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forked from esl-epfl/x-heep

eXtendable Heterogeneous Energy-Efficient Platform based on RISC-V


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├── .github/workflows
├── ci/scripts
├── hw
│   ├── asic
│   ├── core-v-mini-mcu
│   ├── fpga
│   ├── ip
│   ├── ip_examples
│   ├── simulation
│   └── vendor
├── scripts
│   ├── sim
│   └── synthesis
├── sw
│   ├── applications
│   ├── device/lib
│   ├── linker
│   └── vendor
├── tb
├── util

X-HEEP (eXtendable Heterogeneous Energy-Efficient Platform) is a RISC-V microcontroller described in SystemVerilog that can be configured to target small and tiny platforms as well as extended to support accelerators. The cool thing about X-HEEP is that we provide a simple customizable MCU, so CPUs, common peripherals, memories, etc. so that you can extend it with your own accelerator without modifying the MCU, but just instantiating it in your design. By doing so, you inherit an IP capable of booting RTOS (such as freeRTOS) with the whole FW stack, including HAL drivers and SDK, and you can focus on building your special HW supported by the microcontroller.

X-HEEP supports simulation with Verilator, Questasim, etc. Morever, FW can be built and linked by using CMake either with gcc or with clang. It can be implemented on FPGA, and it supports implementation in Silicon, which is its main (but not only) target. See below for more details.

The block diagram below shows the X-HEEP MCU


If you use X-HEEP in your academic work you can cite us: X-HEEP Paper

      title={X-HEEP: An Open-Source, Configurable and Extendible RISC-V Microcontroller for the Exploration of Ultra-Low-Power Edge Accelerators},
      author={Simone Machetti and Pasquale Davide Schiavone and Thomas Christoph MĂĽller and Miguel PeĂłn-QuirĂłs and David Atienza},

Self-documented Makefile

Note that under util folder, the file generate-makefile-help is employed to generate a self-documented helping output. In case of including any other target or command under the main Makefile, follow the same general and parameter descriptions as already provided for every target. Check the help output by doing make or make help. Moreover, note that some of the parameters required for some of the targets are initiated with default values


1. OS requirements

To use X-HEEP, first make sure you have the following apt packages, or install them as:

sudo apt install lcov libelf1 libelf-dev libftdi1-2 libftdi1-dev libncurses5 libssl-dev libudev-dev libusb-1.0-0 lsb-release texinfo autoconf cmake flex bison libexpat-dev gawk tree xterm python3-venv python3-dev

In general, have a look at the Install required software section of the OpenTitan documentation.

It has been tested only on Ubuntu 20, and we know it does NOT WORK on Ubuntu 22.

2. Python

We rely on either (a) miniconda, or (b) virtual environment enviroment.

Choose between 2.a or 2.b to setup your enviroment.

2.a Miniconda

Install Miniconda python 3.8 version as described in the link, and create the Conda enviroment:

make conda

You need to do it only the first time, then just activate the environment everytime you work with X-HEEP as

conda activate core-v-mini-mcu

2.b Virtual Environment

Install the python virtual environment just as:

make venv

You need to do it only the first time, then just activate the environment everytime you work with X-HEEP as

source .venv/bin/activate

3. Install the RISC-V Compiler:

git clone --branch 2022.01.17 --recursive
cd riscv-gnu-toolchain
./configure --prefix=/home/$USER/tools/riscv --with-abi=ilp32 --with-arch=rv32imc --with-cmodel=medlow

Then, set the RISCV env variable as:

export RISCV=/home/$USER/tools/riscv

Optionally you can also compile with clang/LLVM instead of gcc. For that you must install the clang compiler into the same RISCV path. The binaries of gcc and clang do not collide so you can have both residing in the same RISCV directory. For this you can set the -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX cmake variable to $RISCV when building LLVM. This can be accomplished by doing the following:

git clone
cd llvm-project
git checkout llvmorg-14.0.0
mkdir build && cd build
cmake --build . --target install

4. Install Verilator:


git clone
cd verilator
git checkout v$VERILATOR_VERSION

./configure --prefix=/home/$USER/tools/verilator/$VERILATOR_VERSION
make install

Then, set the PATH env variable to as:

export PATH=/home/$USER/tools/verilator/$VERILATOR_VERSION/bin:$PATH

In general, have a look at the Install Verilator section of the OpenTitan documentation.

