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v1.0 - ScanCore refactor. Update code structure, improve config.php.
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-Refactoring ScanCore to bring it up to the same level of code quality as the rest of the project.
  -ScanCore to v1.0, Do away with defs versioning.
  -Definitions can be versioned by date.
-Remove false positive for jquery 3.6 minified from defs.
  -Pretty sure this is the 20th anniversary for the original PHP-AV codebase, which there is very litte left.
-Improve config.php by adding more variables to it.
  -MemoryLimit, ChunkSize, Debug, Verbose.
-Make the file headers more consistent.
-Once the quality is up to par we will focus on adding features and capability.
  -Specifically an auto-updater would be nice.
  -Then maybe some automation tools for scraping IOCs and formatting them into the definitions file.
-Recursion is now disabled by default.
  -This affects behaviour of scripts that use ScanCore because now you HAVE to specify if you want recursion or scans will fail.
  • Loading branch information
zelon88 authored Mar 23, 2024
1 parent 214dcfd commit 022cb24
Showing 1 changed file with 282 additions and 32 deletions.
314 changes: 282 additions & 32 deletions scanCore.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,8 +12,7 @@
// /
// / v1.0.
// / This file contains the configuration data for the ScanCore application.
// / Make sure to fill out the information below 100% accurately.
// / This file contains the core logic of the ScanCore application.
// /
// / This application requires at least a Raspberry Pi Model B+ or greater.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,40 +63,291 @@
// / <3 Open-Source
// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// / The following code sets global variables for the session.
function verifySCInstallation() {
// / Set variables.
global $SCVersions, $SCDate, $SCTime, $SCSEP, $SCReportFile, $SCLogfile, $SCConfigFile, $SCRequiredDirs, $SCVersion, $SCVersions, $argv, $SCEOL, $SCMaxLogSize, $SCDebug, $SCVerbose, $DefaultMemoryLimit, $DefaultChunkSize, $DefaultMaxLogSize, $SCReportFileName, $SCConfigVersion, $DefsFile, $DefsFileName, $FileCount;
// / Application related variables.
$SCInstallationVerified = $SCConfigLoaded = $SCReportFile = $SCLogfile = $SCRequiredDirs = FALSE;
$SCRequiredDirs = array();
$SCConfigFile = 'ScanCore_Config.php';
$SCVersion = 'v1.0';
$SCVersions = $SCConfigVersion;
$rp = realpath(dirname(__FILE__));
$FileCount = 0;
// / Time related variables.
$SCDate = date("m_d_y");
$SCTime = date("F j, Y, g:i a");
// / Initialize an empty array if no arguments are set.
if (!isset($argv)) $argv = array();
// / Load the configuration file (ScanCore_Config.php).
if (file_exists($rp.$SCSEP.$SCConfigFile)) $SCConfigLoaded = require_once ($rp.$SCSEP.$SCConfigFile);
// / Check to make sure the configuration file was loaded & the configuration version is compatible with the core.
if (isset($ScanLoc) && isset($DefsFile) && isset($SCConfigVersion) && $SCConfigVersion === $SCVersion && $SCConfigLoaded) {
// / Configuration related variables.
$SCInstallationVerified = TRUE;
$SCReportFile = $ReportDir.$SCSEP.$SCReportFileName;
$SCLogfile = $ReportDir.$SCLogFileName;
$SCRequiredDirs = array($ReportDir);
$SCMaxLogSize = $DefaultMaxLogSize;
$SCDebug = $Debug;
$SCVerbose = $Verbose;
$SCMemoryLimit = $DefaultMemoryLimit;
$SCChunkSize = $DefaultChunkSize; }
// / Manually clean up sensitive memory. Helps to keep track of variable assignments.
$rp = NULL;
return array($SCInstallationVerified, $SCConfigLoaded); }
// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// / A function to create required directories when they do not already exist.
function createDirs($SCRequiredDirs) {
// / Set variables.
global $SCTime;
$SCRequiredDirsExist = TRUE;
foreach ($SCRequiredDirs as $reqdDir) {
if (!file_exists($reqdDir)) mkdir($reqdDir);
if (!file_exists($reqdDir)) $SCRequiredDirsExist = FALSE; }
// / Manually clean up sensitive memory. Helps to keep track of variable assignments.
