pod 'ObjectMapperCacheManager'
When store something to a device, "key" is the only identifier, just like UserDefaults
in Foundation
UserDefaults.standard.setValue(["name": "James", "age": 16], forKey: "User")
But, the difference between UserDefaults
and CacheManager
is the directory in sandbox:
: Home/Library/Preference/ -
: Home/Library/Caches
The data could be a dict or an array
let dict: [String: Any] = ["name": "James", "age": 16]
CacheManager.setCache(json: dict, for: "Json")
let dictArray = [[String: Any]] = [dict]
CacheManager.setCache(json: dictArray, for: "JsonArray")
// must declare the type
if let dict: [String: Any] = CacheManager.cacheJson(for: "Json") as? [String: Any]{
if let array: [[String: Any]] = CacheManager.cacheJson(for: "JsonArray") as? [String: Any]{
The only requirement is that the object must conform to ObjectMapper's Mappable
let user: User = User()
CacheManager.setCache(object: user, for: "Object")
let userList = [user]
CacheManager.setCache(array: userList, for: "ObjectArray")
if let user: User = CacheManager.cache(for: "Object") {
//use data
if let array: [User] = CacheManager.cacheArray(for: "ObjectArray") {
//use data
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