Zixiao (Shawn) Shi
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
This class introduces fundamental topics on analyzing building energy data. It focuses on building energy data but the course contents are generalizable to other data analytic topics. This class has been taught as ENVE5701/CIVE5704 at the Carleton University, Ottawa Canada. It covers topics such as descriptive statistics, visualization, hypothesis testing, clustering, regression, forecasting, classification and causal inference. Students are expected to have a basic understanding of statistics, building science and computer programming (preferrably Python).
Links to Lecture notes and Jupyter Notebooks are hosted below.
Note class material may be updated intermittently. Any feedback welcomed!
- Slides: Introduction
- Slides: Descriptive Statistics Slides
- Slides: Probability Basics
- Slides: Data Visualization
- Slides: Hypothesis Testing
- Slides: Timeseries Characteristics
- Slides: Intro to Machine Learning, Clustering
- Slides: Regression, part 1
- Slides: Regression, part 2
- Slides: Forecasting
- Slides: Classification
- Slides: Outlier Analysis
- Slides: Causal Inference
- Slides: Review