$reqdDir = NULL;
return array($SCRequiredDirsExist); }
// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// / A function to add an entry to the logs.
function addLogEntry($entry, $error, $errorNumber) {
// / Set variables.
global $SCReportFile, $SCTime, $SCEOL;
if (!is_numeric($errorNumber)) $errorNumber = 0;
if ($error === TRUE) $preText = 'ERROR!!! ScanCore-'.$errorNumber.' on '.$SCTime.', ';
else $preText = $SCTime.', ';
$SCLogCreated = file_put_contents($SCReportFile, $preText.$entry.$SCEOL, FILE_APPEND);
// / Manually clean up sensitive memory. Helps to keep track of variable assignments.
$preText = $error = $entry = $errorNumber = NULL;
unset($preText, $error, $entry, $errorNumber);
return array($SCLogCreated); }
// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// / A function to handle important messages to the console & log file.
function processOutput($txt, $error, $errorNumber, $requiredLog, $requiredConsole, $fatal) {
global $SCEOL, $SCDebug, $SCVerbose;
$OutputProcessed = FALSE;
// / Verify that all inputs are of the correct type.
if (!is_string($txt)) $txt = '';
if (!is_bool($error)) $error = FALSE;
if (!is_int($errorNumber)) $errorNumber = 0;
if (!is_bool($requiredLog)) $requiredLog = FALSE;
if (!is_bool($requiredConsole)) $requiredConsole = FALSE;
// / Log the provided text if $SCDebug variable (-d switch) is set.
if ($SCDebug or $requiredLog) list ($OutputProcessed) = addLogEntry($txt, $error, $errorNumber);
// / Output the summary text to the terminal if the $SCVerbose (-v switch) variable is set.
if ($SCVerbose or $requiredConsole) echo $txt.$SCEOL;
// / Manually clean up sensitive memory. Helps to keep track of variable assignments.
$txt = $error = $errorNumber = $requiredLog = $requiredConsole = NULL;
unset($txt, $error, $errorNumber, $requiredLog, $requiredConsole);
// / Stop execution as needed.
if ($fatal) die();
return array($OutputProcessed); }
// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// / A function to parse supplied command-line arguments.
function parseArgs($argv) {
// / Set variables.
// / Most of these should already be set to the values contained in the configuration file.
global $SCArgsParsed, $SCReportFile, $SCLogfile, $SCMaxLogSize, $SCDebug, $SCVerbose, $SCEOL, $SCChunkSize, $SCMemoryLimit, $DefaultMemoryLimit, $DefaultChunkSize;
$SCRecursion = FALSE;
$SCArgsParsed = $SCPathToScan = FALSE;
foreach ($argv as $key => $arg) {
$arg = htmlentities(str_replace(str_split('~#[](){};:$!#^&%@>*<"\''), '', $arg));
if ($arg == '-memorylimit' or $arg == '-m') $SCMemoryLimit = $argv[$key + 1];
if ($arg == '-chunksize' or $arg == '-c') $SCChunkSize = $argv[$key + 1];
if ($arg == '-debug' or $arg == '-d') $SCDebug = TRUE;
if ($arg == '-verbose' or $arg == '-v') $SCVerbose = TRUE;
if ($arg == '-recursion' or $arg == '-r') $SCRecursion = TRUE;
if ($arg == '-norecursion' or $arg == '-nr') $SCRecursion = FALSE;
if ($arg == '-reportfile' or $arg == '-rf') $SCReportFile = $argv[$key + 1];
if ($arg == '-logfile' or $arg == '-lf') $SCLogfile = $argv[$key + 1];
if ($arg == '-maxlogsize' or $arg == '-ml') $SCMaxLogSize = $argv[$key + 1]; }
// / Detect if a file path to scan was specified.
if (!isset($argv[1])) processOutput('There were no arguments set!', TRUE, 100, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
else $SCPathToScan = $argv[1];
// / Detect if the MemoryLimit and ChunkSize variables are valid.
if (!is_numeric($SCMemoryLimit) or !is_numeric($SCChunkSize)) {
processOutput('Either the chunkSize argument or the memoryLimit argument is invalid. Attempting to use default values.', TRUE, 200, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
$SCMemoryLimit = $DefaultMemoryLimit;
$SCChunkSize = $DefaultChunkSize; }
if (!file_exists($argv[1])) processOutput('The specified file was not found! The first argument must be a valid file or directory path!', TRUE, 300, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
else {
$SCArgsParsed = TRUE;
processOutput('Starting ScanCore!', FALSE, 0, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); }
// / Manually clean up sensitive memory. Helps to keep track of variable assignments.
