NAME zemd - Dmytro Zelenetskyi SYNOPSIS zemd [OPTIONS] DESCRIPTION A father, husband, software expert and technology enthusiast with a project history of over ten years and seasoned in various technologies. I am eager to learn new things and take on new challenges. OPTIONS --hey,--hej Open the chat with the the sender using the send_message() system call. Send and receive data. There are a number of ways to do this, but the simplest is to use the linkedin() and email() system calls. --essential Display the list of essential projects. @zemd/tsconfig - default tsconfig files @zemd/eslint-flat-config - ESLint Configs for Modern JavaScript Projects in 2025 .dotfiles - my dotfiles vscode dark theme - VS Code dark theme --css Display packages and projects related to CSS. @zemd/css-reset - simple and minimal CSS reset for modern web development. @zemd/open-props - supercharged CSS variables for modern web @zemd/tailwind-with-props - a Tailwind preset that maps theme config options to CSS custom properties typeface-cisco-sans-tt - self-host the Cisco Sans TT fonts in a neatly bundled NPM package typeface-open-sauce-fonts - self-host the Open Sauce fonts in a neatly bundled NPM package. --react Display the list of react projects. @zemd/react-slottable - slot foundation for your react components --javascript Display javascript or/and typescript projects logtown - minimalistic logging facade @zemd/http-client - lightweight and functional http client builder @zemd/figma-rest-api - a rest api client for Figma @zemd/flickr-rest-api - a rest api client for Flickr webdav-watch - a simple cli tool for synchronizing folder with remote webdav server --frontend Display various javascript or/and typescript libraries aimed specifically to frontend @zemd/drag-and-drop - simple drag and drop framework --backend Display projects aimed to work on backend @zemd/nestjs-pino-logger - a pino logger integration with nestjs framework @logtown/hono - Hono middleware for logging using logtown --yarn Display the list of yarn2 plugins and yarn2 related tools. yarn-plugin-wait - plugin that can wait yarn-plugin-script-tools - replacing npm scripts with yml instruction file yarn-plugin-check - plugin that can check(port or exit status of the custom command) yarn-plugin-banner-tools - plugin that displays ascii banner --contributions Display the list of open source projects that I participated in. hazelcast-client (2017)- implemented `ReplicatedMap` and `Semaphore` data structures SUPPORTED EXTENSIONS *.sh, *.js, *.ts, *.tsx, *.mjs, *.cjs, *.go, *.rs DEPRECATED EXTENSIONS *.java, *.php, *.rb COMPANY Ikea IT AB PREVIOUS COMPANIES Gopuff, Edgio, Waverley Software, Cprime, DataArt ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES LANG en_US.utf-8 uk_UA.utf-8 HOST Malmö, Sweden KNOWN BUGS Requires to use Linkedin messages before establishing communication via email. SEE ALSO blog(4), linkedin(4), onlyfans(6), codewars(4)
Ikea IT AB
- Malmö, Sweden
- [object Object]
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hazelcast/hazelcast-nodejs-client PublicHazelcast Node.js Client
eslint-flat-config Public🐩 ESLint Configs for Modern JavaScript Projects in 2025
TypeScript 5
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