CapitalOne Hackathon For Charity - banner service
you have to also clone the repo for the profile page,, you shoud bring up service in this repo first, then bring up front-end page in that repo.
cd banner-service
bring up banner service container and redis container banner service listens on 4000 and redis container listens on 6379
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
- go to admin page to insert banner, in browser, type
follow the UI page to add banners
api to fetch those banner for each category
GET http://localhost:4000/banners?category=prostate_cancer
GET http://localhost:4000/banners?category=testicular_cancer
GET http://localhost:4000/banners?category=mental_health
- api to fetch any category
GET http://localhost:4000/banners?category=<category_a>,<catefory_b>