$key = $arg = NULL;
unset($key, $arg);
return array($SCArgsParsed, $SCPathToScan, $SCMemoryLimit, $SCChunkSize, $SCDebug, $SCVerbose, $SCRecursion, $SCReportFile, $SCLogfile, $SCMaxLogSize); }
// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Hunts files/folders recursively for scannable items.
function file_scan($folder, $Defs, $DefsFile, $DefData, $SCDebug, $SCVerbose, $SCMemoryLimit, $SCChunkSize, $SCRecursion) {
// / Set variables.
global $SCSEP, $SCEOL, $FileCount;
$ScanComplete = FALSE;
$DirCount = 1;
$Infected = 0;
if (is_dir($folder)) {
$files = scandir($folder);
foreach ($files as $file) {
if ($file === '' or $file === '.' or $file === '..') continue;
$entry = str_replace($SCSEP.$SCSEP, $SCSEP, $folder.$SCSEP.$file);
if (!is_dir($entry)) list($checkComplete, $Infected) = virus_check($entry, $Defs, $DefsFile, $DefData, $SCDebug, $SCVerbose, $SCMemoryLimit, $SCChunkSize);
else if (is_dir($entry) && $SCRecursion) {
processOutput('Scanning folder "'.$entry.'" ... ', FALSE, 0, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
list ($scanComplete, $DirCount, $FileCount, $Infected) = file_scan($entry, $Defs, $DefsFile, $DefData, $SCDebug, $SCVerbose, $SCMemoryLimit, $SCChunkSize, $SCRecursion);
$entry = ''; } } }
if (!is_dir($folder) && $folder !== '.' && $folder !== '..') {
list($checkComplete, $Infected) = virus_check($folder, $Defs, $DefsFile, $DefData, $SCDebug, $SCVerbose, $SCMemoryLimit, $SCChunkSize); }
$ScanComplete = TRUE;
// / Manually clean up sensitive memory. Helps to keep track of variable assignments.
$files = $file = $entry = $folder = NULL;
unset($files, $file, $entry, $folder);
return array($ScanComplete, $DirCount, $FileCount, $Infected); }
// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Reads tab-delimited defs file. Also hashes the file to avoid self-detection.
function load_defs($DefsFile) {
// / Set variables.
global $SCEOL, $SCDebug, $SCVerbose;
$SCDefsLoaded = $Defs = $DefData = FALSE;
if (!file_exists($DefsFile)) processOutput('Could not load the virus definition file located at "'.$DefsFile.'"! File either does not exist or cannot be read!', TRUE, 600, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
else {
$Defs = file($DefsFile);
$DefData = hash_file('sha256', $DefsFile);
$counter = 0;
$counttop = sizeof($Defs);
while ($counter < $counttop) {
$Defs[$counter] = explode(' ', $Defs[$counter]);
$counter++; }
processOutput('Loaded '.sizeof($Defs).' virus definitions.', FALSE, 0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
$SCDefsLoaded = TRUE; }
// / Manually clean up sensitive memory. Helps to keep track of variable assignments.
$counter = $counttop = NULL;
unset($counter, $counttop);
return array($SCDefsLoaded, $Defs, $DefData); }
// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// / General Information ...
// / Number of bytes to store in each logfile before splitting to a new one.
$DefaultMaxLogSize = '100000000000000000000';
// / Enable "debug" mode (more logging).
$Debug = FALSE;
// / Enable "verbose" mode (more console).
$Verbose = FALSE;
// / The maximum number of bytes of memory to allocate to file scan operations.
