=None, id='17891698510462453', permalink=''), IgProMedia(comments=None, id='17883544606492965', permalink='')]
If you have other account's access token, you can provide with user_id
and access_token
to get his search hashtags.
Or just get your account recent searched hashtags:
In [9]: api.get_user_recently_searched_hashtags(user_id="17841406338772941") Out[9]: [IgProHashtag(id='17843826142012701', name='love'), IgProHashtag(id='17843421130029320', name='liukun'), IgProHashtag(id='17841562447105233', name='loveyou'), IgProHashtag(id='17843761288040806', name='a')]
Get the media objects in which a Business or Creator Account has been tagged.
If you have another account authorized access token, you can provide with user_id
and access_token
to get his data.
Or only get your account's data:
In [10]: medias = api.get_tagged_user_medias(user_id=api.instagram_business_id, count=5, limit=5) Out[10]: [IgProMedia(id='18027939643230671', permalink=''), IgProMedia(id='17846368219941692', permalink=''), IgProMedia(id='17913531439230186', permalink=''), IgProMedia(id='17978630677077508', permalink=''), IgProMedia(id='17955956875141196', permalink='')]
Get data about a comment that an Business or Creator Account has been @mentioned in comment text:
In [11]: api.get_mentioned_comment_info(user_id=api.instagram_business_id, comment_id="17892250648466172") Out[11]: IgProComment(id='17892250648466172', timestamp='2020-02-24T09:15:16+0000')
Get data about a media object on which a Business or Creator Account has been @mentioned in a caption:
In [12]: api.get_mentioned_media_info(user_id=api.instagram_business_id, media_id="18027939643230671") Out[12]: IgProMedia(id='18027939643230671', permalink='')
Instagram Basic Display API can be used to access any type of Instagram account but only provides read-access to basic data.
You need do authorize first, and get access token which have permission to retrieve data.
All docs on Basic Display APi.
Now provide three methods to init api.
If you have long-lived access token, can just initial by token:
In[1]: from pyfacebook import IgBasicApi In[2]: api = IgBasicApi(long_term_token="token")
If you have short-lived access token, can provide with app credentials:
In[3]: api = IgBasicApi(app_id="app id", app_secret="app secret", short_token="token")
If you want to authorized by user on hand. You can use authorize flow:
In[4]: api = IgBasicApi(app_id="app id", app_secret="app secret", initial_access_token=False) In[5]: api.get_authorization_url() Out[5]: ('', 'PyFacebook') # give permission and copy the redirect full url. In[6]: api.exchange_access_token(response="the full url")
You can get user basic info:
In[7]: api.get_user_info() Out[7]: IgBasicUser(id='17841406338772941', username='ikroskun')
You can get user medias:
In[7]: r = api.get_user_medias() In[8]: r Out[8]: [IgBasicMedia(id='17846368219941692', media_type='IMAGE', permalink=''), IgBasicMedia(id='18091893643133286', media_type='IMAGE', permalink=''), IgBasicMedia(id='18075344632131157', media_type='VIDEO', permalink=''), IgBasicMedia(id='18027939643230671', media_type='CAROUSEL_ALBUM', permalink=''), IgBasicMedia(id='17861821972334188', media_type='IMAGE', permalink=''), IgBasicMedia(id='17864312515295083', media_type='IMAGE', permalink=''), IgBasicMedia(id='17924095942208544', media_type='IMAGE', permalink=''), IgBasicMedia(id='17896189813249754', media_type='IMAGE', permalink=''), IgBasicMedia(id='17955956875141196', media_type='CAROUSEL_ALBUM', permalink=''), IgBasicMedia(id='17970645226046242', media_type='IMAGE', permalink='')]
You can just get one media info:
In[9]: r = basic_api.get_media_info(media_id="18027939643230671") In[9]: r Out[10]: IgBasicMedia(id='18027939643230671', media_type='CAROUSEL_ALBUM', permalink='')
Facebook Api:
- Page Info.
- Page Picture Info.
- Feed Info (public posts, published posts, tagged posts).
- Comment Info.
Instagram Professional Api:
- Other business account info and media.
- Authorized business account info
- Authorized account medias
- Authorized account comments
- Authorized account replies
- Authorized account insights and media insights
- Search hashtag id
- Get hashtag info
- Get top medias with hashtag
- Get recent medias with hashtag
- Get Authorized account recent searched hashtags
- Get medias which tagged account
- Get comment info mentioned user.
- Get media info mentioned user.
Instagram Basic display api:
- Get user info
- Get user medias
- Get media info
- publish