These are all my dotfiles and now a lot more. Want to be able to pacstrap, clone the repo and make install all the things.
- UEFI + set up partitions (
or through native OS)- Note: May need to write GPT + create EFI partition
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdaX
- Mount
pacstrap -i /mnt base base-devel linux linux-firmware
- Mount
genfstab -U /mnt > /mnt/etc/fstab
bootctl --esp-path=/mnt/boot install
, then create entries +loader.conf
- Sample entry
title Arch Linux Macbook
linux /vmlinuz-linux-macbook
initrd /initramfs-linux-macbook-fallback.img
options rw root=UUID=<...>
edits,echo KEYMAP=dvorak > /mnt/etc/vconsole.conf
arch-chroot /mnt
- NB: do not forget this step, need locales to xdg-open correctly
pacman -S git dhcpcd zsh gvim
- gvim since I'll want +X11 support later anyway, though it's much larger
git clone https://[email protected]/yubo56/dotFiles.git ~/dotfiles
- can comment out
if have lan connection - use personal access token from Gmail Tasks
- may need to grab keybase-encrypted id_rsa
- can comment out
make root
Reboot, login to new user
sudo dhcpcd
or connect to wifi -
make linux
On mac, set hostname:
sudo scutil --set HostName <...>
belongs in~/.config/karabiner/karabiner.json
- Simple mods (should be in k.json): ust remap capslock -> control in system prefs, swap left_option and left_command for every individual keyboard, swap Fn and left_ctrl for MacOS (should be in Karabiner.json)
- Rules are applied in reverse precedence
- Convention: map from only left modifiers, map only to right modifiers
"System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts", add bizzare modifier for 'Minimize/Minimise' to disable accidental minimize
- Can also use Automator to start screen saver, add shortcut under Services
- "Quick Action" --> "Start Screen Saver" (search) --> "Workflow receives: no input" -->
- Settings: Keyboard --> Shortcuts --> Services -->
- Can also use Automator to start screen saver, add shortcut under Services
Notes from latest setup (Aug 31, 2022):
- install dev tools, keybase, karabiner
- git clone dotfiles, get
to bootstrap all private repos- git submodule init,
make submodule_to_htps
, git submodule update private,make decode_keys
,make submodule_to_git
, thengit submodule update --recursive
- git submodule init,
- install brew
- brew install stow, tmux, coreutils, moreutils
- linearmouse for disable mouse accel
- may need to cp
in brew bin to un-namespaced brew install vim
- if Intel silicon, will need to change $PATH
yaourt -S hid-apple-patched-git-dkms
, use config file from.setup/config_manual
- To get IGD:
, add bootloader entry- kernel param
- may need to compile with kernel params
CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE="radeon/verde_ce.bin radeon/verde_mc.bin radeon/verde_me.bin radeon/verde_pfp.bin radeon/verde_rlc.bin radeon/verde_smc.bin radeon/TAHITI_uvd.bin"
- Screensaver on suspend uses 00xscreensaver on home, xscreensaver.service on Mac
sudo sysctl kernel/unprivileged_userns_clone=1
for Brave namespaces- Bluetooth headset:
bluez bluez-utils pulseaudio-bluetooth pulseaudio-alsa
- Pulseaudio asound.conf,
:load-module module-switch-on-connect
:power on; agent on; scan on; pair <...>; trust <...>; connect <...>
- Pulseaudio asound.conf,
- transparency:
sudo pacman -S xcompmgr transset-df
used to be used to match windows on open, broken now
- droidcam
to start Unified Remoteyaourt -S droidcam adb unified-remote-server
- For audio, need
, check which sound card via alsamixer, then
pcm.!default {
type hw
card 1
ctl.!default {
type hw
card 1
- When bluetooth is connected, need to use pulseaudio, default is in
`/etc/asound.conf`, e.g.
pcm.!default {
type pulse
fallback "sysdefault"
hint {
show on
description "Default ALSA Output (currently PulseAudio Sound Server)"
ctl.!default {
type pulse
fallback "sysdefault"
- if dmenu is randomly crashing,
strace dmenu_run
, but probably need to git clone and re-install (4.9-1 seems to have this problem) - Anaconda install:
conda install -c lightsource2-tag zsh
,conda install -c conda-forge gcc_linux-64
- To get headphones + mic working:
- can I figure out autobluetooth?
pacmd set-card-profile <card> headset_head_unit
(latter is the high-quality audio, no source)pactl set-default-source <card>
- resizing image while removing virtual canvas
convert in.png -crop nxn+0+0 +repage out.png
- resizing PDF with ghostscript
~/Downloads$ gs \
-o c.pdf \
-sDEVICE=pdfwrite \
-dPDFFitPage \
-dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 \
combining pdf pages
pdftk a.pdf b.pdf cat output c.pdf
ffmpeg image -> video
ffmpeg -framerate 8 -pattern_type glob -i '*uz*.png' test.mp4
ffmpeg -ss 00:00:00 -t 0:02:00 -i in.mp4 -acodec copy -vcodec copy out.mp4
exec screen -R -s /usr/bin/zsh
- profile to avoid running on ssh, shell to specify alt shell
: put public key,chmod 700 ~/.ssh && chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
matches non-prime numbers of 1s -
IBus errors:
Config value [engine/hangul:on-keys] does not exist.
and for off-keysdconf write /desktop/ibus/engine/hangul/on-keys \'\'
dconf write /desktop/ibus/engine/hangul/off-keys \'\'
- IBus menus won't show, frozen
git clone
, ensure havegnome-common unicode-emoji cldr-emoji-annotation vala iso-codes
installed (10/27/20)./
- recompile w/
commented out (or the gassert priv_update->type?) - needed to change engine/Makefile to prefix =
, not/usr/local/share
To split/join files,
split -b 200M a.tar.gz "a.tar.gz.part"
, can just cat them all together to join -
-deny = 0
to stop blocking on failed login -
Invert colors:
convert in.png -negate out.png
- transparency:
convert in.png -transparent black out.png
(png, not jpg)- can use
-fuzz 5%
or so to get rid of spottiness
- can use
- transparency:
mplayer -font "AR PL UKai CN"
seems to work for chinese subsfind . -type f | shuf | xargs mplayer -loop 0
to shuffle on repeat everything in dir
shuf -e $('ls')
to shuffle files in current directory -
Getting locked out:
, and usefaillock
to reset -
Sorting Amex offers
g!/^Spend/d | %s/^Spend \$\([^ ]\+\) .*get \$\([^ ]\+\) .*/\2\/\1/g | %s/,//g | %s/+//g | let @q=":read !bc -l <<< \<C-R>=getline('.')\<CR>\<CR>ddkPJj"
Firefox tweaks:
about:config > toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets > true
- copy to
<Firefox profile folder>/chrome/userChrome.css
- also, set something.uidensity = 1
macos keyboard settings
defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
defaults write -g InitialKeyRepeat -int 10
defaults write -g KeyRepeat -int 1
ipython startup scripts:
to bulk downgrade arch (double
allows downgrades)
echo 'Server=$repo/os/$arch' > /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
pacman -Syyuu