$DefaultMemoryLimit = 4000000;
// / When scanning large files the file will be scanned this many bytes at a time.
$DefaultChunkSize = 1000000;
// / The version of this file, used for internal version integrity checks.
$SCConfigVersion = 'v1.0';
// Hashes and checks files/folders for viruses against static virus defs.
function virus_check($file, $Defs, $DefsFile, $DefData, $SCDebug, $SCVerbose, $SCMemoryLimit, $SCChunkSize) {
// / Set variables.
global $Infected, $DefsFileName, $SCEOL;
$CheckComplete = FALSE;
if ($file !== $DefsFileName) {
if (file_exists($file)) {
processOutput('Scanning file ... ', FALSE, 0, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
$filesize = filesize($file);
$data1 = hash_file('md5', $file);
$data2 = hash_file('sha256', $file);
$data3 = hash_file('sha1', $file);
// / Scan files larger than the memory limit by breaking them into chunks.
if ($filesize >= $SCMemoryLimit && file_exists($file)) {
processOutput('Chunking file ... ', FALSE, 0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
$handle = @fopen($file, "r");
if ($handle) {
while (($buffer = fgets($handle, $SCChunkSize)) !== FALSE) {
$data = $buffer;
processOutput('Scanning chunk ... ', FALSE, 0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
foreach ($Defs as $virus) {
$virus = explode("\t", $virus[0]);
if (isset($virus[1]) && !is_null($virus[1]) && $virus[1] !== '' && $virus[1] !== ' ') {
if (strpos(strtolower($data), strtolower($virus[1])) !== FALSE or strpos(strtolower($file), strtolower($virus[1])) !== FALSE) {
// File matches virus defs.
processOutput('Infected: '.$file.' ('.$virus[0].', Data Match: '.$virus[1].')', FALSE, 0, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
$Infected++; } } } }
if (!feof($handle)) {
processOutput('Unable to open "'.$file.'"!', TRUE, 800, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
fclose($handle); }
if (isset($virus[2]) && !is_null($virus[2]) && $virus[2] !== '' && $virus[2] !== ' ') {
if (strpos(strtolower($data1), strtolower($virus[2])) !== FALSE) {
// File matches virus defs.
processOutput('Infected: '.$file.' ('.$virus[0].', MD5 Hash Match: '.$virus[2].')', FALSE, 0, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
$Infected++; } }
if (isset($virus[3]) && !is_null($virus[3]) && $virus[3] !== '' && $virus[3] !== ' ') {
if (strpos(strtolower($data2), strtolower($virus[3])) !== FALSE) {
// File matches virus defs.
processOutput('Infected: '.$file.' ('.$virus[0].', SHA256 Hash Match: '.$virus[3].')', FALSE, 0, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
$Infected++; } }
if (isset($virus[4]) && !is_null($virus[4]) && $virus[4] !== '' && $virus[4] !== ' ') {
if (strpos(strtolower($data3), strtolower($virus[4])) !== FALSE) {
// File matches virus defs.
processOutput('Infected: '.$file.' ('.$virus[0].', SHA1 Hash Match: '.$virus[4].')', FALSE, 0, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
$Infected++; } } } }
// / Scan files smaller than the memory limit by fitting the entire file into memory.
if ($filesize < $SCMemoryLimit && file_exists($file)) {
$data = file_get_contents($file); }
if ($DefData !== $data2) {
foreach ($Defs as $virus) {
$virus = explode("\t", $virus[0]);
if (isset($virus[1]) && !is_null($virus[1]) && $virus[1] !== '' && $virus[1] !== ' ') {
if (strpos(strtolower($data), strtolower($virus[1])) !== FALSE or strpos(strtolower($file), strtolower($virus[1])) !== FALSE) {
// File matches virus defs.
processOutput('Infected: '.$file.' ('.$virus[0].', Data Match: '.$virus[1].')', FALSE, 0, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
$Infected++; } }
if (isset($virus[2]) && !is_null($virus[2]) && $virus[2] !== '' && $virus[2] !== ' ') {
if (strpos(strtolower($data1), strtolower($virus[2])) !== FALSE) {
// File matches virus defs.
