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This package has been superseded by the official LaunchDarkly React SDK. Please use that instead.

The quickest and easiest way to integrate launch darkly with react 🎉

Why this package?

  • Easy and fast to use. Two steps to get feature flags into your react app.
  • Supports subscription out of the box. You get live changes on the client as you toggle features.
  • You automatically get camelCased keys as opposed to the default kebab-cased.
  • No need for redux! This package uses the new context api which is available from react ^16.3.0.


This needs react ^16.4.0! It won't work otherwise.


yarn add ld-react


  1. Wrap your root app withFlagProvider:

    import {withFlagProvider} from 'ld-react';
    const App = () =>
        <Home />
    export default withFlagProvider(App, {clientSideId: 'your-client-side-id'});
  2. Wrap your component withFlags to get them via props:

    import {withFlags} from 'ld-react';
    const Home = props => {
       // flags are available via props.flags
       return props.flags.devTestFlag ? <div>Flag on</div> : <div>Flag off</div>;
    export default withFlags(Home);

That's it!


withFlagProvider(Component, {clientSideId, user, options})

This is a hoc which accepts a component and a config object with the above properties. Component and clientSideId are mandatory.

For example:

import {withFlagProvider} from 'ld-react';

const App = () =>
    <Home />

export default withFlagProvider(App, {clientSideId: 'your-client-side-id'});

The user property is optional. You can initialise the sdk with a custom user by specifying one. This must be an object containing at least a "key" property. If you don't specify a user object, ld-react will create a default one that looks like this:

const defaultUser = {
  key: uuid.v4(), // random guid
  ip: ip.address(),
  custom: {
    browser: userAgentParser.getResult(),

For more info on the user object, see here.

The options property is optional. It can be used to pass in extra options such as Bootstrapping. For example:

withFlagProvider(Component, {
    options: {
      bootstrap: 'localStorage',


This is a hoc which passes all your flags to the specified component via props. Your flags will be available as camelCased properties under this.props.flags. For example:

import {withFlags} from 'ld-react';

class Home extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
          this.props.flags.devTestFlag ? // Look ma, feature flag!
            <div>Flag on</div>
            <div>Flag off</div>

export default withFlags(Home);


Internally the ld-react initialises the ldclient-js sdk and stores a reference to the resultant ldClient object in memory. You can use this object to access the official sdk methods directly. For example, you can do things like:

import {ldClient} from 'ld-react';

class Home extends Component {
  // track goals
  onAddToCard = () => ldClient.track('add to cart'); 
  // change user context
  onLoginSuccessful = () => ldClient.identify({key: 'someUserId'});
  // ... other implementation

For more info on changing user context, see the official documentation.


Check the example for a fully working spa with react and react-router. Remember to enter your client side sdk in the client root app file and create a test flag called dev-test-flag before running the example!