If you want to see the vcd waveforms generated by the Verilator simulation, install GTKWAVE:

sudo apt install libcanberra-gtk-module libcanberra-gtk3-module
sudo apt-get install -y gtkwave

Files are formatted with Verible

We use version v0.0-1824-ga3b5bedf

See: Install Verible

To format your RTL code type:

make verible

Docker alternative

A docker image containing all the required software dependancies is available on github-packages.

It is only required to install docker and pull the image.

docker pull

Assuming that X-HEEP has been cloned to X-HEEP-DIR=\absolute\path\to\x-HEEP\folder, it is possible to directly run the docker mounting X-HEEP-DIR to the path \workspace\x-heep in the docker.

docker run -it -v ${X-HEEP-DIR}:/workspace/x-heep

Take care to indicate the absolute path to the local clone of X-HEEP, otherwise docker will not be able to properly nount the local folder in the container.

All the command listed in the README can be execute in the docker container, except for:

  • Simulation with Questasim and VCS, synthesis with Design Compiler (licenses are required to use these tools, so they are not installed in the container)
  • OpenRoad flow is not installed in the container, so it is not possible to run the related make commands

Compilation Flow and Package Manager

We use FuseSoC for all the tools we use.

The fusesoc commands are inside the Makefile.

Adding external IPs

This repository relies on Vendor to add new IPs. The script in the ./util folder implements what is described above, while this file contains additional information on how to connect external devices to the system.

Compiling with Makefile

You can compile the example applications and the platform using the Makefile. Type 'make help' or 'make' for more information. Moreover, please, check the different 'clean' commands to verify that you are using the corret one.

Generate core-v-mini-mcu package

First, you have to generate the SystemVerilog package and C header file of the core-v-mini-mcu:

make mcu-gen

By default, X-HEEP deploys the cv32e20 RISC-V CPU. Other supported CPUs are: the cv32e40p, cv32e40x, and the cv32e40px. The default bus type of X-HEEP is a single-master-at-a-time architecture, (called onetoM), but the cross-bar architecture is also supported by setting the bus to NtoM. Also, the user can select the number of 32kB banks addressed in continuous mode and/or the interleaved mode. By default, X-HEEP is generated with 2 continuous banks and 0 interleaved banks.

Below an example that changes the default configuration:

make mcu-gen CPU=cv32e40p BUS=NtoM MEMORY_BANKS=12 MEMORY_BANKS_IL=4

The last command generates x-heep with the cv32e40p core, with a parallel bus, and 16 memory banks (12 continuous and 4 interleaved), each 32KB, for a total memory of 512KB.

If you are using X-HEEP just as a controller for your own system and you do not need any peripheral, you can use the minimal configuration file when generating the MCU as:

make mcu-gen MCU_CFG=mcu_cfg_minimal.hjson

The minimal configuration is a work-in-progress, thus not all the APPs have been tested.

Compiling Software

Don't forget to set the RISCV env variable to the compiler folder (without the /bin included). To run 'hello world' application, just type 'make app'.

make app

To run any other application, please use the following command with appropiate parameters:

app PROJECT=<folder_name_of_the_project_to_be_built> TARGET=sim(default),systemc,pynq-z2,nexys-a7-100t,zcu104 LINKER=on_chip(default),flash_load,flash_exec COMPILER=gcc(default),clang COMPILER_PREFIX=riscv32-unknown-(default) ARCH=rv32imc(default),<any RISC-V ISA string supported by the CPU>

