collection of tooling for working with the ZTF alert stream
- We define a
as an astrophysical object with:- an associated light curve
- attributes of the light curve summarized in the following summary table
are metrics that describe the characteristic and context of a source.- Many features are needed per source to discern which of many science classes, the source belongs to.
- Create features
- update the schema to version 3.0
- Optimize the code
- Add all Richards attributes
Field | Type | Contents |
objectId |
long | unique identifier for the object |
meanRA |
double | mean of the RA values for all the g, r, and i-band; J2000 [deg] |
meanDec |
double | mean of the Dec values for all the g, r, and i-band; J2000 [deg] |
nobs |
int | number of total observations |
gNobs |
int | number of observations for the g-band data |
rNobs |
int | number of observations for the r-band data |
iNobs |
int | number of observations for the i-band data |
gMeanAB |
float | weighted mean value of the g-band magnitudes; AB [mag] |
rMeanAB |
float | weighted mean value of the r-band magnitudes; AB [mag] |
iMeanAB |
float | weighted mean value of the i-band magnitudes; AB [mag] |
gStdAB |
float | sample standard-deviation of the g-band magnitudes |
rStdAB |
float | sample standard-deviation of the r-band magnitudes |
iStdAB |
float | sample standard-deviation of the i-band magnitudes |
gMeanJy |
double | weighted mean value of the g-band fluxes [Jy] |
rMeanJy |
double | weighted mean value of the r-band fluxes [Jy] |
iMeanJy |
double | weighted mean value of the i-band fluxes [Jy] |
gStdJy |
double | sample standard-deviation of the g-band fluxes |
rStdJy |
double | sample standard-deviation of the r-band fluxes |
iStdJy |
double | sample standard-deviation of the i-band fluxes |
gRB |
float | mean value of the g-band real-bogus data |
rRB |
float | mean value of the r-band real-bogus data |
iRB |
float | mean value of the i-band real-bogus data |
gClasstar |
float | mean value of the g-band Classtar data [(Galaxy) <-- 0 < Classtar score < 1 --> (Star)] |
rClasstar |
float | mean value of the r-band Classtar data [(Galaxy) <-- 0 < Classtar score < 1 --> (Star)] |
iClasstar |
float | mean value of the i-band Classtar data [(Galaxy) <-- 0 < Classtar score < 1 --> (Star)] |
Distnr |
float | distance to nearest source in reference image PSF-catalog within 30 arcsec [pixels] |
gMagnr |
float | g-band magnitude of nearest source in reference image PSF-catalog within 30 arcsec [mag] |
gDmagnr |
float | 1-sigma uncertainty in gMagnr within 30 arcsec [mag] |
rMagnr |
float | r-band magnitude of nearest source in reference image PSF-catalog within 30 arcsec [mag] |
rDmagnr |
float | 1-sigma uncertainty in rMagnr within 30 arcsec [mag] |
iMagnr |
float | i-band magnitude of nearest source in reference image PSF-catalog within 30 arcsec [mag] |
iDmagnr |
float | 1-sigma uncertainty in iMagnr within 30 arcsec [mag] |
gChinr |
float | DAOPhot chi parameter of nearest source in the g-band reference image PSF-catalog within 30 arcsec |
rChinr |
float | DAOPhot chi parameter of nearest source in the r-band reference image PSF-catalog within 30 arcsec |
iChinr |
float | DAOPhot chi parameter of nearest source in the i-band reference image PSF-catalog within 30 arcsec |
gSharpnr |
float | DAOPhot sharp parameter of nearest source in the g-band reference image PSF-catalog within 30 arcsec |
rSharpnr |
float | DAOPhot sharp parameter of nearest source in the r-band reference image PSF-catalog within 30 arcsec |
iSharpnr |
float | DAOPhot sharp parameter of nearest source in the i-band reference image PSF-catalog within 30 arcsec |
Distnrps1 |
float | Distance of closest source from PS1 catalog; if exists within 30 arcsec [arcsec] |
gMagps1 |
float | g-band PSF magnitude of closest source from PS1 catalog; if exists within 30 arcsec [mag] |
rMagps1 |
float | r-band PSF magnitude of closest source from PS1 catalog; if exists within 30 arcsec [mag] |
iMagps1 |
float | i-band PSF magnitude of closest source from PS1 catalog; if exists within 30 arcsec [mag] |
Sgscoreps1 |
float | Star/Galaxy score of closest source from PS1 catalog [(Galaxy) <-- 0 < Sgscore < 1 --> (Star)] |