This is a small neovim plugin that prints random phrases at the start of the program. You can use it for:
- Motivational quotes 😇;
- Vim motions hard to remember 🤔;
- Reminders 📅;
- Whatever you want. Be original 🙃
This section describes how how can setup this plugin.
Using vim-plug:
Plug "zemafaz/motivation.nvim"
Using dein:
call dein#add("zemafaz/motivation.nvim")
Using packer.nvim:
use {
Using lazy.nvim:
-- inside lazy's setup plugins table
To use the application, add the following to your configuration:
lines = {
"Neovim is awesome",
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world. -Mahatma Gandhi",
-- or
file = "~/quotes.txt",
lines = {}, -- Lines that you wish to be randomized
file = nil, -- File with lines you wish to be randomized
-- Both "lines" and "file" are imported.
oneline = true, -- Show quote as prompt (need to type something to unfocus)
-- or a oneliner at the bottom
execute_on_startup = true -- Execute on startup ("VimEnter")
:InspireMe # Show random quote
Function | Description | Example |
inspire_me() |
Shows random quote | require("motivation").inspire_me() |