- PROJECT (ex: <folder_name_of_the_project_to_be_built>, hello_world(default))
- TARGET (ex: sim(default),systemc,pynq-z2,nexys-a7-100t,zcu104)
- LINKER (ex: on_chip(default),flash_load,flash_exec)
- COMPILER (ex: gcc(default),clang)
- COMPILER_PREFIX (ex: riscv32-unknown-(default))
- ARCH (ex: rv32imc(default),<any RISC-V ISA string supported by the CPU>)

For instance, to run 'hello world' app for the pynq-z2 FPGA targets, just run:

make app TARGET=pynq-z2

Or, if you use the OpenHW Group GCC compiler with CORE_PULP extensions, make sure to point the RISCV env variable to the OpenHW Group compiler, then just run:

make app COMPILER_PREFIX=riscv32-corev- ARCH=rv32imc_zicsr_zifencei_xcvhwlp_xcvmem_xcvmac_xcvbi_xcvalu_xcvsimd_xcvbitmanip

This will create the executable file to be loaded into your target system (ASIC, FPGA, Simulation). Remember that, X-HEEP is using CMake to compile and link. Thus, the generated files after having compiled and linked are under sw\build

Alternatively, in case you are doing pure FW development and you are used to developing using Integrated Development Evironments (IDEs), please check the IDE readme.

FreeROTS based applications

'X-HEEP' supports 'FreeRTOS' based applications. Please see sw\applications\blinky_freertos.

After that, you can run the command to compile and link the FreeRTOS based application. Please also set 'LINKER' and 'TARGET' parameters if needed.

make app PROJECT=blinky_freertos

The main FreeRTOS configuration is allocated under sw\freertos, in FreeRTOSConfig.h. Please, change this file based on your application requirements. Moreover, FreeRTOS is being fetch from '' by CMake. Specifically, 'V10.5.1' is used. Finally, the fetch repository is located under sw\build\_deps after building.


This project supports simulation with Verilator, Synopsys VCS, Siemens Questasim and Cadence Xcelium. It relies on fusesoc to handle multiple EDA tools and parameters. For example, if you want to set the FPU and COREV_PULP parameters of the cv32e40p CPU, you need to add next to your compilation command FUSESOC_PARAM="--COREV_PULP=1 --FPU=1" Below the different EDA examples commands.

Compiling for Verilator (C++ testbench)

To simulate your application with Verilator, first compile the HDL:

make verilator-sim

then, go to your target system built folder

cd ./build/openhwgroup.org_systems_core-v-mini-mcu_0/sim-verilator

and type to run your compiled software:

./Vtestharness +firmware=../../../sw/build/main.hex

or to execute all these three steps type:

make run-helloworld

Compiling for Verilator (SystemC testbench)

To simulate your application with Verilator using SystemC,

make sure you have SystemC 2.3.3 installed, if not, find it here.

Make sure to have the following env variables set:

export SYSTEMC_INCLUDE=/your_path_to_systemc/systemc/include/
export SYSTEMC_LIBDIR=/your_path_to_systemc/systemc/lib-linux64/

Compile the HDL:

make verilator-sim-sc

then, go to your target system built folder

cd ./build/openhwgroup.org_systems_core-v-mini-mcu_0/sim_sc-verilator

and type to run your compiled software:

./Vtestharness +firmware=../../../sw/build/main.hex

If you want to know what is special about the SystemC testbench, have a look here

Compiling for VCS

To simulate your application with VCS, first compile the HDL:

make vcs-sim

then, go to your target system built folder

cd ./build/openhwgroup.org_systems_core-v-mini-mcu_0/sim-vcs

and type to run your compiled software:

./openhwgroup.org_systems_core-v-mini-mcu_0 +firmware=../../../sw/build/main.hex

Waveforms can be viewed with Verdi. Make sure you have the env variable VERDI_HOME set to your Verdi install folder, then run your compiled software as above, but with the -gui flag:

./openhwgroup.org_systems_core-v-mini-mcu_0 +firmware=../../../sw/build/main.hex -gui

An Analog / Mixed-Signal simulation of X-HEEP, combining both the RTL system verilog files for the digital part and a SPICE file connected through a control.init file for the analog / mixed-signal part, can be ran by typing

make vcs-ams-sim

then going to the target system built folder

cd ./build/openhwgroup.org_systems_core-v-mini-mcu_0/sim-vcs

and running the same executable as for the digital simulation. Note that with Verdi you can view both the digital and the analog waveforms.

