Develop a web application where teams can manage tasks collaboratively in real-time. Users can create projects, assign tasks, comment on tasks, and see updates instantly. The application will include:
- User Authentication and Authorization
- Real-time Features
- Background Jobs
- Data Encryption and Key Rotation
- Audit Logging
- Testing and Deployment
- User Registration and Login:
- Implement using
mix phx.gen.auth
. - Secure password storage and authentication flow.
- Implement using
- Email Verification:
- Send verification emails asynchronously using background jobs.
- Password Reset Functionality:
- Allow users to reset passwords securely.
- Role-Based Access Control:
- Define roles (Admin, Manager, User).
- Restrict access to certain features based on roles.
- Task Creation and Assignment:
- Users can create tasks with details like title, description, due date.
- Assign tasks to team members.
- Real-time Updates:
- Use Phoenix LiveView or Phoenix Channels to broadcast updates.
- Instantly reflect changes across all connected clients.
- Comments and Collaboration:
- Allow users to comment on tasks.
- Real-time comment updates.
- Presence Tracking:
- Show online/offline status of users.
- Display who is currently viewing or editing a task.
- Email Notifications:
- Use Oban to send emails when tasks are assigned or updated.
- Handle email verifications and password resets asynchronously.
- Reminders and Alerts:
- Schedule reminders for upcoming task deadlines.
- Send daily or weekly summaries.
- Data Processing:
- Offload heavy computations or data exports to background jobs.
- Sensitive Data Encryption:
- Use the Cloak library to encrypt sensitive fields like personal information.
- Key Rotation:
- Implement key rotation strategies to update encryption keys periodically.
- Handle decryption of data encrypted with old keys using tagged ciphertext.
- Secure Key Management:
- Store keys securely using environment variables or a secrets manager.
- Implement versioning for keys.
- Track User Actions:
- Log actions like task creation, updates, deletions, and assignments.
- Immutable Logs:
- Ensure audit logs are tamper-proof and immutable.
- Timestamp and User Identification:
- Record when an action occurred and who performed it.
- Efficient Querying:
- Design the database schema to allow efficient retrieval and analysis of logs.
- Unit and Integration Tests:
- Write tests for all critical components.
- Testing Background Jobs:
- Ensure jobs are enqueued and executed as expected.
- Encryption Tests:
- Test encryption and decryption processes, including key rotation.
- Real-time Features Testing:
- Simulate multiple users to test real-time updates and presence.
To start your Phoenix server:
- Run
mix setup
to install and setup dependencies - Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
or inside IEx withiex -S mix phx.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
Ready to run in production? Please check our deployment guides.
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