processOutput('Infected: '.$file.' ('.$virus[0].', MD5 Hash Match: '.$virus[2].')', FALSE, 0, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
$Infected++; } }
if (isset($virus[3]) && !is_null($virus[3]) && $virus[3] !== '' && $virus[3] !== ' ') {
if (strpos(strtolower($data2), strtolower($virus[3])) !== FALSE) {
// File matches virus defs.
processOutput('Infected: '.$file.' ('.$virus[0].', SHA256 Hash Match: '.$virus[3].')', FALSE, 0, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
$Infected++; } }
if (isset($virus[4]) && !is_null($virus[4]) && $virus[4] !== '' && $virus[4] !== ' ') {
if (strpos(strtolower($data3), strtolower($virus[4])) !== FALSE) {
// File matches virus defs.
processOutput('Infected: '.$file.' ('.$virus[0].', SHA1 Hash Match: '.$virus[4].')', FALSE, 0, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
$Infected++; } } } } } }
$CheckComplete = TRUE;
// / Manually clean up sensitive memory. Helps to keep track of variable assignments.
$file = $filesize = $data = $buffer = $handle = $virus = $data1 = $data2 = $data3 = NULL;
unset($file, $filesize, $data, $buffer, $handle, $virus, $data1, $data2, $data3);
return array($CheckComplete, $Infected); }
// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// / Directory locations ...
// / The default location to scan if run with no input scan path argument.
$ScanLoc = '';
// / The absolute path where log files are stored.
$LogsDir = 'Logs';
// / The absolute path where report files are stored.
$ReportDir = 'Logs';
// / The filename for the ScanCore report file.
$SCReportFileName = 'ScanCore_Report.txt';
// / The filename for the ScanCore log file.
$SCLogFileName = 'ScanCore_Latest-Log.txt';
// / The filename for the ScanCore virus definition file.
$DefsFileName = 'ScanCore_Virus.def';
// / The filename for the ScanCore virus definition file.
$DefsDir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
// / The absolute path where virus definitions are found.
$DefsFile = $DefsDir.$DefsFileName;
// / The main logic of the program.

// / Verify the installation.
list($SCInstallationVerified, $SCConfigLoaded) = verifySCInstallation();
if (!$SCInstallationVerified or !$SCConfigLoaded) die('ERROR!!! ScanCore-003, Cannot verify the ScanCore installation!'.PHP_EOL);

// / Create required directories if they don't already exist.
list($SCRequiredDirsExist) = createDirs($SCRequiredDirs);
if (!$SCInstallationVerified or !$SCConfigLoaded) die('ERROR!!! ScanCore-004, Cannot create required directories!'.PHP_EOL);

// / Process supplied command-line arguments.
// / Example: C:\Path-To-PHP-Binary.exe C:\Path-To-ScanCore.php C:\Path-To-Scan\ -m [integer] -c [integer] -v -d
list($SCArgsParsed, $SCPathToScan, $SCMemoryLimit, $SCChunkSize, $SCDebug, $SCVerbose, $SCRecursion, $SCReportFile, $SCLogfile, $SCMaxLogSize) = parseArgs($argv);
if (!$SCArgsParsed) processOutput('Cannot verify supplied arguments!', TRUE, 005, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
else processOutput('Verified supplied arguments.', FALSE, 0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);

// / Load the virus definitions into memory and calculate it's hash (to avoid detecting our own definitions as an infection).
list($SCDefsLoaded, $Defs, $DefData) = load_defs($DefsFile);
if (!$SCDefsLoaded) processOutput('Cannot load virus definitions!', TRUE, 006, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
else processOutput('Loaded virus definitions.', FALSE, 0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);

// / Start the scanner!
list($ScanComplete, $DirCount, $FileCount, $Infected) = file_scan($SCPathToScan, $Defs, $DefsFile, $DefData, $SCDebug, $SCVerbose, $SCMemoryLimit, $SCChunkSize, $SCRecursion);
if (!$ScanComplete) processOutput('Could not complete requested scan!', TRUE, 007, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
else processOutput('Scanned '.$FileCount.' files in '.$DirCount.' folders and found '.$Infected.' potentially infected items.', FALSE, 0, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE);
// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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