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Storing templates in the database

Bryce Thornton edited this page Jul 22, 2013 · 3 revisions

Say you allow your users to have a custom template for posts/show. Prepend a template resolver to your view path using prepend_view_path:

# app/controllers/posts_controller.rb
class PostsController < ApplicationController

  def show
    # It's probably a good idea to have a default template at
    # `app/views/posts/show.html.curly`.
    @post = Post.find(params[:id])


  # This is the tricky part - in order to get data into your
  # template resolver, you need to register a template detail.
  # This needs to be an array. The block returns a default value.
  ActionView::LookupContext.register_detail(:accounts) { [] }

  # This is called by Rails to get the actual details:
  def details_for_lookup
    # You could also use e.g. `themes`.
    { accounts: [current_account] }

Make sure there's a presenter with a matching name:

# app/presenters/posts/show_presenter.rb
class Posts::ShowPresenter < Curly::Presenter
  presents :post

  def title

The resolver is the final part, and can be a bit tricky:

# app/models/custom_template_resolver.rb
class CustomTemplateResolver < ActionView::Resolver
  def find_templates(name, prefix, partial, details)
    account = details.fetch(:accounts).first

    source = account.template

    name = "_#{name}" if partial
    path = [prefix, name].compact.join("/")

    # This needs to be different for each template. Perhaps
    # use a digest of the template source.
    identifier = ["template",].join("-")

    # Get the Curly handler
    handler = ActionView::Template.handler_for_extension(:curly)

    details = {
      format: :html,
      updated_at: account.updated_at, # important if you want to
                                      # cache the compiled templates.
      virtual_path: path

    # Return a new template object wrapped in an array
    [, identifier, handler, details)]

We found this to be a much better fit than using the Liquid style rendering. Since we're using Rails' own template resolution system, we can render partials inside the presenters, and caching just works.

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