ROS package for implementing the grasping algorithms GPD (Grasp Pose Detection) on Kinova Gen3 7DOF.
All works were done on Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS Noetic.
- ros_kortex: any
- ros_kortex_vision: any
- gpd_ros: 2.0.0
- opencv: 4.2.0
- PCL: 1.10
- motionPlanning
- getCurrentState
- moveToJointConfig
- rotateSingleJoint
- moveToInitial
- moveToCartesianPose
- moveToPreGraspPose
- moveToGraspPose
- moveToPostGraspPose
- gripperCommand
- openGripper
- closeGripper
- openToGripperPosition
- perception
- camera
- takeSnapshot
- pcl
- passThroughFilter
- planarSegmentation
- voxelGrid
- concatenatePointCloud
- camera
- GraspPose
- generateGraspPose
- When ticking
, both actions callbackgetCurrentState
to obtain current joint configuration (joint angles for each joint, i.e.,$q_1$ ,...,$q_7$) and current Cartesian pose (position and orientation, i.e., x, y, z,$\theta_x$ ,$\theta_y$ ,$\theta_z$ , of the end-effector).
- determine parameters ports, both in and out, for each action.
- openGripper
- moveToInitial
- takeSnapShot
- passThroughFilter
- planarSegmentation
- voxelGrid
- generateGraspPose
- moveToPreGraspPose
- moveToGraspPose
- closeGripper
- moveToPreGraspPose
- moveToPostGraspPose