Additional instructions on how to run an analog / mixed-signal simulation of X-HEEP can be found here. To try out the simulation, we provide an example SPICE netlist of an simple 1-bit ADC created by us and exported from xschem and which uses the PTM 65nm bulk CMOS model from

Compiling for Questasim

To simulate your application with Questasim, first set the env variable MODEL_TECH to your Questasim bin folder, then compile the HDL:

make questasim-sim

then, go to your target system built folder

cd ./build/openhwgroup.org_systems_core-v-mini-mcu_0/sim-modelsim/

and type to run your compiled software:

make run PLUSARGS="c firmware=../../../sw/build/main.hex"

You can also use vopt for HDL optimized compilation:

make questasim-sim-opt

then go to

cd ./build/openhwgroup.org_systems_core-v-mini-mcu_0/sim_opt-modelsim/


make run RUN_OPT=1 PLUSARGS="c firmware=../../../sw/build/main.hex"

You can also compile with the UPF power domain description as:

make questasim-sim-opt-upf FUSESOC_PARAM="--USE_UPF"

and then execute software as:

make run RUN_OPT=1 RUN_UPF=1 PLUSARGS="c firmware=../../../sw/build/main.hex"

Questasim version must be >= Questasim 2020.4

Compiling for Xcelium

To simulate your application with Xcelium, first compile the HDL:

make xcelium-sim

then, go to your target system built folder

cd ./build/openhwgroup.org_systems_core-v-mini-mcu_0/sim-xcelium/

and type to run your compiled software:

make run PLUSARGS="c firmware=../../../sw/build/main.hex"


To simulate the UART, we use the LowRISC OpenTitan UART DPI. Read how to interact with it in the Section "Running Software on a Verilator Simulation with Bazel" here. The output of the UART DPI module is printed in the uart0.log file in the simulation folder.

For example, to see the "hello world!" output of the Verilator simulation:

cd ./build/openhwgroup.org_systems_core-v-mini-mcu_0/sim-verilator
./Vtestharness +firmware=../../../sw/build/main.hex
cat uart0.log

Automatic testing

X-HEEP includes two tools to perform automatic tests over your modifications.

Github CIs

Upon push, tests are run on Github runners, these include:

  • The generated .sv files pushed are equal to those generated in the runner (the code does not depend on the modification of generated files)
  • Vendor is up to date (the code does not depend on the modification of vendorized files)
  • All applications can be built successfully using both gcc and clang

All test must be successful before PRs can be merged.

Simulation script

Additionally, a script is provided. Apart from compiling all apps with both gcc and clang, it will simulate them and check the result.

The available parameters are:

  • COMPILER: gcc (default) or clang (can provide more than one)
  • SIMULATOR: verilator (default), questasim or disable simulation with nosim (only one, the last provided is used).
  • LINKER: on_chip(default), flash_load or flash_exec (can provide more than one)
  • TIMEOUT: Integer number of seconds (default 120)



You can use two different commands to compile or simulate all the existing APPs:

make app-compile-all
make app-simulate-all

Note that both commands allow the previous parameters to specify compiling or simulation options. E.g.:

make app-simulate-all LINKER=on_chip SIMULATOR=questasim COMPILER=clang TIMEOUT=150

You can also SOURCE the script as

. util/ on_chip questasim clang 150

Pay special attention to the first period in the command! You will be killing simulations that take too long, if you EXECUTE (./ this action kills the script.

For both usages (commands or manual), the order of the arguments is irrelevant.

Note: Be sure to commit all your changes before running the script!

  • Applications that fail being built with gcc will not be simulated (skipped).

  • Some applications are skipped by default for not being suitable for simulation.

  • If a simulation takes too long (>timeout), it is killed.

