- Currently a Master's student at ETH Zurich
- Previously completed a Bachelor's degree at University of Edinburgh in 2024
- I'm also on
I maintain the following open-source projects:
- discord-haskell: The most popular Haskell library for interfacing with the Discord API
- discord-haskell-voice: Implementation of the real-time voice call protocol for the above
- crypton-box: A Haskell library implementing NaCl's "crypto box" constructs natively
- opus: Haskell bindings and high-level wrappers around the Opus Audio codec
- Better Informatics: The go-to knowledgebase for Informatics students at UoE
- Better Informatics File Collection: The exam study platform used by students at UoE
I'm a frequent contributor to the following open-source projects:
- community-solutions: The most popular exam study platform for all ETH students.
I've previously worked on, or am actively working on the following projects too:
- e-paper-todoist: A desk-top e-ink todo display, written in C++
- dave: Haskell FFI bindings to libdave, an audio End-to-End Encryption protocol
- corekube-rs: A work-in-progress 5G packet core implementation in Rust
- Hammered: A 3D game built from scratch in C# (with a team of six)
- mpvcord and mpv_clock: Some Lua scripts for the mpv video player
Please don't hestitate to reach out regarding any of these! :)