A service that monitors ZKSync and Ethereum networks for governance events and generates RSS feeds.
- Monitors both ZKSync and Ethereum networks for governance events
- Generates RSS feeds from blockchain events
- Stores state and RSS feeds in Google Cloud Storage
- Supports both real-time monitoring and historical block processing
- Automatic RSS feed updates when new events are found
- Error tracking and recovery through processing history
- Specific block processing for targeted event recovery
- Clone the repository
- Install dependencies
- Create
file inpackages/backend
with required environment variables:
- Create a GCP storage bucket with the following folder: zksync-rss
- Configure your GKE workload identity on your cluster
- Clear existing GCP data:
gsutil -m rm -r gs://your-bucket-name/**
- Initialize with historical data:
npm run process-historic-blocks
- Set up crontab for regular processing:
crontab -e
# Add line:
*/10 * * * * cd /path/to/project/packages/backend && npm run process-blocks
- Configure GCS cache settings:
gsutil setmeta -h "Cache-Control:no-cache,max-age=0" \
gs://your-bucket-name/rss/feed.xml \
gs://your-bucket-name/state/processing-state.json \
The system maintains a processing history in GCS (processing-history.json
"records": [
"network": "ZKSync",
"startBlock": 54549000,
"endBlock": 54549100,
"timestamp": "2024-03-20T12:00:00Z",
"errors": [
"block": 54549081,
"timestamp": "2024-03-20T12:00:01Z",
"error": "Failed to decode event..."
"eventsFound": 5
"archivedRecords": [
"path": "state/archive/processing-history-1710936000000.json",
"count": 900
To recover from errors:
- Check processing history:
gsutil cat gs://your-bucket-name/state/processing-history.json
- Reprocess specific blocks:
npm run process-specific-blocks <network> <block1> <block2> ...
# Example:
npm run process-specific-blocks zksync 54549081 54549082
- Build and run the initial setup:
docker build -t zksync-rss-backend-init -f Dockerfile.init .
docker run zksync-rss-backend-init
- Build and run the recurring process:
docker build -t zksync-rss-backend .
docker run zksync-rss-backend
- Setup a scheduler to run the Docker container every x minutes
npm run process-blocks
- Process latest blocksnpm run process-historic-blocks
- Process predefined historical blocksnpm run process-specific-blocks
- Process specific blocks for error recoverynpm run frontend
- Start frontend development servernpm run lint
- Run linter checknpm run type-check
- Run TypeScript type checkingnpm run build
- Build both frontend and backendnpm run clean
- Clean all dependencies and build artifacts
docker build -t zksync-rss-backend-init -f Dockerfile.init .
- Build initial setup imagedocker run zksync-rss-backend-init
- Run initial setupdocker build -t zksync-rss-backend .
- Build main service imagedocker run zksync-rss-backend
- Run the block processing service
├── packages/
│ ├── backend/ # Backend service
│ │ ├── entry/
│ │ │ ├── processBlockRange.ts # Regular processing
│ │ │ ├── processHistoricBlocks.ts # Historical processing
│ │ │ └── processSpecificBlocks.ts # Recovery processing
│ │ ├── rss/ # RSS generation
│ │ └── shared/ # Shared utilities
│ └── frontend/ # Frontend application
├── Dockerfile # Docker configuration for recurring process
├── Dockerfile.init # Docker configuration for initial setup
├── package.json
└── README.md
┌─────────────────┐ ┌─────────────────┐ ┌─────────────────┐
│ Entry Points │ │ Core Services │ │ Storage │
├─────────────────┤ ├─────────────────┤ ├─────────────────┤
│ processBlocks │────>│ Event Monitor │────>│ RSS Feed │
│ processHistoric │ │ RSS Generator │ │ State File │
│ processSpecific │ │ Error Tracker │ │ Process History │
└─────────────────┘ └─────────────────┘ └─────────────────┘
│ │ │
Error Recovery
│ Recovery Flow │
│Check History │
│Process Blocks │
│Update RSS │
- ./packages/frontend/.env Place your gcp rss file link here ex: https://storage.googleapis.com/zksync-rss/rss/feed.xml
- ./packages/backend/.env refer to the sample
- The initial setup (
) should be run only once when setting up the service - New blocks/events can be added to ./packages/backend/entry/processHistoricBlocks in the respective address/chain
- The recurring process (
) should be scheduled to run at regular intervals - Both Docker configurations are available for containerized deployment
- Ensure proper configuration of GCP credentials and environment variables before running the containers
- Changes in behaviour could be made in packages/backend/shared/constants.ts
- Processing history is maintained for error tracking and recovery
- GCS files are configured with no-cache to ensure latest data
- Regular processing runs every 10 minutes via cron
- Error recovery can be performed without resetting the entire system
- Minimum: 2 CPU cores
- Recommended: 4 CPU cores
- Reason:
- Parallel processing of two networks
- Event parsing and RSS generation
- No heavy computation required
- Minimum: 2GB RAM
- Recommended: 4GB RAM
- Reason:
- RSS feed processing (~50MB)
- State file management (~10MB)
- Processing history (~100MB)
- Node.js runtime (~500MB)
- Buffer for concurrent operations
- Minimum: 1GB
- Recommended: 5GB
- Reason:
- RSS feed archives
- Processing history archives
- Temporary files
- Node modules
- Minimum: 10 Mbps
- Recommended: 25 Mbps
- Reason:
- RPC calls to Ethereum/ZKSync nodes
- GCS file uploads/downloads
- ~100 blocks processed every 10 minutes
- Average RPC payload size ~2KB per block
- Not required
- All operations are CPU/IO bound
- No special hardware required
- Main bottleneck is network I/O for RPC calls
- Can run on basic cloud instances (e.g., e2-medium on GCP)
- Docker container typically uses ~500MB-1GB memory