  • Upon starting, the script will modify the mcu_cfg.hjson file to include all peripherals (so the largest number of apps can be run), re-generates the mcu and re-builds the simulation model for the chosen tool. These changes can be reverted at the end of the execution (default). If changes were not commited, accepting this operation will revert them!

The success of the script is not required for merging of a PR.


Follow the Debug guide to debug core-v-mini-mcu.

Alternatively, in case you are used to developing using Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), please check the IDE readme.

Execute From Flash

Follow the ExecuteFromFlash guide to exxecute code directly from the FLASH with modelsim, FPGA, or ASIC.

Emulation on Xilinx FPGAs

This project offers two different X-HEEP implementetions on Xilinx FPGAs, called Standalone and FEMU.


In this version, the X-HEEP architecture is implemented on the programmable logic (PL) side of the FPGA, and its input/output are connected to the available headers on the FPGA board.

Three FPGA boards are supported: the Xilinx Pynq-z2, Nexys-A7-100t, Zynq Ultrascale+ ZCU104.

Make sure you have the FPGA board files installed in your Vivado.

For example, for the Pynq-Z2 board, use the documentation provided at the following link to download and install them:

To build and program the bitstream for your FPGA with vivado, type:

make vivado-fpga FPGA_BOARD=pynq-z2


make vivado-fpga FPGA_BOARD=nexys-a7-100t


make vivado-fpga FPGA_BOARD=zcu104

or add the flag use_bscane_xilinx to use the native Xilinx scanchain:

make vivado-fpga FPGA_BOARD=pynq-z2 FUSESOC_FLAGS=--flag=use_bscane_xilinx

Only Vivado 2021.2 has been tried.

To program the bitstream, open Vivado,

open --> Hardware Manager --> Open Target --> Autoconnect --> Program Device

and choose the file openhwgroup.org_systems_core-v-mini-mcu_0.bit.

Or simply type:

bash vivado-fpga-pgm FPGA_BOARD=pynq-z2


make vivado-fpga-pgm FPGA_BOARD=nexys-a7-100t

To run SW, follow the Debug guide to load the binaries with the HS2 cable over JTAG, or follow the ExecuteFromFlash guide if you have a FLASH attached to the FPGA.

Do not forget that the pynq-z2 board requires you to have the ethernet cable attached to the board while running.

For example, if you want to run your application using flash_exec, do as follow:

compile your application, e.g. make app PROJECT=example_matfadd TARGET=pynq-z2 ARCH=rv32imfc LINKER=flash_exec

and then follow the ExecuteFromFlash to program the flash and set the boot buttons on the FPGA correctly.

To look at the output of your printf, run in another terminal:

picocom -b 9600 -r -l --imap lfcrlf /dev/ttyUSB2

Please be sure to use the right ttyUSB number (you can discover it with dmesg --time-format iso | grep FTDI for example).

FPGA EMUlation Platform (FEMU)

In this version, the X-HEEP architecture is implemented on the programmable logic (PL) side of the Xilinx Zynq-7020 chip on the Pynq-Z2 board and Linux is run on the ARM-based processing system (PS) side of the same chip.

NOTE: This platform is not part of this repository, but you can access it with the following link: FEMU.

ASIC Implementation

This project can be implemented using standard cells based ASIC flow.

Synthesis with Synopsys Design Compiler

First, you need to provide technology-dependent implementations of some of the cells which require specific instantiation.

Then, please provide a set_libs.tcl and set_constraints.tcl scripts to set link and target libraries, and constraints as the clock.

To generate the analyze script for the synthesis scripts with DC, execute:

make asic

OpenRoad support for SkyWater 130nm

We are working on supporting OpenRoad and SkyWater 130nm PDK, please refer to the Implement on ASIC page. This is not ready yet, it has not been tested.

This relies on a fork of edalize that contains templates for Design Compiler and OpenRoad.


eXtendable Heterogeneous Energy-Efficient Platform based on RISC-V







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  • C 49.7%
  • SystemVerilog 25.5%
  • Smarty 9.4%
  • Python 6.4%
  • C++ 2.1%
  • Tcl 1.6%
  • Other 5.3%