lomox is a desktop web ui framework www.lomox.org
The new version 20140427
Download the new version:
http://yunpan.cn/QNXJ3SrvtHKqf access password 7c0d
official: www.lomox.org
Modify points:
[cfg] url = http://www.baidu.com / / If you specify the url from the url started, if not start the default directory to find their own resources or resources main.lx packaged index.html or main.html
title = https://github.com/caidongyun/lomox|config.ini / /
mainframe = 1 main window if you want to bring a non-client area of a window frame system, one does not need to need 0, 0 is for the use of profiled window
maintop = 1 if the main window Top
childframe = 1 child window if you want to bring a non-client area of a window frame system, one does not need to need 0, 0 is for the use of profiled window
[maindialog] hrefincurrent = 0 / / main form href link is not currently open to 0, 1 href open in a new child window
[childdialog] hrefincurrent = 1 / / child window href link is not currently open to 0, 1 href open in a new child window
配置: lomox / Release / config.ini \r\n
[cfg] url=http://www.baidu.com //如果指定url则从url启动,如果没有启动则默认在自己resources 目录下面找 main.lx打包资源 或index.html 或者 main.html
title=https://github.com/caidongyun/lomox|config.ini \r\n
mainframe=1 //主窗口是否要带非客户区系统窗口边框,1为需要 0 为不需要,0是给异形窗口使用
maintop=1 //主窗口是否置顶
childframe=1 //子窗口是否要带非客户区系统窗口边框,1为需要 0 为不需要,0是给异形窗口使用
[maindialog] hrefincurrent=0 //主窗体 href链接是否在当前打开 0为否,href在新子窗口打开
[childdialog] hrefincurrent=1 //子窗口 href链接是否在当前打开 0为否,href在新子窗口打开