This is an open-source bounty request for members of the solana community to contribute to the 888 Anon Club. We are putting out a bounty for junior-intermediate devs to develop a clean UI which allows users to check their 888AC NFT in their wallet is legit. This will become a part of the 888AC website/clubhouse and thus should be a great rendition of these simple verify tools. Below you will find a list of requirements.
Login with Phantom / Sollet etc using solana/wallet-adapter you should be able to integrate many / all wallets neccessary. Automatically detect if the user has an 888AC NFT and verify it - if there are multiple then show all that are verified. A 'Manual' tab which allows you to check if the token address you have is within the official hash list.
- User makes their way to
- They are prompted to login to their wallet
- The verification check is run to automatically check the 888AC NFT's in their wallet
- If 888AC NFT's are found show them with verify checkmark.
- if 888AC NFT's are not found prompt user with error - ask them if they'd like to manually check a token addr.
Create a fork of the project which right now should be an empty git with only this readme. As you work through the project keep me informed on discord and i will discuss with you as you build. You should be familiar with pull requests to repositories you have forked. Bounty payment will depend on your total contribution %
10 $SOL Bounty - Around $1007 dollars at time of writing.