Style life helps you to live your life joyfully. You can eat in the best restaurants according to your location. You can relax yourself by going to a spa or a massage center. It helps you to stay healthy as you can book an appointment to any listed doctor. Use Stlye life and make your lifestyle stylish and Awesome!
For Backend we use Nodejs, MongoDb, Mongoose and Express js. With the help of jsonwebtoken and bcrypt we enhance the security of the application.
For Creating the Ui we use Reactjs, Chakra, Redux, Css and uiverse also.
- Krishan managed all the backend
- the Admin section.
Dipratna is responsible for
- Login and Signup
- Payment Page.
Omesh is responsible for
- whole landing page (Footer and Navbar)
- some pages which not includes all products data
Zeeshan is responsible for creating
- All products section
- single page section
- add to cart functionality;
user can signup with unique email that means if a user already exits it throws an error. And Email should be proper ([email protected])
user can login with their email id and password. It automatically detects who is user and who is admin so dont worry about that.
Here user can see all the restaurants, spa or health whichever category he/she clicked on. He can do filtering according to their location. Sorting according to the popularity of the shop (based on rating actaully ) and according to name sorting is also available.
On this page user can see all the deals of that particular restaurant and add the item to his/her cart (one item at a time all data is coming from the backend but cart items will be stored in localstorage. We can use backend here but localstorage practice is necessary :) ).
After adding items to the cart you can pay for your order. Decide from which platform you would like to pay. After payment an iterface shows like this.
Here all the shops(restaurants/ spa or message center and health) will be visible here. Admin can add new shop, update any shop or delete any shop. He/She has the authority my friend. ;)
/restro/filter/ (and pass the city as a query under the city key name)
/spa/filter/ (and pass the city as a query under the city key name)
/health/filter/ (and pass the city as a query under the city key name)
/cart/add (pass userId,restroId and deals id in body)
/cart/dec (pass userId,restroId and deals id in body)
by default you will get 10 result per pages but if you want to increase limit pass limit as query and your desired counts for example if i want 20 result per page i have to pass limit=20 in query. you can go to different pages by passing them in query like if i want to get 2nd page data i will pass page=2 in query.
Note - For filtering and sorting routes add /filter then your rest of the queries like if you want to search based on the cities just do /filter?city=<city_name>
just add /?popular=true in query for sorting the list according to rating.
sorting will apply basis on name (asc or desc) just pass sort=asc for ascending order and sort=desc for descending in query.
- admin/restro
- admin/spa
- admin/health
- admin/user
- admin/restro/add
- admin/spa/add
- admin/health/add
- admin/restro/update/:id
- admin/spa/update/:id
- admin/health/update/:id
- admin/restro/delete/:id
- admin/spa/delete/:id
- admin/health/delete/:id