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A package for representing molecules or ions formed in mass spectrometers (MS).

All chemicals are instances of abstract type AbstractChemical. Charged chemicals with specific adduct or molecule loss that formed in MS (adduct ion) are instances of abstract type AbstractAdductIon.

Built-in chemical types

  1. Chemical: unstructured chemicals, storing name, formula, and other attributes; Chemical(name::String, formula::String, attr::Vector{Pair{Symbol, Any}}).
  2. AdductIon: charged chemicals with specific adduct or molecule loss; AdductIon(core::AbstractChemical, adduct::AbstractAdduct).
  3. Isobars: multiple chemicals with similar m/z; Isobars(chemical::Vector{<: AbstractChemical}, abundance::Vector{Float64}).
  4. Isotopomers: multiple chemicals differed from isotopic replacement location; Isotopomers(parent::AbstractChemical, isotopes::Vector{Pair{String, Int}}).


The Most Common Elements (Parent Elements)

C, H, O, N, P, S, Li, Na, K, F, Cl, Ag

Minor Isotopes

[13C], [2H] (D), [17O], [18O], [15N], [33S], [34S], [35S], [6Li], [40K], [41K], [37Cl], [109Ag]

By default, parent elements are considered possibly replaced by minor isotopes except that in parent chemical of Isotopomers, the number of replacement is restricted by field isotopes. On the other hand, minor elements are fixed.


All adducts are instances of abstract type AbstractAdduct and AbstractPosAdduct or AbstractNegAdduct.

Prefefined adducts:

Adduct Object Adduct expression
LossElectron [M]+
Protonation [M+H]+
ProtonationNLH2O [M+H-H2O]+
ProtonationNL2H2O [M+H-2H2O]+
ProtonationNL3H2O [M+H-3H2O]+
DiProtonation [M+2H]2+
TriProtonation [M+3H]3+
AddNH4 [M+NH4]+
AddHNH4 [M+H+NH4]2+
Add2NH4 [M+2NH4]2+
Sodization [M+Na]+
SodizationProtonation [M+Na+H]2+
DiSodization [M+2Na]2+
AddElectron [M]-
Deprotonation [M-H]-
DeprotonationNLH2O [M-H-H2O]-
DiDeprotonation [M-2H]2-
TriDeprotonation [M-3H]3-
AddOAc [M+OAc]-
AddFo [M+OFo]-
Fluoridation [M+F]-
Chloridation [M+Cl]-
Demethylation [M-Me]-

User can custumize adduct by PosAdduct and NegAdduct or define subtypes of AbstractPosAdduct or AbstractNegAdduct for more general usage.

For example, [2M+H]+, and [M-2H-2H2O]2- can be created by PosAdduct(2, "+H", 1), and NegAdduct(1, "-2H-2H2O", 2) respectively.


Attributes of AbstractChemical

getchemicalattr(chemical::ChemicalType, attr::Symbol; kwargs...) returns the attribute attr of chemical with additional settings by kwargs. To define new attributes or overwrite defaults, define the following method, getchemicalattr(chemical::ChemicalType, attr::Val{attr}; kwargs...).

The following getter functions are user friendly interfaces for getchemicalattr.

  • chemicalname: unique chemical name (String).
  • chemicalformula: chemical formula (String).
  • chemicalelements: chemical elements (Vector{Pair{String, Int}}).
  • chemicalabbr: common abbreviation (String); defaults to chemicalname.
  • chemicalsmiles: SMILES (String); defaults to "".
  • charge: charges (positive or negative); defaults to 0.
  • abundant_chemical: the most abundant chemical from a chemical (itself) or isobars.
  • rt: retention time; defaults NaN.

Additional Atttributes of AbstractAdductIon

  • ioncore: core of an adduct ion.
  • ionadduct: adduct of an adduct ion.
  • kmer: number of core chemical "M".

The following function should be extended when isotopes are involved in addut ion formation.

  • adductisotopes: element-number pairs; the elements changed when the core chemical has isotopic labeling that is lost in adduct formation. For instance, [M-Me]- of D-labeled PC may turn out to be [M-CD3]- rather than [M-CH3]- if Ds are on the methyl group. In this case, adductisotopes of [M-Me]- of PC should be ["H" => 3, "D" => -3].

Additional Atttributes of Isobars

  • chemicals: composition of isabars.
  • abundance: abundance of each isabars.

Additional Atttributes of Isotopomers

  • parent: shared chemical structure of isotopomers prior to isotopic replacement.
  • isotopes: isotopes-number pairs of isotopic replacement.

Functions for Derived Attributes

  • mw: molecular weight.
  • mz: m/z.
  • ncharge: number of charges.

Functions for Attributes of AbstractAdduct

  • kmer: number of core chemical "M".
  • charge: charges.
  • ncharge: number of charges.
  • adductformula: the formula for adduct. For instance, "-H" for [M-H]-, "+OAc" for [M+OAc]-.
  • adductelements: elements changed with adduct formation. For generic adduct, it uses adductformula to calculate elements. If non-element strings are used in adductformula, defining custumized adductelements is required.

Other Functions

  • ischemicalequal: whether two chemicals equal.
  • isadductequal: whether two adducts equal.
  • isotopicabundance: isotopic abundance of a single chemical.
  • isotopologues: isotopologues of a single chemical or formula.
  • isotopologues_table: a table with isotopologues, and more information.
  • isobars_rt: isobars under specific m/z, mw, and rt tolerance.
  • isobars_rt_table: a table with isobars, and more information.
  • acrit: create absolute criterion.
  • rcrit: create relative criterion.
  • crit: create both absolute and relative criterion.
  • @ri_str: real number interval.


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