TYPO3 Extension to make use of googles nocaptcha.
Now supports googles invisible reCAPTCHA.
The recommended way to install TYPO3 Console is by using Composer:
composer require evoweb/recaptcha
Download and install the extension with the extension manager module or directly from the TER.
To be able to use the captcha add the static include of this extension to your template.
After that, add in the typoscript of the form.
lib.contactForm = FORM
lib.contactForm {
70 < lib.invisibleRecaptchaIntegration.10
rules {
7 < lib.invisibleRecaptchaIntegration.rules.1
To be able to use the captcha add the static include of this extension to your template.
Afterwards modify your form output by replacing the submit button with something like this:
type="button" name="tx_form_form[tx_form][id-11]"
After that your are ready on the frontend but still need to call the validation in your php code.
$validCaptcha = true;
$status = \Evoweb\Recaptcha\Services\CaptchaService::getInstance()->validateReCaptcha();
if ($status == false || $status['error'] !== '') {
$validCaptcha = false;