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Tools to reproduce query plan without having to replicate actual data or universe

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The cbo_stat_dump script is used to extract all the information needed to reproduce a complex query planning issue encountered on a production environment running PostgreSQL. This information includes DDL, GUCs and statistics used by the query planner. By creating empty tables and importing the statistics in a test instance, we can force the query planner to make the same plan choices. This can be used to effectively debug issues and provide reliable solutions.

The query planner uses certain table and column level statistics to perform selectivity estimation. These statistics are available in system catalog tables pg_class, pg_statistic, pg_statistic_ext and pg_statistic_ext_data. This tool is able to extract the statistics from these tables. It exports this data in JSON format, and also generates SQL statements to import these statistics on a test instance.

Additionally the tool also exports DDL statements to recreate the table schema and values of GUC parameters relevant to query planner that have been overridden on the production environment.


While no changes are needed on production environments, inserting to system catalog tables is not supported by default on vanilla PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL also does not recommend writing to system catalog tables due the risk of data corruption and unexpected outcomes.

We may be able to tolerate these risks in a test environment. To allow inserting statistics in system catalog tables, a patch needs to be applied to PG on the test instance.

Moreover, an optimization included in PG15 onwards, make it harder to reproduce plans precisely. Instead of using reltuples in pg_class the query planner takes the current number of blocks in the file containing the table and extrapolates the value of reltuples. This means than on target system the query planner sees a different value of reltuples, than what is shown in pg_class. On the test system since the tables are actually empty, the query_planner disregards the reltuples in pg_class and reports that the table has 0 rows.

The patch allows users to disable this optimization in test by enabling the GUC enable_cbo_simulation.

This optimization may cause plans to be not exactly reproducible, because stats may be stale on the target instance. If stats are up-to date we should be able to reproduce the same query plans.

Exporting information from customer deployment

The script is used to extract information from a customer deployment.

python3.13 ./cbo_stat_dump --help                                    

usage: cbo_stat_dump [--help] [--debug] [-h HOST] [-p PORT] [-d DATABASE] [-s SCHEMAS] [-u USERNAME] [-W PASSWORD] [-o OUT_DIR] [-q QUERY_FILE]
                     [--yb_mode] [--enable_base_scans_cost_model | --no-enable_base_scans_cost_model]

Exports statistics and other data to reproduce query plan

  --help                show this help message and exit
  --debug               Set log level to DEBUG
  -h, --host HOST       Hostname or IP address, default localhost
  -p, --port PORT       Port number
  -d, --database DATABASE
                        Database name
  -s, --schemas SCHEMAS
                        Comma separated list of schema names. Use quotes to include spaces in schema names, default all schemas apart from pg_catalog,
                        pg_toast, and information_schema
  -u, --username USERNAME
  -W, --password PASSWORD
                        Password, default no password
  -o, --out_dir OUT_DIR
                        Output directory
  -q, --query_file QUERY_FILE
                        File containing query that needs to be debugged
  --yb_mode             Use this mode to export data from YugabyteDB
  --enable_base_scans_cost_model, --no-enable_base_scans_cost_model
                        Set yb_enable_base_scans_cost_model=ON before running explain on query

This script will connect to the customer database using credentials provided in command line arguments. The user must have appropriate privileges to access system tables and objects used in the query. The script will export the information in the <OUT_DIR> or in a folder in /tmp on the client where the script is run. The following information is exported,

File name Description
version.txt PostgreSQL or YugabyteDB version
overridden_gucs.csv Relevant GUC that have been overridden from default
gflags.json Relevant YugabyteDB gFlags that have been overridden from default
ddl.sql DDL for the object used in the query.
statistics.json Relevant information from pg_statistic and pg_class in JSON format
statistics_ext.json Relevant information from pg_statistic and pg_class in JSON format
import_statistics.sql Relevant information from pg_statistic and pg_class in JSON format
import_statistics_ext.sql Relevant information from pg_statistic and pg_class in JSON format
query.sql The query optionally provided using -q option.
query_plan.txt Query plan for the query on the target instance.


  • The script is currently unable to extract CREATE statements for UDFs that may be used in the query.
  • pg_dump does not export CREATE STATISTICS statements when extracting DDL for individual tables. This functionality is used when user specifies a query using '-q' option, to extract DDL only for tables used in the query. These statements will need to be manually collected in this case.

Important to note

The statistics.json file may contain sensitive information with samples of the customer data. This should be explained to the customer. The customer may choose to sanitize this data by removing statistics for columns which are not used in the query or strategically modifying the data such that the interpretation of the statistics does not change significantly. For example, some low significance digits in credit card numbers can be changed.

Steps to reproduce production environment

  1. Create a debug build with the version in version.txt, along with the included patch to enable inserting statistics to system catalog tables.

  2. Create a test cluster with the debug build. Configure GUCs as the customer. These can be found from the following files,

    • overridden_gucs.sql
  3. Create the schema with empty tables using the ddl.sql file.

  4. Load statistics by running import_statistics.sql and import_statistics_ext.sql.


Tools to reproduce query plan without having to replicate actual data or universe






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